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    Growth hormones [Read WARNING on first post]

    Posted by Anonymous on 05/08/2009 at 3:48 am

    I have been on growth hormone enhancing aminoacids. IGF-1 and many more.

    Once you have reached the feminine hormone level you can go on these growth hormone enhancing products. These will enhance your feminine features if you are over 30yrs or more or example. The older the more effect it has. At an older age when your natural growth hormone is declining, supplements like these will see faster breast growth and fat redistribution compared to not taking any growth enhancing products. I believe that you will also get larger breasts as a result.

    My breasts are not saggy but very firm like a young girls. I have a size C at this time and no drooping.The bodily fat redistribution is enhanced a lot.

    If you do heavy work, I would not suggest it as it can build up male muscle. So I suggest wait until the hormone levels reach female levels so the male components is subdued. If excercising, walking is the best way to go.
    There are some conditions to use growth hormone releasing agents. So I suggest you see your doctor.

    At 54yrs now, my gender doctor still calls my size C’s as buds. He says is more breast sizing to come on my present path.



    TrannyRadio is not a medical forum and any comments you may read in TR forums are only the opinions of the member posting. You should not assume that a posting on TR implies any verification or independent review and whilst the advice is honestly offered it is made without knowledge of your particular medical conditions. You should always seek professional medical advice before taking any action that might affect your health.
    Anonymous replied 15 years, 7 months ago 0 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Anonymous

    05/08/2009 at 6:36 am

    Dear Georgette,

    I would be interested in reading more about the feminising effects of this anabolic polypeptide.

    I understand that Insulin-like Growth Factor regulates cell growth but I have never previoulsy heard of its use to promote feminisation.

    Would you be able to post references or web links

    Thank you

  • Anonymous

    09/08/2009 at 3:31 am

    A question has been placed before me to relate my claim to web sites

    I will lead this up slowly. I am only going to limit this reply to growth hormones/similar but not other supporting supplements oral or topical

    I am on growth hormone enhancing products and will just mention the four main ones. Other growth factors are under evaluation

    HGH package and IGF-1 lipo spray from


    Glandular support

    All of the above have web sites for your evaulation

    Medicine is changing from a cure system to a prevention system and hormones are the key to prevention, unfortunitely very slowly
    So persons who take products like the above, is still in it’s very infancy and represent a micro percentage of the population, maybe 1/10000 guestimate

    Person who are transgendering on hormones are also a very small percentage. My guesstimate 1/1000 maybe
    You know where to find that information of course without me telling you

    Now then consider the above percentages who would broadcast this information on the internet.
    I can’t even guesstimate on that one but again very very small percentages.

    I have looked on the internet periodically for the last 4 years for a estrogen hormone replacement and growth hormone releasing agent and similar combination and found NONE, no site
    As for older people ie 50’s who are on feminine hormone replacement development would be substantually slower than a twenty year old.
    By using growth hormone releasing agents and similar with feminine hormones will enhance feminine features and youthfullness and health all in one. I am living proof. When I am ready I will release contrasting before and after pictures. I want the contrast to be at maximum so it could be another 8 to 9 months or so.

    Also growth hormone and similar has many other benefits one being the increase in the immune system verses the greater possibility of getting cancer when taking estrogens, canceling out the threat to some degree.

    I am, what is classified as one of the bridging generation as far as life extension is concerned. The current technology available on average will extend life like 50 to 70 years into the future during which more discoveries are made and who knows then we could live a thousand years or more with the then knowledge.

    But as to a transgending person who is using growth hormone releasing agents to the degree I am with a lot lot lot more to come, I would consider myself as one of the few pioneers.


  • Anonymous

    10/08/2009 at 4:48 am

    As mentioned in a previous topic that I am evaluating other growth factors. IGF-1 is the main one but other growth factors would be suportative in enhancing the aging body.
    After evaulation I have decided to replace IGF-1 from global-supplements with a wider spectrum product from;

    Younger people with normal growth hormone production would not need to consider these products. To take products that I have mentioned will greatly help older persons get back a younger looking body, health and heaps more.
    Because you will look younger you can wear younger clothing. That Mini maybe

    With minimal testosterone and optimal estrogen, these products will support faster female secondary charastic development. I have experenced a lot of these benefits from IGF-1. Other advantages are

    Clients have reported these benefits:

    •improved sleep with increased dreaming
    •better mood, more positive outlook, sense of well-being
    •increased energy and stamina
    •increased motivation to get things done and start new projects
    •increased lean muscle
    •increased results from workouts
    •decreased weight in the overweight through fat loss
    •increased weight in the underweight through muscle development
    •increased strength
    •faster recovery from exercise and exertion
    •increased libido and sexual function
    •improved and balanced male hormones
    •reversal of menopause, balanced female hormones
    •sharper thinking and mental clarity, improved memory
    •better eyesight, improvements with glaucoma, cataracts
    •sharper senses
    •increased hair growth, including bald areas
    •improved hair condition, gray hair returning to youthful color
    •improved skin moisture and elasticity
    •decreased wrinkles
    •decreased total cholesterol, balanced HDL and LDL
    •improved cardiovascular conditions
    •decreased blood pressure in the hypertensive
    •improved thyroid conditions
    •increased IGF-1 levels
    •increased bone density, increased height
    •increased healing of various injuries
    •improved musculoskeletal conditions, arthritis
    •improvements in neurological conditions
    •improvements in fibromyalgia
    •and more!