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  • Laser Hair Removal

    Posted by Anonymous on 09/06/2006 at 8:37 am


    For those of you who have had laser hair removal, could you please tell me, how many visits were involved for facial hair removal, what is the average cost, any detrimental effects. I would like to hear the words of those who have genuinely had this done. I am prone to ignore all the hype and testimonials on the net as they tend to be pure marketing fallacies.

    I am seriously researching this, yet up here in the NT the laser specialist at the Parap Body Image Clinic is available only on Mondays after 11am, and that is when I am at work. And I’m sure as eggs not calling her from there!

    Thanks ever so much.

    Big Hugs

    Anonymous replied 14 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Anonymous

    09/06/2006 at 9:50 am

    Well I don’t know the cost as I had mine done in NZ many years ago. But then it was $200 – $300 a session for the face and neck, but prices were dropping.
    I had 4 sessions but was recommended 6 sessions. After 4 sessions there were not many hairs left and most were light coloured and therefore immune to the effects of laser. After 4 sessions it was cheaper to get my face done using electrolysis, $30 instead of $200. But laser was definitely cheaper per hair zapped for the first few sessions.
    Laser only works on dark coloured hairs.
    I was warned that laser could cause a skin pigmentation change on the treated area and this happened to me. The result was a few extra freckles, so not so serious.
    A friend of mine in NZ also had about 4 sessions, but this only removed about half of her hairs compared to over 95% of mine, so it goes to show that there are individual differences.
    I think it is worth while trying a session and if you are happy with the results go back for more.

  • Anonymous

    09/06/2006 at 10:29 am

    Thanks Annie,

    You seem to have done well. Only a few extra freckles.

    After reading my initial post I have thought of other factor’s that may affect my decision to have laser put back for a while.

    1. What is the effect of having laser when one has to shave everyday for work?

    2. Is this a permanent removal or does one have to be treated every month or so?

    3. How long must the facial/neck hair have to be for effective treatment?

    Big Hugs

  • Anonymous

    09/06/2006 at 12:38 pm

    Hi again
    With laser you have to shave it close for the treatment. Unlike electrolysis where the hair must be long enough to grab. However your face might be red after a session and if not cared for well may form small pimple sized sores for a few days. It could be good to have your session just before a few days off work so you don’t have to explain a blotchy face if you react.
    It is fairly permanent. 5+ years later I still get some new growth, but it is only a few that can be plucked or electrocuted. I haven’t shaved for 3 months and my face only has some light down which is only noticable up close.

  • Anonymous

    11/06/2006 at 12:40 pm

    hi Juliann,
    i started laser treatment here in perth and sadly had to stop due to bills however have become aware of a few things 1) A newer type of laser treatment called elos is said to remove light and grey hairs however last time i checked they were asking $300 – $400 per treatment for facial area. The other is ipl and they were charging me from $150 -$250 per session. With ipl i was advised 4 – 6 sessions then up to 8 sessions. i plan to get more ipl then do last couple of sessions where my white hair is with the elso sigh age is my issue:)
    As this seems to becoming more common and advances made maybe costs will keep coming down. i have heard if you stick at it it works and im not upset with how its gone just wish i had money to do it more often
    take care

  • Anonymous

    11/06/2006 at 1:20 pm

    Hi. I have had three treatments of ELOS and the difference is remarkable…. still hair on my chin and upper lip but nowhere near as much as there used to be, and 4 days of growth in the old days would take nearly a month to match now. It is expensive at $340 a session for my face and neck but it is absolutely worth it.


  • Anonymous

    29/07/2006 at 9:54 am

    Hello Ladies,

    I have had about 6 sessions of Elos on my face and am almost finished. Initially I was paying $200 for treatment of the full face and neck but am down to just doing the upper lip and the chin. I would believe that a couple more visits will see it completed.

    I still shave every day at the moment, but only to get the nasty little hairs where the Elos isn’t completed yet. Some seem more stubborn than others! :-)

    I am delighted with the results and so is my beautician. Once the Elos is finished I will be able to afford to go back having nice experiences in her salon rather than being zapped every visit.

    Hope this is of some use to you all. I thoroughly recommend Elos – it is relatively painless and also relatively quick and cheap. For Ladies living in Western Sydney, visit or call Rachel at Designing Women in Springwood – she is a lovely lady, TG friendly, has private premises and her prices are more than reasonable.


