Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Transgender Rights
John Oliver covers in his own brilliantly cutting, insightful but hilarious way, Trans Rights. Primarily aimed at the US but with globally applicable themes. It’s a 16 minute segment but is crafted respectfully, positively, and is the high water mark that all media should aspire to.
Quote:This week’s gay rights victory was historic, but the transgender community still faces staggering challenges. John Oliver focuses on the “T” in “LGBT.”Available for those with HBO on pay tv (sadly not free to air). It can also be found on YouTube officially here for those in the US with VPN with a US endpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmoAX9f6MOc but can easily be found in YouTube by searching “John Oliver Transgender”, you’ll find many repostings of it.
I also have it on MP4 from the DVR is anyone wants a local copy – Let me know.
It’s worth the watch.