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  • Lack of support for Gender change

    Posted by Anonymous on 25/04/2006 at 4:05 am

    I was wondering how many have had trouble getting started on hormones.
    2 years ago I cam to accept self as more than a crossdresser so having fathered 4 children along the way spent 6 monthns researching all i could on sexchange efftects on family, children, self. Stories of regret stories of happines. I read and took in all I could as wanted to be both informed and as certain as one can be when seeking help to change gender. I have had since BEEING REFFERED TO FREMANTLE Hospital nothing but an emotional roller coaster ride delays and excuses why treatment cant or shouldnt start. I WAS reffered to another Hospital whom refferred me back without seeing me. I NOW HAVE DONE SOMETHING i dint want to however as a last resort am buying my hormones of the internet. I wonder how many others get the run around io is it just in WA

    Anonymous replied 18 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Anonymous

    26/04/2006 at 4:18 am

    Hi Trish,
    Thanks for the advice i may yet contact her. I did however try and do it right sought gp help then refferrals, psych help ., I went to a gender specialist who said i was ok to go on treatment and then got the run around. I waited over a year before taking the measure i have taken. I just fail to understand how fremantle can agree to treat me then not treat me then refer me to sir charles gardinier who then without seeing me refer me back. i AM OVER THE SEEING A PSYCHIATRIST THING BEFORE TREATMENT. I JUST WEANT MY LIFE SORTED

  • Anonymous

    26/04/2006 at 6:17 am

    Hi Jessica

    Chameleons are having a meeting tonight and there are bound to be girls who are having (or not having) problems. Maybe you should pop in and talk to a couple so they can point you in the right direction?? Nothing like first hand experience and all are more than willing to help.

  • Anonymous

    26/04/2006 at 9:07 am

    Hi Jessica,
    I very rarely if ever respond to the posts on here, but you have struck an area in which I have strong feelings. The use of hormones. For God sake do not use them, I do not know how old you are but having raised four children I have to assume you are no spring chicken.

    I am 45 years old, live full time as a female, have legally changed my name, have travelled overseas as a female and am currently an undergraduate at Edith Cowan University studying the science of psychology.

    I did the ‘hormones’ for two years and have to say that at my age the bodily changes experienced were negligable compared to the the risk to your health. I opted for surgical enhancement of my breasts and a trachael shave. I am very happy with the results, they were instantaneous and I do not need to go for blood tests every few months to check on my levels.

    The taking of female hormones will not make changes to the way you feel mentally. If your brain is telling you that you are a female then that is it! Hormones do not change your brain and as I said earlier, they ‘might’ and that is a big ‘might’, have a very minimal effect in changing your body to a more feminine shape.

    Hormones will change your ability to enjoy sex and don’t tell me that sexual fulfillmment is not a consideration. It is the number one consideration to me!!!! No, I have not had the full ‘cut and tuck’ nor have I had any other parts of my male anatomy removed. I am fully functional and very happy being the way I am.

    If you still feel the need to go down the hormone path, don’t do it without medical supervision. See your doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist. I personally recommend Dr Russel DATE 2 Havelock St, West Perth (94882983).

    I did not experience any difficulty getting prescription issued medication once I was assessed. The hardest thing to do is to make the decision to tell your doctor what it is you want to see a psychiatrist for.

    It is not cheap getting started, “but if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”; if you are going to do it, do it properly, you will not regret making the step but you will regret it if you do not try.

