Job hassles for those who haven’t had GRS
Being a person that at this stage does not have any idea of whether or not I can ever afford SRS, I’m wondering about hassles through the future regarding work. More specifically, what hassles/experiences have been out there in regard to the fact that your sex is still classed as male even though you are living as a female, have been on HRT forever so to speak and so on? I couldn’t find any other relevant postings regarding this point so I’m keen to hear from anyone who has some answers to give in terms of end results from their experiences.
I’m going ok at the moment, my bosses are happy with me and they know quite seriously where my life is going and I believe that if I do things right at my current job then transition will work out there with no real hassles. Thing is, I’m only 40 years old right now and have a long way to go in my working life so I’m wondering about where/what my long term future might entail or need.
Do I or anyone else REALLY need to have SRS to get through the rest of my/our lives? Can we have a good life as a non-op transgender person?
Peta A.