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  • How often do you think about dressing?

    Posted by Anonymous on 31/07/2009 at 7:30 am

    Afternoon all,
    This is my first post here and thought I would start by asking a question. I guess I am getting more and more comfortable with being me in either male or female mode, but still have questions that assist with my thoughts of the wider world.
    How often do you think about dressing? As a cross dresser, I get up in the morning and go to bed at night constantly thinking about fashion, dressing, earrings, nails painted, shoes etc. Do other cd’s feel the same way. I am definitely not interested in changing, and do find that cause of my infrequent dressing, the urges/thoughts do decrease if I have been dressed recently, but what about others?
    Just a question and look forward to your thoughts.

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 39 Replies
  • 39 Replies
  • June

    31/07/2009 at 8:59 am

    When I know I am going to have the opportunity to dress the next day, I tend to think about what I am going to wear, and sometimes I spend time in bed working it out before I go to sleep.

    Sometimes I find I don’t have what I will want and then search Ebay for the item that will suit.

    But I do not find dressing in itself lessens the desire to dress again.


  • Anonymous

    31/07/2009 at 8:56 pm

    When I first started going out I would consider what I would wear the next evening. This is usually because we are yet to find out our style. Once you know what styles do and do not suite your figure and assets and you have a reasonable wardrobe then you tend to not put big effort into considering what you are going to wear unless really special occasion.

    I have been going out for 18 months and most of the time I decide what to wear just before leaving. As far as reducing the want to dress, it depends on what you are getting from dressing. If you are getting excitement from dressing then going out dressed will reduce the want for next time as nobody can remain excited. Just remember there are too forms of excitement with dressing, the one where you are turned on because of clothes and the excitement of going out dressed. The second will disapate on the way home. The other reason for dressing is because you feel comfortable in those clothes. This obviously does not reduce the need to dress again. I am in this category.

    Hope this helps.


  • Anonymous

    02/08/2009 at 8:10 am

    Hi All

    I am prob not the right person to reply to this, but I am at the other end of the sprectum.

    I never considered myself a CD as I always belived I was a girl. So I always dressed to be female, and I never wanted to go back to being a male. So the more time I spent as a female the more I did not want to go back.


    Kelly Jones

  • Anonymous

    02/08/2009 at 9:54 am

    I think about my look and when I dress I try to be as femme as I can. Do I think about it too much? I don’t think I do, its a matter of dressing in what clothes I am wanting to wear for my mood and then wearing them


  • Anonymous

    04/08/2009 at 2:12 am

    Every second of every day. While I can’t frock up too often just yet, I wear panties to work each day, look after my nails, paint my toe nails, wear femme deodorant and use femme moisturisers etc.. Hopefully I tread the Earth in a feminine manner. And I long ago gave up being self-conscious about window shopping.

  • Anonymous

    08/09/2010 at 7:27 am

    i think about dressing when im out and see something that i would love to wear. also when im watching anime and see some cute costume i would like to own

  • Anonymous

    08/09/2010 at 1:20 pm

    Hi Girls

    I think about dressing constantly. I cant wait to get into my clothes every night. I know its just a matter of time before I want to go full time. I want to do it now but I need laser etc first on my face.

    I’m in shopping mode every time I’m in town. In fact I need to slow down on that front otherwise i’ll be bankrupt!

    I love being en-femme and dont want to buy any more boring boy clothes.

    Like Felicity I wear some feminine clothing under boy clothes all the time. I wear negligees to bed and my sparkly girl watch and nose stud etc to work. I know that when i get my nails done I’ll go to work like that too.

    After all I’m a lady :D

    Roisin x.

  • Anonymous

    09/09/2010 at 10:21 pm

    I think about it almost all the time. I don’t get a lot of time on my own to dress but I do have what I consider a large wardrobe away from home. I have a few things secreted at home and take every (short) opportunity to dress. I am only able to get away and dress for a couple of days once or twice a year and that feels so lovely.
    I sometimes wear lingerie under my boy clothes to work and it just makes me feel so special. I also use female deoderant and moisturiser all the time.

  • Anonymous

    29/03/2011 at 6:37 am

    All the damn time !!

    I’m not able to now, ’cause I chucked it all out. I had some wonderful, beautiful things, beautiful shoes, beautiful undergarments. All gone.

    How often do I think of dressing? Only every hour of every day.

    Hmmm. I shall have to remedy that situation.
    Look out, Savers!! Here I come!!