  • Anonymous

    26/04/2006 at 8:18 pm

    Here in Far North Queensland we have a place called The Doll’s House. If you saw it, you would understand why it has been given that name.
    Run by the State Government Health Department, Sexual Health, there are several Doctors and Psychologists available for consultations and counselling. They treat all members of the GLBTI and wider communities.
    The support has been professional and caring with everybody treated with dignity and equality. I have had no trouble getting medications. At the first session with the Doctor, I asked for Spironolactone and received a script for same after 30 minutes of questions regarding my medical and crossdressing history, (also received a referral to the Psychologist). 3 months later after more soul searching, research and eight sessions of counselling, I asked for hormones. I received the script after about ten minutes of discussion of which medication I am happy about, about effects and appearance of changes, side effects and required medical/blood tests.
    First blood test has come back with good results (normal), with the next sceduled for 24th May. I am happy with myself and the ongoing results because I don’t care who sees me wearing a bra underneath my top, I don’t have anything to hide anymore and am more relaxed as a result. I too have family problems associated with my situation, most married people do. Offer unconditional support to all members of your immediate family and demonstrate same whenever possible, no matter who upsets you or questions your sanity, behaviour, ability to function in society or right to dress. I have negotiated with car sales people, mechanics, fellow electrical tradespersonnel, University Pro-Vice-Chancellor while wearing a bra and shoes wearing nail polish. You just have to trust people. The seller doesn’t care who spends the money as long as they spend it there, Mechanics might want their money but don,t let them push you around, you would be a good free advertisement for their business.
    Hugs for now and well done being so persistent in your search for happiness

  • Anonymous

    27/04/2006 at 1:52 am

    well it seems i have got good feed back and much to think about thankls girls. Wish I lived in qld I would have been under proffessional care and treatments long ago. i HAVE TAKEN THE ISSUE to my MP who is doing a lot to get help it seems. i made contact with a doctor who i explained my situation and she it seems and i will not hold my breath , is willing to treat me as long as i see an endromologist a psychiatrist and herself. I always wanted it dont this way just wanted my hormones. yes im aware of the risks however i cant live in this body anymore and i am nervous but happpy with my decision to buy of line as it was a last resort so it seemed at the time. My children having come to accept my decision now wonder when i start and it the delays has not helped them with this iether

  • Anonymous

    04/05/2006 at 12:45 am


    I will second Diane’s recommendation of Russell Date. He has been nothing but superb to and for me. But remember there are plenty of other doctors out there and don’t be frightened to change yours if you dont think you are getting the best value from them.

    I personally had to jump through the hoops they expect of you, blood tests, shrink evaluation, blood tests, endocrinologist visits, MORE blood tests and did I mention a blood test or two. But finally got given the red pills (ok they are actually blue, but if you like the matrix then any good pill is red) in January this year.

    Coming down to the Chameleons might be a good idea if only for one meeting, as I said, I am currently on hormones, as are several others, and several more are getting to the stage where they feel they want to follow that path. There is plenty of experience in that one room and plenty of people only too willing to help.

    I am a father of two wonderful daughters, the partner of numerous failed relationships and the author of a particularly bad blog . So as you can see I am just a normal human being doing something extrordinary, or at least I like to think so.

    If you come to the next meeting, come and introduce yourself to me. I am the loud one down the end of the table!!! (Chris will tell you thats true LOL)


  • Anonymous

    04/05/2006 at 2:32 am

    Hving just moved to Orelia I went to a local GP showed him what i got off line and explained my issues. He wrote a script for hormones i had run out of agreed to do a blood test and i got to return next week. At this time he will refer me to who i desire so based on advice of you kind ladies i have rung Dr Dates clinic and explaiend my situation. I will get a refferal faxed next week then await his assitance .
    My next goal is to seek government assistance is setting up a clinic like it seems the dolls house as was mentioned. I thank all for there in put and believe that through forums such as this we can help each other and those to follow our paths with ultimate goals to get better government suppoer and understandign with ultimate goal public acceptance of girls like us .. oh to dream. I will try and get to chameleons thanks

  • Anonymous

    06/05/2006 at 7:52 pm

    Hi JessicaDeane,
    Sounds as if you have found a supportive GP, one who has not given you the run around. This GP has made decisions understanding that you will self medicate anyway, with or without his support, using non prescription medications with no blood tests. knowing the effects of hormones your GP realises that it is better to have the prescription hormones with regular blood tests. Remember that there are people who care, you have found one. Well done on having the courage to continue seeking for support. As for myself I have made the decision to start living full time as a woman by the end of this year. Please keep in touch with this group as it is a support group.

