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  • Human Growth Hormone

    Posted by Anonymous on 29/12/2007 at 3:16 am

    One of the futures of medicine is the stimulation of the body’s own mechanisms by hormones.
    As we age the human growth hormone [ HGH ] declines and we become open to many ailments and diseases.
    I have been taking food supplements from in substantial quantities for some years now and have eased off as best results or near best results have been obtained and now I am coasting along in maintaining. Several blood tests and several doctors and health nutritionists have complemented the good results.
    Now the stage is set to utilise these results and turn back the body clock twenty years or so. HGH declines over the years and needs to be enhanced to bring it back to youthful levels so cellular regeneration is at its best. This will protect heart, kidneys, liver, arteries, skin, muscles, etc etc etc, and with optimum nutrition in the body, HGH will have the best results when your body has the minerals, vitamins, amino acids etc, needed.
    This will also allow more enhancement of female hormones in my transition.
    Injections with conventional HGH by the drug companies have a lot of side effects so I started to look some time ago at methods of stimulating ones own HGH , a much safer way to go.

    So I purchased a product called GHR1000. I looked at this product and others and felt GHR1000 had the quality and the right mixture vitamins and amino acids.
    I have been on GHR1000 for two months now. My energy has increased by 100% plus. I don’t feel run down. On a heavy work day when I should be dragging my feet, I am leaping stairs at a single bound; well almost. Sleep has improved. Regular bowel movements. Slight improvement in vision, I did say slight. Skin improvements, It will make you a little hungry as you expend a lot more energy, so watch your weight. It is easier to loose weight this way with a diet plan as well. Just watch the see food plan. It can be tempting. I get up on the morning and feel eager to start the day

    I am planning to switch over the life extension supplements in a matter of weeks for a more comprehensive program.
    I am planning to hover loosing weight and hopefully any skin shrinkage as a result of past weight loss will catch up. Then continue my final run to the correct weight and hopefully not worry about loose skin. This is a long term approach in years and time will tell. My hopes are high

    Georgette [ Happy New Year 2008 ]

    UPDATE 23/2/08
    I have been on HGH stimulates for 6 weeks now. I was a little dissappointed but I stuck to the program. Well it is paying of. This stuff does not work overnight but the results are starting to come in. I have taken my SO who is also a supporter of the program, on the same path. She is also starting to see the results. The skin is starting to become youthfull again. It still has some way to go but the results are unquestionably there. Hair on my head that was light brown is turning very dark brown. A large majority on grey hair on my head is starting to turn to a pepper like color and darker neat the roots. I also noticed that cuts are healing faster. The face also is showing signs of tightening

    In my bussiness I come in contact with a lot of people and I mention these products and similar with good results, better than what is available from the chemist.
    Keep u updated

    UPDATE 27 03 08

    My SO is saying that she is now stopping her hair dying as the grey hairs have diminished so much that coloring is not neccessary now. Not that she had a lot but enough to warrant dying her hair She has black hair


    by Ronald Klatz D.O. with Carol Kahn

    Discover the age-reversing benefits of human growth hormone:
    Lose fat, gain muscle
    Increase energy level
    Increase immune function
    Enhance sexual performance
    Increase cardiac output
    Improve skin elasticity
    Remove wrinkles
    Eliminate cellulite
    Improve vision
    Increase memory retention
    Improve quality of sleep
    Increase exercise performance
    Lower blood pressure
    Improve cholesterol profile
    Increase bone mass
    Quicken wound healing

    Dr Ronald Klatz, a world-renowned expert on antiaging, is the founder and president of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine. Coauthor of Death in the Locker Room, he is the medical director of Health.Net, an online medical information service. Dr Klatz lives in Chicago.

    Anonymous replied 15 years, 8 months ago 0 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    20/04/2008 at 2:18 am

