Hi Jade,what a touching article to read,I too felt quite emotional after reading it,unfortunately though it is all too often the case for us that this is the way we get treated,though I have been fortunate in my life that I have reasonable family support,and have not really suffered to any great degree as far as the way that I have been treated personally,and I hope that the rest of TR members can say the same.I take it that the article was written in america,as it would seem from certain things that this is the case.Unfortunately, it appears that this supposedly great and forward nation is not as wonderful a place as it might first seem,given the teatment of people in their society that do not fit in for whatever reason,eg,coloured,transgendered,or any other reason.I like to think that here in australia our easy going ” she’ll be right” attitude makes life easier fors us. i for one certainly hope so. kind regrds,cate