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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat Fun Stuff “Falling off your heels”

  • Anonymous

    23/01/2014 at 10:58 am

    I read it too and immediately thought of DTs d other venues. I would hate to fall off my heels and have to write out the accident report… However, the injury could easily be a badge of honour.


  • June

    24/01/2014 at 4:51 am

    My friend Pamela loves her high heels, but admits they are uncomfortable and a little precipitous. I wonder what her partner would say if she breaks an ankle in them. Me I won’t wear more than 1 inch.

    Looking at some of those ladies in the video were falling off their shoes though, makes you wonder why they bother. Some of the shoes were pretty ugly and clunky for that matter.

  • Anonymous

    28/01/2014 at 7:15 am

    I guess my wife would hit the roof but hey what a way to come out because very soon after everyone would know, at least you could look at the nurse and say if at first you don’t succeed try and try again

  • Carol

    28/01/2014 at 8:37 am

    Well another way of looking at this is 1.25% of stupid Victorians in excessively high heels are men. This a rare bit of hard data on how many of us there are. Assuming Victorians are no more stupid than the rest of us and that men falling off heels are just as likely to go to hospital as women and that none of the “women” are not really convincing or fully transitioned ex-men and that the fetish for super high heels is no stronger for CD/TS than GG and…
    OK I think that, even though this sample is small, it suggests 2.5% of males in this country that rage in nightclubs are out there as CD.

  • Anonymous

    28/01/2014 at 12:41 pm

    If you heels are too high to dance in they are too high.

    Also the design can also have role. Have a close look at at dancing shoes for women and you will notice they are designed for much more support.

    Dancing girl
    Vicki :-)