Educating society – what’s in it for me?
We often ask “What’s in it for me?” but really if we want to change the way society thinks about us maybe we should ask “what’s in it for them?”
Is it realistic to expect society to accept us without discrimination just because we think they should? or should we not be doing more to educate them about what we know about gender & gender diversity. After all, the average member of society has probably never really needed to think about gender.
I think a twofold approach to this is required.
On the one hand ‘we’ need to explain how we understand gender differently to ‘them’ & additionally we need to appeal to their ‘sense of fairness’…Why should we be discriminated against simply because our gender identity doesn’t match their preconceived ideas.In another thread on this forum, Liz asked; “How many times have we asked the question, just what are we?”
Further to this question;
The TgR survey results showed that only 21% of respondents identified as the equivalent of either binary female (FFFF) or binary male (MMMM).
That statistic leaves 79% of respondents identifying as something other than what most of society understands about gender & therefore probably what most of us (at least initially) understood.
Being confused about gender & in particular transgender is an obvious consequence – for everybody.Quite aside from all the other ‘our message’ type subjects currently being discussed, this one seems to be at the core of what our actual problem is in regard to communicating about who we are. If we do not clearly communicate to society what our gender understanding is then we are likely to gain little traction in improving societies acceptance of us.
We come to learn about our gender identification through necessity, by for example, the use of TgR. We learn because we seek the information but the average member of society is not seeking this information. It’s up to us to present it to them.
There will always be something in it for us if we work toward better educating society about transgender/gender diversity but what’s in it for society, why should they bother about us?
The very vast majority of people grow up thinking that gender offers only two options, we know & the survey results clearly show that not everybody has that experience though. It would be fair to assume (& my anecdotal experience backs this up), that there are many people in society who although they do not identify as Tg, at the same time understand the idea of a greater scope in gender understanding… we don’t need to reeducate everybody.The ignorance of the rest can be changed by education.
How shall we educate society about gender diversity?
If we use the TgR results to indicate this diversity, how do we deliver this education & to who?
The thoughts of the Tg community are essential. You don’t need to be a messenger but your thoughts on these subjects are important if a messenger is to pass on the message.