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  • HRT

    HRT – My Journey (Caroline)

    Posted by Deleted User on 14/03/2019 at 11:57 am

    HRT – My Journey

    Expressing my Feminine side in the way I had really desired for a long time took a major step forward when I decided I wanted to start Hormone Therapy.

    It was way back in March 2015 and while I had had this strong desire for quite a long time to commence HRT I was concerned about the impact it was going to have ,particularly on the relationship with my wife. She has known about Caroline for a very long time and has been very supportive and has developed friendships with many of my friends in this community ,however I knew this would be a serious matter for her to understand and accept.

    That was going to be something I just had to deal with when the time came to tell her as I clearly decided I must do.

    Why commence HRT you may ask ? Well I think I had just reached that point in my life when having thought about it for quite a while ,I had decided that if I don’t do this I never will and may regret it later and possible lose the opportunity. I hasten to add that in no way do I regard people who regard themselves as Transgender and who don’t decide to start Hormone treatment as in anyway in a different position on the Transgender Scale (for want of a better description) to anyone else. I apply the same view to those who have had Surgery. We are all different and have different aspirations in life.

    I knew something about the medications involved having researched various articles on the internet. Nevertheless I wasn’t prepared or aware of all the things that would unfold from that date

    So …this is my story and I hope it may help answer questions for those who at some time may contemplate HRT and are perhaps not fully aware of what may be involved.

    My story begins with a phone call to the Gender Centre ( which I had known about and visited In my days as a Member of Seahorse when asked to produce the magazine for one month). When I asked if I could make an appointment to see a Counsellor I was told over the phone “Oh if it’s just about commencing HRT we don’t need to see you , you can just make an appointment at …….…Clinic “
    That response created a false impression in my mind of how easy this was going to be ,even though I had read that a Psychology session or two and a Clinical assessment was typically required ..

    The next day I rang the Clinic , explained that I identified as being Transgender and asked if I could see a Doctor with regard to commencing HRT. The receptionist was very friendly and said “ Sure we can give you an appointment next week to see Doctor “ C” is that suitable “ She has had experience with many Transgender patients”
    That response further reinforced my thoughts at the time , that things were going to go very well and I’d quickly be able to commence medications. How I was going to tell my wife was still an unknown.

    The day of the appointment arrived and I was both very nervous and very excited , something I imagine akin to a professional actor experiencing severe Stage Fright.

    2.00pm I remember the time very well, and Doctor “C“ came out to Reception and called my name, It was time to walk down a hallway to her room….. It was then that I felt totally committed to my objective but I was more nervous than I think I have ever been ! We sat down and after telling her I wanted to commence Cross Gender Hormone Treatment she began asking a whole string of questions.

    By the way, I use the term “ Cross Gender Hormone Treatment” as it is how Clinicians usually describe Hormone treatment for Male to female Transition or Female to Male Transition patients. HRT is more simply the estrogen medication prescribed for women who are suffering symptoms of Menopause.

    The questions ranged from How long have you considered you have had Gender Dysphoria ? and me then describing the feelings I’ve had over many years , Tell me about your current health and what illnesses you have had since you were young and the same for your parents ? to Are you married ? does your wife know about you being Gender Dysphoric ? and does she know you are planning to do this? I certainly had to answer NO to that last question and It began to worry me that a Big Hurdle had suddenly risen right in front of me just I because of a few of my responses and certainly the NO to that last question … “Does your Wife Know you are here ?”. She asked a few more questions about awareness of Caroline to Family and Friends which I also had to honestly answer “No awareness “ , apart from my Wife. “ The Hurdle” seemed to grow higher at that point and I was worried that she might say “I’m sorry Caroline, I can’t proceed any further with you at the moment “

    Fortunately , she smiled , probably seeing the stunned look I must have had on my face, actually took my hand for a moment and then began to explain the Protocols that are in place for Medical professionals in treating Transgender Patients and in that regard she mentioned the organisation WPATH. whose website I had visited previously , (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) ( If you go to the website you can read about how , in my view they have tried carefully to document treatment standards for Transgender people.

    In summary she explained that I would have to have Blood Tests prior to commencing any treatment, to identify any disorders that may preclude Hormone Treatment undergo a Psychological assessment and after favourable review of these be prepared to sign a Consent Form which outlines the physical effects of Hormone Treatment and only then could she write a Treatment Plan for me.

    To be continued maybe…

    Ruth replied 5 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Emma_Thorne

    15/03/2019 at 6:06 am

    Thanks for sharing this Caroline xxx

  • Elizabeth

    15/03/2019 at 6:10 am

    Hi Caroline
    Hurdles my foot, sounds more like the old Berlin Wall. Yes, I had to undergo the usual tests etc. however I must have looked bewildered and forlorn taking pity on the old bugger. I’m thoroughly interested in your experience of outcomes and if appropriate how HRT has affected you. Don’t give up just yet; I await with baited breath.

  • Ruth

    16/03/2019 at 9:01 am

    Hello Caroline

    l wish you happiness and strength in your journey.

    KR Ruth