    Norah Danielle

  • Anonymous

    08/05/2006 at 3:43 am

    Heya there, Im sorry it seems like you have had the runaround a bit finding a doctor who will help ..

    I’d have to say that contacting the aust gendercenter was the best thing I could of done .

    First thing I had an appointment there with a very nice lady there, (brisbane) im located 130kms north) and told her in brief about my situtation …

    She’s refered me to a Psyitiristd(sorry bad spelling) who after two appointments would start HRT replacement …

    I spose I’ve had it pretty easy though, to become anee, after 15yrs of fighting it … Now, Im happier in my life than I’ve ever been before,

    Good luck in it all!!!

    all the wishes in the world .

    Anee ..

  • Anonymous

    20/05/2006 at 1:36 am

    You can gain a positive from a negative situation. Since giving up on getting help here in WA and coming to this forum i have recieved great advice and tips form you fines ladies thankyou xxoxo. I raised my issue with a lesbian member of parliment. I didnt know she was lesbian at the time just she covered area i was living in. I had a meeting with her and she has been in touch constantly. She wants to get the government to establish a centre specifcally set up to treat people with transgender issues. PROVED COUNCILLOURS TO ASSIST FAMILIY MEMBERS ETC.
    I am going to a meeting of her party Thursday. Having as i always do scan the websites to learn more about transgender issues, realised how many girs struggle to transistion due to finances , I started emailing people in regard to there views on setting up a Foundation that assists transgender girls by lending the funds iether interest free or low interest based on the individuals circumstances. I have got away from the topic I STARTED HERE I REALISE. sORRY JUST My goal in life is to ensure all Transgender girls can be treated with respect and get support when needed no matter what area it is.

  • Anonymous

    13/08/2006 at 12:34 am

    Hi Everyone

    This is a bit of a problem for me as-well as, I have finally worked up the courage and have decided that I would like to live more of my life as a woman, (eventually living 24/7, including, if I can ever get the finance to do it, SRS), and to start taking hormones, but here in Alice Springs, where I have lived for about 31 years and I don’t really want leave, there is not much support for the transgender community, (Although for the aboriginals there is the sister-girl group), however there is a quite a bit of support for the gay and lesbian community. So this is where I started. I first called in to the Northern Territory AIDS & Hepatitis Council (NTAHC), where I was introduced to Tony Hand, who came from Sydney and has had dealings with the transgender community, he put me onto a Dr Kath Feathers, at Clinic 34, which is a free clinic, He told me that he had worked with her in Sydney and that she has had experience with transgendered people before, (in fact she has already help another transgendered person from Alice Springs and started them on hormones, but the left to go to Sydney) . So I went and saw her, She did give me the option of starting phone couciling, but at this point, I would not like to do it this way, the other option was to wait until October, when I woman (a councillor), who is coming up from Sydney, will be available for me to talk to, so that we can start the ball rolling, so this is what I have decided to do, as for me this is the better option. One thing I did tell both Tony and Kath, is that I think that, as we are in the centre of Australia and have a lot of people passing through, there should be something for the transgender community and they agree, so maybe, in the future there will be more support for us.

    I will try to post more after I have seen this councillor.

    So bye for now

    Hugs and Kisses

  • Anonymous

    07/10/2006 at 5:59 am

    :( I too am walking that path Jess, my reasons vary from yours, but the outcome is the same.
    I feel trapped between two states, one being a father and provider for a young family, and considering their emotional well being, and another where I am faced with the day to day realization of denying my true feelings.
    I have purchased these hormones via the net, and have based the dosage perscribed for me by a doctor fourteen years ago, I know our body changes with time, and I am hoping that I will not suffer any dramatic effects.
    It is a risk I know, but one I feel I must take for my own peace of mind, a bit of a contradiction I know risk and peace of mind don’t go together.
    I do feel a lot more level headed without the frustrations, psychosomatic???? anyones guess, I do know how I feel though.

    I feel as if I am in a fast car heading for a wall, and there is no way out, I am turing 48 next year, and have suppressed a side of myself that I can no longer turn from for 42 of those years, the strain is unbearable sometimes, but there are too many people to consider. :(

