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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Hair & Wigs Epilation – experience using SILK-EPIL/Braun etc

  • Anonymous

    14/11/2009 at 5:20 am

    Hi Penny

    Yes I had the same prob … but found a product that you apply before and after and it stopped it. It also help clear up the ones I already had.

    Its not cheap but really worth it.


    Kelly Jones

  • Anonymous

    14/01/2010 at 6:42 am

    Im a full time epilator now, except for a certain part of me that contains two things I could probably live without, which I shave. What intrigues me is the difference in regrowth of different hair. My armpits stay soft and hardly grow back at all, my pubic hair is similarly slow to return. My arms, which were really hairy for a blonde, come back at a speed I can live with and my legs are getting slower. I think the epilator is making it harder for regrowth as time goes by. I’m hoping that the regrowth on my chest and stomach will eventually slow as much as my arms, or better still, my armpits.

  • Anonymous

    16/01/2010 at 2:44 am

    Hi girls, a bit of an interesting read here as I have one of these items so I’d like to add some thoughts. The thing that I noticed and got told to do as well by the girls in the beauty shop that I go to was to exfoliate every two to three days. For me, I found it better to use a pair of exfoliation gloves rather than a loofa. This was especially the case before HRT kicked in when my skin was a lot tougher [and hairs too]. The thing to remember is to get rid of the dead skin cells, that’s what exfoliating does as I think you all know. They also said not to use them on my face though, rather a facial scrub/wash instead as the gloves are too savage.

    I’ve now used my epilator twice [in recent weeks] on my chest and found it to be a benefit as the regrowth did slow up noticeably. This of course is helped by the HRT but epilation/waxing etc. will slowly reduce your hair level over time also.

    Don’t forget, everybody is different and what works for some may not work with others, that goes for “ggs” as well as us.

    Peta A.

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2010 at 8:02 am

    I’ll put 2 cents in here, because I have been using this epilator for about 8 years now, and they work well as long as you keep up with using it regularly. In the beginning they can be very ‘ouchy’ for some, but this fades over time because the amount of hairs you’re pulling out at any given session declines over time. The hairs do get thinner, and the regrowth rate slows down as well.

    And I am saying this based on my experience without using hormones or any other medications of that nature. As Peta said, everybody is different, but after all this time I usually only have to epilate about once a week, and hairs that do grow back are very fine, and often difficult to see unless you look closely.

  • Anonymous

    20/04/2010 at 2:01 am

    Just a bit of an update from me. I’m off to buy a new epilator at lunch-time today. I think I’ve managed to wear my old one out! I noticed that regrowth was starting to match that after shaving and I have certianly noticed that I don’t get that spotty look you get after a good epilation or waxing. The spots indicate that the hair has been pulled out by the roots rather than snapped off at the surface; i.e. effectively shaving them off.

    I’d also underline the point that it’s likely to be different for each of us; one girl at my beauty salon advised against using an exfoliating mitt as she said it gives the regrowth a coarse feel.

    So many challenges-so little time- so much fun!

  • Anonymous

    20/04/2010 at 9:10 am

    Here’s a tip from my wife (who got it from a friend).

    When you epilate a section (say left leg below the knee) rub lemon juice over. Repeat as you do each section, dont wait too long.

    Yes it stings, but you don’t get that rash that can last for hours (even days). Or even (as in my case) pain for some hours.

    I noticed the difference dramatically when I missed a section with the juice under my arms one time … ouch, ouch, while the rest was fine.

  • Anonymous

    22/04/2010 at 1:19 pm

    I am thinking of replacing my epilator and was hoping for some advice, What is the most eficent epilator to buy?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    29/03/2012 at 7:30 am

    I would consider an epilator. I here good and bad things about them.
    I have virtually no budget so probably cannot afford a good one.

    May I ask what brand and model epilator you use and how much it cost you?

  • Anonymous

    29/03/2012 at 11:04 am

    I have a Braun “silk-epil”. $65 on special at a department store two and a bit years ago. Technique is important, a couple of millimetres is long enough to work on, and you should try and keep the skin taut. There is one sack like part of my body that I always shave though…

  • JeniSkunk

    29/03/2012 at 1:28 pm
    I have a Braun “silk-epil”. $65 on special at a department store two and a bit years ago. Technique is important, a couple of millimetres is long enough to work on, and you should try and keep the skin taut. There is one sack like part of my body that I always shave though…

    The price of the base model hasn’t changed any in the past 2 years, Felicity.
    I first saw them on shelf in the shaving goods area of my local Coles Supermarket, about 2 yerars ago, for $69.
    They are still on shelf, in the same area, at Coles for $69.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Anonymous

    30/03/2012 at 7:06 am

    I have an Emjoi Body Bare Trio which I bought about 18 months ago and love it. I was given another type as a gift recently, but it like most of them will only work on hair about 2mm long whereas the Emjoi I have does a great job on hair as short as 0.5mm and as I need to be hair free every day it is a great alternative until I can afford electrolysis. I don’t recall it being too expensive as I was unemployed at the time with very little funds.

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