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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Diversity in the workplace Job hassles for those who haven’t had GRS

  • Job hassles for those who haven’t had GRS

    Posted by Anonymous on 03/06/2010 at 12:26 pm

    Being a person that at this stage does not have any idea of whether or not I can ever afford SRS, I’m wondering about hassles through the future regarding work. More specifically, what hassles/experiences have been out there in regard to the fact that your sex is still classed as male even though you are living as a female, have been on HRT forever so to speak and so on? I couldn’t find any other relevant postings regarding this point so I’m keen to hear from anyone who has some answers to give in terms of end results from their experiences.

    I’m going ok at the moment, my bosses are happy with me and they know quite seriously where my life is going and I believe that if I do things right at my current job then transition will work out there with no real hassles. Thing is, I’m only 40 years old right now and have a long way to go in my working life so I’m wondering about where/what my long term future might entail or need.

    Do I or anyone else REALLY need to have SRS to get through the rest of my/our lives? Can we have a good life as a non-op transgender person?

    Peta A.

    Anonymous replied 14 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    03/06/2010 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Peta

    There was only two documents I could not change my gender to female before GRS.

    1. My birth Cert
    2. My Taxfile info

    Everything else was changed to female before I had GRS, so working as a female, unless you are sharing female showers or change rooms with others, should not be a problem. If you pass well then they would never know.

    The taxfile number, you only give the number and your name, they never ask the ATO for gender.

    So job wise I dont see how GRS/SRS is going to make a big differance.


    Kelly Jones

  • Anonymous

    06/06/2010 at 2:00 am

    Hi Peta

    It’s a pity that Medicare doesn’t support us at this point in time, however, there’s always hope and we just need to keep fighting for the better good for all. I believe in time, that GRS will be part of a Medicare program or will be Tax deductable like in the US


  • Anonymous

    06/06/2010 at 10:27 am


    This will depend on each person & how they feel about them selfs & how they accept them selfs.
    Wether you have h r t or not wether you have ffs or not or having s r s .
    You wont change your i r d no thatll remain for life, they will change your name tho. & wether your male or female,
    i just rang ours up & was all done. my birth cert goes back to my birth as a male, is now female & every thing else has been done be cause im a woman mentaly & as far as it can go body wise.
    For my self i could not live as a male that was not going to happen well i never was in so many ways. so being androgynous helped me ,
    its different for all of us.
    The main point will allways be how you accept your self .
    I could not be happy liveing as a woman with certin male parts. because i did not & could not relate to men, im not wired as a total male some , yes just not any thing like a real male. any way its not a problem now .

    only you can find that place where your happy in your self dont let any one else tell you what you are its not thier life, its yours.


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  • Anonymous

    21/07/2010 at 4:08 am

    peta, daria – yes – the nsw discriminaiton laws do not presuppose that a person to be protected under the act has to have had grs:

    again, we have the issue of proof, of course.

    that’s goodness (well, not the proof part)! :D

    virginia xo