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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Surveys Gender Diversity in Australia 2017

  • Gender Diversity in Australia 2017

    Posted by Adrian on 04/10/2017 at 10:05 am

    The 2017 survey has been launched.
    Thanks to all those who have provided input and ideas over the past few years.

    All Tgr members should have received an invitation by email to contribute.
    You can also click on the survey button at the head of this page.

    The survey is “mobile friendly” but is MUCH easier to complete if you do it on a bigger screen/PC.
    If you encounter any problems just email

    Adrian replied 5 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Adrian

    05/10/2017 at 12:07 am

    Thanks to all those who rushed in to try out the survey.
    As the survey is completely anonymous I can’t email back to you directly with answers to your queries…so here is some very early feedback….

    The questions go a,c,d,e,f,g,h. B is missing.
    I only received Sections 1,2 and 5…not sure what happened to Sections 3 and 4?

    There is some confusion because the survey doesn’t ask everyone all the questions. If your answer to a previous question indicates that following questions wouldn’t make sense or wouldn’t be relevant then it skips the question. You would have to be VERY special to get asked all the questions!!!

    I think, perhaps, the survey should bite the bullet and discuss sexuality.

    The 2011 survey didn’t ask about sexual preferences, and during the analysis of the data this did not appear as an issue. So in this followup we are assuming that sexuality and gender orientation are not intertwined and we can explore one in depth without asking questions about the other. It was difficult enough providing a non-label/non-box definition of gender for the survey without also having to think of ways of describing sexual attractions involving transgender people.

  • Anonymous

    06/10/2017 at 4:25 pm

    My feeling is Sexuality maybe should be part of the survey. It’s weird, but I haven’t given the matter that much thought and maybe in all honesty we should?

  • Adrian

    07/10/2017 at 1:40 am
    Andi wrote:
    Sexuality maybe should be part of the survey.

    …wandering somewhat from the topic of the 2017 survey – but if people want to actually think what question (or questions) they would ask about sexuality then we could always run a followup.
    Forget open ended questions (“what turns you on sexually”) because the answers will almost certainly not be analysable.
    Personally, I struggle with the number of T-women with male genitalia that like to describe their relationships with other women (female genetalia) as lesbian. Lesbian has a definition (as does homosexuality) that rests on biological sex (and so genetalia). Avoiding the redefinition of commonly used and accepted terms to describe sexuality is the start of the challenge in framing multiple choice survey questions. Before you know it you are on the slippery slope of defining sexual attraction by the details of preferred sexual activity – and that is far too much personal information for me to digest!
    However if there are viable suggestions out there…do post them and see what feedback you get.
    (I can always split this discussion off into another thread if it gets ‘legs’)

  • Anonymous

    07/10/2017 at 6:39 am

    Great work on the survey Adrian.

    How are you planning to use the data? Is it just for internal TGR use or will it be made available to outside organisations?

    Many thanks

  • Adrian

    07/10/2017 at 7:10 am
    Sara_Timms wrote:
    How are you planning to use the data?

    Sara… now you’ve done the survey I guess you answered your question….as in the preamble it said….

    How will this survey be reported?

    After the survey responses have been collected a report will be prepared for circulation to voluntary and government organisations in Australia. The report will also be made publicly available on the TgR website. The report will not include any information that refers to any specific individual’s responses.
    Access to the raw data will not be provided to any third party.

  • Michelle_Alan

    12/10/2017 at 10:28 am

    Thank you Adrian for a very interesting set of questions. Made me think intently about both my own situation and our broader community. I’ll be very interested in the final results. As a matter of interest this survey seems from memory very different from the 2011 version. Do you think there will be much correlation in the results? Thanks again for your ongoing efforts.

  • Adrian

    12/10/2017 at 10:39 am

    Thanks for the feedback Alana.

    Alana_Alan wrote:
    …this survey seems from memory very different from the 2011 version.

    Six years was a long time! The biggest difference is that I removed quite a few questions that either didn’t elicit meaningful data last time, or which were only intended to be one-off. But there is only one new question in the survey this time. Some other questions have been changed to multiple choice based on answers given in 2011. But the correlation between the two surveys should be quite strong.

  • Emma_Thorne

    16/10/2017 at 2:51 am

    I’ve ALWAYS described myself as “Trans-bian”…..somewhat naively believing that my understanding of that adopted term was clearly understood by everyone else. Silly me, I am a duffer :(

    Trans-bian to me is that I am a T girl who is attracted sexually to other T girls and not men. Having just typed that out it now doesn’t look clear to me either lol. OK I will try again:

    I am a T girl who is attracted sexually to other T girls.


  • Adrian

    15/12/2017 at 9:01 am

    I intend to close the survey off this weekend. New submissions have slowed to a trickle, so I assume everyone who wanted to contribute has done so. If not, hurry and get your response in before Monday.

  • Adrian

    27/12/2017 at 10:49 am

    Thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences in the Gender Diversity survey.
    The survey is now closed, with 243 validated responses – that is nearly 70% of the current membership. This means that the survey is probably fairly representative of the TgR membership, if not of the Gender Diverse community as a whole.

    Over the coming months I hope to be able to analyse all the data, and currently am aiming to get a report ready for presentation at Transformal in May. That is the plan… now let’s see what happens!

  • Adrian

    27/09/2019 at 11:58 am

    The report of the 2017 TgR survey “Gender Diversity in Australia” has now been published.
    I apologise that this took far longer than I had originally anticipated. I had some unexpected distractions in the past 18 months. But I thank Caroline for her continuing interest in the project, and her help proof-reading the report.

    The report isn’t as detailed or as well reviewed as I might have hoped for, but I feel it is better to publish something that everyone can read now, rather than prolonging the process any further.

    The report can be accessed through the TgR HOME page, or from this menu page.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    28/09/2019 at 11:59 pm

    You, The Members of TGR, or some of you at least, had helped produce this report by giving your responses to, in some cases, quite challenging questions about yourselves.
    Well Done to You.
    I sincerely, hope that when a clinician or two or maybe more eventually!! get to read this Report ,they may understand that we, as a Gender Diverse Community have cared enough about our collective situation(s) to help produce this and perhaps enable an improved understanding of our needs .
    Maybe they will say something like “ Here’ s a group of people who appear to be giving us information about themselves to help us help them” !
    “ Lets see what we can do to look after their health in the best possible way “ is what I’d like to hear them say.

    Thanks Adrian