    It has been a few months since embarking on a HGH stimulating formula and I am ecstatic about the results. It is truly a fountain of youth. I am regenerating before my very eyes and soon I will discuss the advantages: there are no disadvantages
    If you want to embark on this program I strongly suggest you see your doctor and do a complete check up. There are some situations where it may not be possible ie Cancer . Further information can be obtained from . LEF is ugrading their existing products so it is off the market for 4 months. You can purchase thru me if you want when the new product becomes available.
    I am to a large degree self medicated as I do have a reasonable working knowledge of what is going on. If I have any doubts, I am surrounded by many professional sources of information.
    These products use amino acids stimulate your own pituitary gland to produce your own growth hormones
    This is to bring your own natural growth hormone back to twenties level and corresponding health and appearances. Those into muscle building will take a lot higher dosages [ ie x4 ] than this. No, you are not going to get taller or bulky muscles. This is to do primarily with cellular division or renewing the body.
    I am regimented in what I do. What am I taking at this point of time? This is my dosage, not yours. All products are from as they are the best by light years.
    1. Natural Growth hormone releasing formula 4 caps at 3 times a day recommended dosage morn, aft, 1 hr before bedtime
    2. Daytime Growth hormone formula 3 caps in the morning [ 25% ] dosage
    3. Nightime Growth hormone formula 3 caps 1 hr before bedtime [ 25% dosage ]
    [ 25% dosage is only to do some enhancement. You CANNOT take all three at full dosage. I have contacted lef advisory for this advice ]
    3. LEF mix [ multiviatmins. Not the rubbish sold over the counter here ]
    4. Super Omega-3 2 caps per day [ important in the transportation of hormones ]
    5. Green tea , Grape seed , and nominal amount of vitamin C 3000mg
    6. Whey powder [ natural, isolate contains artificial products ] protein support
    7. Trace elements
    8. Vitamin E alpha & gamma
    9. CoQ10 slow release
    10. Garlic Cardiovascular

    There are some others for healthy liver kidney eyes etc
    Spiro and progonova dosages as advised by the gender doctor

    PLENTY, PLENTY, PLENTY of spring water to flush out toxins. As cellular division is coming back to normal twenties level there is a lot of catching up to do so there are more than usual body toxins to dispose of that have built up over the decades.

    The results [ This is only the starters as it take at least a year more to get to the optimal physical appearance ]

    Entry 6/6/8 I am continuing to be impressed and adjusting dosages upward. I have added 7 Keto DHEA to the equation at low dosages. I am planning to see my doctor in a month to establish growth hormone levels for evulation. The skin is really clearing up like baby skin has come through and is dominating 90% of the visual skin. Skin age/sun spots are vanishing 75% reduced. Small lines have nearly dissapeared but large fold have not so far but there is a large reduction, but this will take time as said earlier. Time is now right to continue the weight reduction slowly. To fast weight reduction will leave excess skin that will be difficult to manage later.
    A new revolutionary skin product has hit the market, something that I have been looking for a long time. I have mentioned the combination of estrogen and skin creams a long time ago. This product has all the founding support to make estrogen work to the max topically and all natural
    end 6/6/8 entry

    a. The skin is renewing its self all over the body. Very notable areas or where the skin is exposed to the sun. Baby skin is emerging. Pores on the back of my hands are getting smaller. Skin is becoming a lot smoother, clear, clean and hydrated. Legs are less marked and becoming smooth. Still some way to go though. If this is the beginning what does the future hold?
    My SO went to a medical specialist who is very impressed with my SO’s new skin condition. My skin is much better then hers now
    For you GG’s my SO’s menopause is also cured. Her blood tests came back and everyone is surprised how fertile she is at almost 52
    b. Notable skin lines and loose skin improving. It may take a while, ie year to become taught again. Reduction is quite noticable now but some way to go. My cheek lines are caused by the estrogen fat redistribution away from the cheeks in my case
    c. Feminization more pronounced as if you are transitioning in the twenties with youthful growth hormones, not the reduced growth hormones in the 50’s
    d. Facial youthful feminization impressive
    e. Hair still a few grays. More mousy color appearing. IPL hair removal more effective. I have had 9 IPL facial treatments. The sixth and seventh IPL session was only minimal discomfort . IPL sessions 8 & 9 on same settings were very painful again, indicating greater effectiveness due to darker facial hair. Also healthy hair on head
    f. With my age estrogen increased the veins a fair bit especially on my legs. The gender doctor still OK’ed it with a increased estrogen prescription. This made my legs a little worse again. When the growth hormone kicked in strongly there was a 80% reduction of the unsightly veins to the current stage
    g. Increased youthful female breast development
    h. Six months ago I have haemorrhoids badly, enough to cosider an operation. Two and a half months ago to now. COMPLETELY CURED
    i. Increase in energy levels abound 200%. I was battling with fatigue, toxic body and forced myself to work, intaking coffees abound for energy, battling to avoid overeating. I know it was the wrong thing to do. Now I am playing indoor soccer as I remembered as a teenager. Not hovering over food any longer as my activities are greatly increased
    j. My SO [who is not as regimental as I am in taking the dosages] has moles hanging like drops over her body. The moles are falling off and increased energy
    k. Sight has improved only marginally. I need glasses 90% of the time to read a street directory. Now only 40% need for glasses
    l. With the reduction of fatigue came alertness and mental clarity that I have not experienced in decades