    Jannine. X

  • Anonymous

    30/03/2011 at 5:40 am

    I used to think about female clothes all the time and it was taking over a large part of my life, so now although I work as a male and wear outer male clothes to work only (I don’t own any male underwear ), I dress only in female or unisex clothing all other times. I have chosen my every day clothes carefully so it does not matter if I wear makeup to look more feminine I still feel feminine inside due to what I am wearing. I only think of what to wear for the next day and often lay my clothes out ready before I go to bed, or of course planning ahead for the Transformal.

  • Wynta

    19/05/2012 at 12:54 pm

    Not a day goes by i don’t think about it some times it frustrates me. there’s got to be more to life then thinking about when the next time you can dress, what to wear, how am i gonna do my makeup up this time.

  • Anonymous

    19/05/2012 at 8:55 pm

    This thread makes a refreshing change for those of us either not able to attend or not interested in Transformal. …Good luck and have a great time to those girls who are going, …but seriously, there ARE other things to discuss.

    I’m with you, Tressa.
    Not a day goes by that I don’t think about dressing either. My current situation means that I am not able to dress as I please, …we all know how that would be, so I am working towards a change of surroundings so that I can be and appear as I please. Early days yet, but we all have to dream…

    My drab outfit is totally bogan; I have absolutely no interest in male dress whatsoever. I tend to wear the same clothes for days. (track pants or jeans, flannie shirt, etc). Because I have dressed this way most of my life, …now I find it so hard to decide on how I should dress as a woman, as regarding daily wear, …I mean, we as a whole accumulate so much fem clothing to chose from, that I personally feel rather like a kid in a candy shop.

    It can be so problematic for us to chose an outfit for the day, when a woman would not think twice about it. It does become difficult to train our male brains to think like a female would, …to just jump into any combination of clothing and still look good no matter how little thought went into the decision process.

    I find myself spending so much time deciding what looks good together and what I finally decide to wear for the day, …that mostly the day has gone before I make up my mind !!

    Gee, …it ‘aint easy being a girl !!

  • Anonymous

    20/05/2012 at 7:02 am

    Hi again everyone,

    Unllike many others in this discussion, I dont think much about dressing until the occasion is nigh when I can do so. That’s never more than about twice a month, so there’s no point in me getting my french knickers in a twist if “circumstances” mean I cant have some Caty time.

    When I can, I throughly enjoy myself. But once its all put away until ‘next time”, I am just as happy to pursue the 90% male me doing male things.

    The only other time I guess I delve into Caty mode is when its time to “lets go shopping” on the Internet. But then I rarely do that in Caty mode, so perhaps that does not count….

    Also in comparison with many others in this thread, I dont have very big “Caty” wardrobe, so I dont lose much sleep worrying about what I’m going to wear. Its only me in the mirror that sees it, so I’m not worried about how whatever I choose would present to the outside world. Not using any make up is also a big factor as my days of getting sprung for having make up on the INSIDE of my shirt collars are well and truly over… :D


  • Anonymous

    02/07/2012 at 12:36 pm

    I dress every day to some degree ergo I think about it every day. Prior to identifying my clothing choices as fitting with gender variance, I would have best been described as dressing androgynously – but not knowing what that really meant.
    I just dressed to express my taste/personality?
    After 20 years of deliberately presenting conservatively (male), for a range of reasons, I recently decided to no longer ‘comply’ but rather go back to expressing myself they way I like to. As it turns out, that (now) involves gender expression contrary to what is expected. My solution? is to dress, once again, androgynously except for when I can (with no risk to my income or safety) dress unambiguosly as most expect of a female.

  • Elizabeth

    02/07/2012 at 7:10 pm

    I’m somewhat with Chloe on this issue. Dressing, or presenting as a woman has, for the most part consumed every living moment of my life, and that’s a lot of life! In many ways I have often considered that all the pervading needs of feminine desires to be a waste of a life. Would life have been very different if I hadn’t been blessed or cursed with those inner needs? A conundrum indeed.
    I present full time as androgynous, a bit crappy to be honest. Always blouses, a woman’s trouser suit, no, I don’t own male underwear and haven’t for more than thirty years. I own a male suit, just the one for weddings and funerals, just to please ‘she who must be obeyed’ and when those moments do eventuate, I hate it. Am I just a crossdresser? or is there something deeper seated within me? I think the latter. I have no need to be male at any time, I hate being male. I really no longer think of dressing as feminine dressing is now the norm. I only think of what underwear to wear for the day and what suite to wear.

    Hugs to all,

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