Getting rid of Greys
Hi Girls, I just came across a site discussing a hair removal machine that gets rid of Greys..It is called an Elos ME..you can buy a home unit..I would guess between $700 – $800…on Amazon.. This machine was invented by the man who first came up with IPL..Elos uses a mix of Light energy and Radio energy..I am not saying you should buy it.. I have never tried it..IT says it works on all hairs even Greys.. So if you have Greys and it is to late to use IPL,maybe ELOS is worth buying.. Applesonics Selectif is an Ultrasound based hair removal system that claim to remove greys and can be used to contour eyebrows.. Another option to keep an eye out for. .I guess it may turn up in Beauticians in the future.. Hope this helps Jessica