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  • how we change as we go out more

    Posted by Anonymous on 02/02/2009 at 6:25 pm

    Since accepting my true self as transexual I have gonefrom the nervous girl excited at shopping in full fem mode while fearing beeign “spotted” to beeing so at ease wtih self that i went to bras and things the other day straight from worksadly looking male and bought self clothing. for some reason im guessing valentines day seemed a few men there shopping id say about 4 and the woman as they know me said would you like to try this on. I never went red just sad yes please went and tried it on as if it was an every day thing. Result I hada chat with one womans mother when i walked out the change room she was polite nice and smiles and to me no one else noticed. Maybe i have learnt to turn of . maybe i no longer worry what people think its like im female im shopping here. I am of the view that as a result of changes in my atitude self belief shopping en femm or looking male and trying dresses on is no deal How many feel they have advanced from the first very nervous shopping trip iether female mode or male ?? How many are at point where they no longer feel inecure or get embarressed if “spotted??
    Love to all

    Anonymous replied 16 years, 1 month ago 0 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Anonymous

    03/02/2009 at 12:59 am

    Jess, I can relate to your post about not feeling embarrassed shopping and I pretty much feel the same as you these days. It took me a long long time but I will pretty much go into any shop boy or girl mode and try anything on as I please. It is no big deal, my previous fears were totally unfounded.

  • Anonymous

    03/02/2009 at 12:13 pm

    Yeah the more you do it the more it feels normal.. but I guess like for a lot of us once you are out there dressing with ease you have no need to shop in male mode!
    It’s just getting past that hurdle!!! I would like to thank e bay who helped me avoid a lot of those nervous dash-in-dash-out moments. aaahhh!

  • Anonymous

    04/02/2009 at 6:10 am

    Hi All

    The happest time in my life was the little words “Would you like to try that on?” lol well it was a hightlight anyway …..

    Its funny, now I am full time and take it all for granted, I dont think I could be in boy mode and trying stuff on. So congrats girl you are all pretty good, and are better than me there.

    I was at a undercover ware party and after trying a lot of the clothes I was interested in, I had to try to explain to a friend why I was not going to try a certen item on …. she had forgot I was TS/TG and only remembered me as female … was soo funny. She turned bright red and when o crap … thats right ….. poor girl.


    Kelly Jones

  • Anonymous

    04/02/2009 at 7:58 am

    my job/s mean im more in jeans etc sadly female ones none the less but jeans facotry work no make up so t hampers me thus i shop as im dressed if i am out and think i feel like buyign a dress etc im like well who cares i know im female:))