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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Religion and gender God and Crossdressing

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    20/01/2014 at 8:12 pm

    Hey Paula, really cool to know that there are churches out there that do accept us rather than just blindly reject. The way some churches have treated people is embarrassing.

  • Anonymous

    06/02/2014 at 7:33 am

    While I am not a believer I am interested in why people do believe.
    At work we regularly see transgendered Muslims who seek protection visas and they come in to work dressed and in general aren’t apologetic at all about being seen in public. What is interesting to me anyway is the relation to them by our many other clients some of whom are curious, most are unconcerned and I have yet to see any open hostility towards the girls. Most are still Muslim and do attend mosques regularly and there are a number of mosques which are supportive so long as everything is very discreet. Most religious people are tolerant of differences – it’s only the tiny handful of fundamentalists who make a fuss about those different to themselves. There numbers are insignificant and their views can be ignored.

  • Anonymous

    06/02/2014 at 7:43 am

    Also, I’m in Malaysia at the moment and have seen quite a few girls out in public – some browsing the markets in KL, some in Penang including one wearing a fabulous sari on the local bus. It seems that god is as uninterested in what people want to wear as the locals seem to be.

  • Anonymous

    06/02/2014 at 9:17 pm

    I always struggled with my habit and christianity until i met a very wise person, who is also a Major with the Salvation Army. Her words to me were as follows….
    From the beginning God knew you, knew who you would be, made you perfect, as you are. So dont argue about whether you are right or wrong, if you were made perfectly, then you are.
    Those words helped me greatly. Just wanted to share ➡

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/02/2014 at 8:59 pm

    Hey Karen. To Be honest I’m really surprised that the Muslim culture seems so open to it. Without trying to sound rude I didn’t think cross dressing would be so accepted in their culture. At least considering their rules for covering up for women and such.

  • Anonymous

    08/02/2014 at 1:42 am

    Yes, but Islam which I am not all that enthusiastic about gets a bad press and what tends to get reported is from the more radical and fundamentalist end of the spectrum. The silent majority who are the moderates just want to get on with their lives with a minimum of fuss and are not very concerned about punishing those who are different. Most don’t seem to mind so long as the girls don’t advertise their preference and keep a low profile. I know that in Iran sex change surgery is performed legally in public hospitals…that doesn’t mean that the girls necessarily have an easy life thereafter…from memory their Koranic interpretation is that Allah isn’t in the business of deciding who belongs to what gender. There are as many contradictions in the Koran as there are in the Bible…people take what they want and live by it…there are very humane parts in each just as there are very intolerant parts in each.

    Fundamentalist Muslims, Christians, Hindus etc are not that dissimilar from each other I think…they don’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want to be just like themselves.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/02/2014 at 12:04 pm

    very interesting. It isn’t hard to notice that every religious group has some crazy extremists of some kind.

  • Anonymous

    12/02/2014 at 4:18 am

    If you believe as I do that being Trans anything is a genetic trait then it shouldn’t matter which religion you choose to be aligned with. Apparently we are all created in Gods image or something like that, sorry I’m not a Christian so I’m not sure of the designation there. So anyway how can a church reject you if that is the way that you were created.

    Personally I have decided to embrace the Pagan Wiccan faith, and they are very accepting of LGBTI people, so there is no problem. Although I suspect that there will be some who find these differences personally distasteful.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    14/02/2014 at 12:31 am

    There is quite a big giant jumbled mess of what causes Trans in most communities so it is pretty far from cut and dry.

  • Adrian

    14/02/2014 at 6:35 am

    I think it’s time to close this very constructive discussion because it has moved on from the highly regarded posts on the subject.
    If someone wants to open a discussion about which religions are more accepting than others go ahead. But this excellent discussion is now closed.

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