  • Anonymous

    29/07/2006 at 2:38 pm

    I’ve had 6 sessions now, the price seems to vary from place to place, but the first 5 were $250.00 each here, the ones afterward only 150.

    as for results.. I am back to shaving every two days, and for 1 glorious week when the hair has fallen out, I dont shave at all. the big difference I notice is that I can go all day without facial hair. hopefully in the next few sessions ill see some results. I was advised it could take up to 10 sessions to get full results.

    its painful, but hopefully worthwhile.

    hugz, Bre

  • Melissa_Mills

    07/01/2008 at 10:25 am

    I have had 3 sessions so far, leaving about a month or so in between sessions and in about a week’s time, its time for treatment number 4. But I have noticed today that not only was the previous session completely ineffective, I seem to have almost as much hair now as when I started. There is definately more hair now than at any time since I started getting laser treatments unfortunately so this is very disappointing and I still have to shave every day.
    Are these sorts of developments common? I will be very annoyed if after spending all that money, I’ll be right back where I started from.

  • Anonymous

    09/01/2008 at 3:35 am
    I have had 3 sessions so far, leaving about a month or so in between sessions and in about a week’s time, its time for treatment number 4. But I have noticed today that not only was the previous session completely ineffective, I seem to have almost as much hair now as when I started. There is definately more hair now than at any time since I started getting laser treatments unfortunately so this is very disappointing and I still have to shave every day.
    Are these sorts of developments common? I will be very annoyed if after spending all that money, I’ll be right back where I started from.

    Melissa, laser (facial) usually takes anywhere from 8 to 12 sessions depending on the person and hair type. I didn’t realy notice much until the 5th to 6th treatment. It take about 6 treatments to wear the hair down before the therapist can up the power on the laser to give a more dramatic hair removal. Using too high power at first will only end up burning and blisterng the surrounding skin. All I can say is stick with it for a couple more sessions and if you still see no results then you may have to look elsewere. Your therapist should be asking you to come back for a review and free touch-up 2-3 weeks after your 5th or 6th treatment to determine to success of your treatment.

    Hope this helps.

  • Melissa_Mills

    09/01/2008 at 10:03 am

    After the first session, my skin was all kind of burnt to a mild degree and my face looked horrible but the effect was that by the time the second session was due, I had lost about 60-70% of my facial hair . Aside from a small patch in the centre of my chin, I had an even covering of dark, thick facial hair from ear to ear prior to starting and the couple of test runs showed that it was going to work. After the second treatment, (my face didnt get so burned or affected in that regard this time) the impact wasnt so great but still the hair thinned out fairly noticeably but the hair on my upper lip still wasnt budging so for treatment number 3, she cranked up the laser to full power, didnt hold anything back and that brings me to what has happened now which I mentioned in my previous message.

  • Anonymous

    08/03/2008 at 3:41 am

    I had mine done about eight years ago when the cold wave laser was new, the therapist tried a place near my ears for intensity and power. Fortunately I only had to have about six sessions at approx 6 week intervals and the only hair I have now is the fair( read grey) growth. The costs reduced as there was less hair every session. No more 5 o`clock shadow only a very short stubble and although I will get the greys done soon I am very happy with the results. I recomend the Image Centre . Avoca St Sth Yarra

  • Melissa_Mills

    21/03/2009 at 11:28 am

    I’m now well into double figures for the number of sessions that I’ve had and I seem to not be making any more progress. The last couple of times I’ve just had the area around my lips done and I’ve been getting more regrowth on my chin.
    There are more grey hairs emerging 😡 which laser wont do anything for I guess but I’m torn between continuing but not getting anywhere and giving up or at least really slowing down and running the risk of undoing all the time and money I’ve put into it so far

  • Anonymous

    21/03/2009 at 10:06 pm

    I’ve had 7 laser treatments at 2 different places. I would say the laser has removed 90% of my black hairs. However my face is also full of grey hairs.

    In my experience the treatment was really effective in the first 4 treatments and after that not so much. As I don’t have much black hair now I’ve started with electrolysis. Will see how that goes although its going to take an awfully long time and money.

  • Anonymous

    22/03/2009 at 8:40 pm

    Hi all

    I have had 8 treatments about 4 years ago on my face and it did not make any differance, last year I did 10 treatments on both my face and body.

    My body hair seemed to work fine, but my face did not. Some of my hairs turned gray while in treatment and now they are all black again (dam body know what laser is).

    I think you will fine that it works differently for everyone. Other girls I know it worked great.

    I was told about a Coherent Lightsheer laser from the Vie Institute on the sunshine coast. My skin cancer doctor suggested them. He said that they split the light and only use the light that kills hair. By the look of the pcs it also has a cooling head built in. I have not contacted them but its my next option after IPL.

    I am still happy to do IPL for my body hair.


    Kelly Jones

  • Anonymous

    22/03/2009 at 11:39 pm

    Hi……..I have had about eight IPL sessions here in Brisbane. The operator is a qualified nurse. I got a package of six sessions ( 1 per month) for $550.
    I noticed a huge difference on the very first session. Most of the black hairs are gone but I am still finding a few here and there. It seems that most girls I know have had at least twelve months of IPL and some eighteen months !



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