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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Transgender Politics & Law lateral hostility and the toxic effects

  • lateral hostility and the toxic effects

    Posted by Anonymous on 08/07/2014 at 2:22 pm

    We discuss the broken ranks of the gender diverse community all to often. Every now and the forces of nature align and a synergy starts to come clearly into veiw. People see a hope for a different future one of unity and good will to each other. We ride what seems a perfect wave , feeling a ground swell of support.
    It is seen eventually by established players and they see it not as an opportunity but as a challenge to the current order they have created ,an order they believe only they should be allowed to change. So they set about undermining the new ideas . Their efforts are to preserve their ownership of the cause not for the benefit of others but for themselves. Personal attacks are persued in private and sometimes public in endeavors to damage that which they see as challenging their authority.
    If they fail from the outside they endeavor to get in and deliver their toxic chalice to the heart of their enemies. Once in they are like a primed grenade they go off whatever you do with them. This is the sort of behavior is a septic ullser that blights our community.
    We need a change and we need to let the naysayers follow instead of lead for while they remain at the helm we are always heading into the rocks. There is no future until we put the past behind us.

    Anonymous replied 10 years, 8 months ago 0 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Anonymous

    08/07/2014 at 2:48 pm

    K, I am having trouble following your meaning I am afraid. I wonder if you care to be a bit more specific as it sounds as though something has upset you recently?