    From my experience what is said about HGH is true
    Like all I have seen death and suffering.
    The decline in growth hormone as you get older leads to decreased renewing of the human body. This in turn among many other things decreases the ability for the body to eliminate toxins effectively and new cellular growth. Then in turn disease sets in. As we have greater life spans there is a increase in aged related medical problems
    As a few out there I believe that maintaining normal youthful growth hormone will offset aging with it’s related medical problems. It can be seen from my SO’s decrease in bodily toxins, reversed menopause, my haemorrhoids completely gone, my veins reduced by 80% and not considering laser treatment any longer.
    Once the facial lines disappear my face should be transformed into a youthful feminine face as the growth hormone now acts on the estrogen, not the testosterone in my body giving me the best chance of looking more female. It will not change established male characteristics like bones, hands, jaw, nose etc but the overall facial appearance is becoming more female orientated.
    I also believe that using growth hormone stimulants can greatly reduce the need for medical and beauty needs as well as good health as one gets older.
    How far the HGH natural stimulant will go, time will tell. I have high hopes but lets see how it progresses. I will keep al of you updated every 4 months or so.

    Thoughts. This is only a idea. I have tries to look at some verification on google but no results. I would not be supprised if I am the first.
    As the male body gets older [as female as well] the reduction in HGH reduces lean body mass and increases fat.
    I would imagine lean body mass would be different for male and female as the GG female is generally slimmer.
    With the introduction of HGH stimulation the reverse is happening. Less fat more lean mass. But there estrogen to consider now. As with fat redistribution to a more female format, can, with HGH stimulation and estrogen indroduction, renewed lean body mass follow a feminine body format as well?
    The idea is sound I suppose.


  • Anonymous

    21/12/2008 at 9:02 pm

    hey Georggette
    Can you tell me where I can get the HGH releasing compounds from ?

  • Anonymous

    29/03/2009 at 10:55 pm

    As per previous reply eye excersises can restore a fair amount of vision

    You can go to U tube again

    I can tell you from my experience that with growth hormone releasing agents and eye excersises, glasses I had 6 years ago have now become adequate again, when 18 months ago these glasses were hopeless

    I you are serious look into it!!


    Update 07 10 09
    Eye excercises and my anti-aging system have given awards. Under average light I can read a newspaper, womans day and read a computer screen unaided with further positive results expected.

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2009 at 8:33 am

    You will know from past topics about my support in growth hormone releasing agents and support products. There are some products common to both and I will be adjusting. I have been aware of 2-AEP for a little while. I am convinced that 2-AEP is a ligit product and should have it shortly.

    ARTICLE and LINK Below

    “People taking 2-AEP hardly age, neither in their outward appearance nor by any other criteria like skin tissue elasticity, skeletal firmness, etc.” -Dr. Nieper

    Clinical Testing
    From approximately 1963 on, we started to apply the primary components of Longevity® with the intention of protecting the cell membranes against unwanted intruders. These unwanted intruders can only enter through the so-called free lipid pore of the cell membrane. We presumed, therefore, that the supply of Longevity® would have a special sealing function because of the rejective effect of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

    Our expectation proved to be correct. In 1971, Monninghoff, Munster, W. Germany, published research demonstrating in a spectacular manner how the sealing of cell membranes with 2-AEP found in Longevity® could prevent penetration of ‘toxins’.

    1967 Study
    By 1967, the following results were obtained after administering over 50,000 daily doses. The participants improved considerably as 2-AEP (in Longevity®) was given in capsule form (approx. 1.5 g. per day) to those with cell membrane damage throughout the body. This membrane damage affects the bone matrix system, the kidneys, the membranes of the pulmonary alveoles, the urinary tract system, the inner linings of little vessels, the membranes of red blood cells as well as many other places.

    Furthermore, it was evident that the consequences of unhealthy cell membranes could be drastically reduced, as demonstrated in 1969 by a control group. Likewise, aggressions on cell membranes injected next to the vein could be reduced. Considerable beneficial effects on kidney health were also noted. I reported this in the leading French pharmacodynamic journal Agressologie more that 20 years ago.

    Around 1966, the German Health Authority in Berlin approved 2-AEP®.

