Hormone Therapy as advocated by Dr William Powers in the USA
Corina Jane posted a blog about HT which mentioned a presentation by an American doctor on his regimes for Trans patient care both MtF and FtM in which he advocates bio identical Hormones and shuns the use of synthetics such as Spironolactone, etc
Its a very interesting lecture to other medical practitioners and also shows the clinical regimes for patients in the USA are somewhat different to those Australia as he mentions both oral and Injectable doses of Estradiol which are not favoured in australia !!!
The lecture also discusses blockers for younger Trans individuals and also the surgical practices that are available for both MtF and FtM“Healthcare of the Transgender Patient and The Powers Method of Hormonal Transitioning“ given at the 8th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week hosted by Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in May 2019 was eye opening to say the least.
https:// youtu.be/fefu33e8O-0All in all an interesting however long discussion on the topic which i thought Id bring peoples attention to here in FORUMS rather than let it just reside in Corinas Blog.
As always seek informed medical opinion before deciding on treatments for your self and definitely DONT DO DIY.