    In 1986-87, Dr. Morrissette conducted a retrospective poll of participants in the USA who originally had begun taking 2-AEP with us in Germany. Just under 300 people were entered in this study showing that 82% of them had had a positive benefit from the 2-AEP (found in Longevity®). When they had begun taking the 2-AEP in the early stages, this positive result rose to 92%. If they interrupted their dosage, their problems would erupt anew, which was to be expected.

    The long-term observation of 2-AEP effect on people in such great numbers produced an entire series of additional, highly relevant phenomenon that are extremely fascinating. First of all, for all practical purposes, people taking 2-AEP hardly age, neither in their outward appearance nor by any other criteria like skin tissue elasticity, skeletal firmness, etc.

    In the U.S., some 24 million people suffer from decalcification of the bone system; some 1.45 million experience spontaneous bone fractures every year. In my opinion, there is no alternative to the Calcium 2-AEP® (found in Longevity®).

    On the basis of this observation, research on 2-AEP and bone health have begun. I feel that the energetic membrane impairment in the bone matrix tissue is one of the key factors in bone health. However, supplementation with conventional calcium salts fail.

    Success with 2-AEP Increasing Oxygen Intake:
    Regular use of Longevity results in supporting lung alveolus cell function, which promote healthy breathing.

    A few weeks after beginning therapy with 2-AEP (found in Longevity®), negative breathing reactions will subside and almost disappear.

    Success With Blood Energy Levels
    During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, we noticed that people enjoyed the benefits of Longevity for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range. The metabolism improved, tolerance to sugar improved, and the kidneys especially appeared to react favorably to the 2-AEP.

    Read more!

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2009 at 8:47 am

    Growth hormones are converted to IGF-1 in the liver. Not to overtax the liver I take IGF-1 as these growth factors are absorbed thru the skin. I have been taking IGF-1 at less that recomended quantities for a year now with very positive results even at these levels. I am now going to 80% recomended dosage due to other products I am taking as well.

    Update 7/10/9
    I am taking another product now which also includes IGF-2. IGF is a extemely effective product.

    IGF-1 Lipo Spray – An Anti-Aging Supplement
    Many people find it difficult to believe that IGF-1 LipoSpray can generate such beneficial changes in less than six months. The explanation is simple. Hormones control our body fat percentage, sexual drive, skin appearance, brain functioning, immune system, and much more. By restoring our IGF-1 production to youthful levels, our bodies are able to function at optimal levels (thus reducing the physical signs of aging).

    Our bodies produce IGF-1, but the production significantly declines after the age of 30. Keeping our IGF-1 production at optimal levels is the key to feeling and looking our absolute best. IGF-1 works in conjunction with HGH to bring the cells in our body the raw materials they need for renovation and repair. IGF-1 has been shown to repair nerve damage, which occurs from accidents, poor nutrition, stress, disease and pollution. Since our nervous system powers all the other systems in the body, it is important that we receive the proper nutrients for this, especially IGF-1.

    What it is: IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) is a polypeptide compound produced from Human Growth Hormone. The vast majority of strengthening, increased muscle mass and anti-aging effects of HGH are directly attributable to its conversion into IGF-1. Our powerful spray starts increasing your IGF-1 levels the very first time you use it–so you feel the results almost immediately.

    What it does: Damage to DNA and reduced cellular division are the two main components of aging. Because of IGF-1’s ability to repair DNA and increase cellular division, it is one of the most powerful anti-aging supplements in existence.
    IGF-1 has been shown to increase the transport of amino acids into muscle cells throughout the body, thus regenerating these tissues after exercise. IGF-1 initiates the transport of nucleic acids into the nucleus of the cell where DNA resides. It provides the raw material needed to repair damage to the DNA and initiates cell division.

    The benefits to your body are:
    Provides Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits
    Initiates Cell Division and Growth
    Provides Raw Materials Needed to Repair DNA
    Increases Muscle Strength, Athletic Performance and Recovery
    Our nutritional formula is: 186 sprays per bottle
    2 sprays per serving
    Deer Antler Velvet Extract 11 mg
    IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) 27.5 mg
    Stevia rebaudiana leaf extract 1.6 mg

    Our Guarantee to you: We acquire IGF-1 in large quantities from the manufacturer, so we get the highest quality at the absolute lowest prices. IGF-1 LipoSpray is guaranteed to dramatically increase your IGF-1 levels–or get your money back!

    Order NOW from our 100% secure shopping cart!

    $65.90 You Save $32.95!!