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Left or right handed?
Posted by Anonymous on 07/05/2010 at 5:26 amI did once read that someone somewhere came up with a theory about transgenders. If this theory were correct then the rate of lefthandedness among ftm should have been above the societal norm and the rate for mtf below. It turned out both were above the norm. So what are we?
1; Totally lefthanded?
2; Totally right handed?
3; Mostly left or right handed but do some things with the other hand (that’s only with the other hand, not as well as).
4; Ambidextrous; can do anything virtually equally as well with either hand.
I’m a 3. Mostly a lefty but I hold cricket bats, scissors, can-openers and golf clubs right handed. I can write with either hand but I don’t consider myself ambidextrous because left is far superior to the writing of the right.
Anyone interested in fessing up to their sinistrality? :
Anonymous replied 14 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
Guest07/05/2010 at 5:50 amIm a 2 totaly right handed the only thing i do lefthanded on occasions is lift my glass of Guinness 😆 whan the right is tired
Guest07/05/2010 at 5:59 amMM just to be awkward i am left and right handed same with the feet lol.
Prob explains a lot
Guest07/05/2010 at 9:45 amHi Felicity.
I doubt there is any real variation of the normal statistics for left or right handed Transgender people compared to the general population? I have no medical evidence about that particular relationship, but I do know that left/right brain function affects whether you’re a lefty or righty, along with with whether you’re a logical or emotional focussed person.
As for you’re query, well I guess I fall into the #3 category. I am generally a right handed person, but there are many activities I can do left handed by choice and a couple by natural preferance! I wouldn’t go so far to say I’m even close to equally skilled dexterity between left and right handedness, but if necessary there are many things I could do with my less dominant hand.
Guest07/05/2010 at 9:50 amMy understanding is there is a statistically significant increased incidence with gayness as well as TG for lefties
Of equal significance is IQ of gays is one standard deviation above average, whilst to be TG will give you a 2 standard deviation increase with your IQ.
See, pretty ans smart. Oh, and yes, I’m one of those lefties
Guest07/05/2010 at 11:33 amHi.
Just to be a pain , right down the middle ,yet im a left e & was belted well not to hard ,,,,,he he ….. at school & had to change over to the right hand to write just one detail i cant write & cant spell. oh well .
my brain was a bit mixed up . so what would you expect. other wise i do most things with both hands oh yea the mouse thing e is on my left side . & i hit the keys on here with my left hand , ooops only hard when this computer wont work ,
im on the 2 nd mouse now the first one i killed it .…noeleena…
Guest07/05/2010 at 11:36 amHi Feliciti
Totally left handed here, the only thing I do right handed is cratch my left arm. 😆 -
Guest07/05/2010 at 3:26 pmMe? Well I’m a number three. I’m normally right handed but I’m consciously doing more with my left hand as I get older to lessen the chance (I hope) of arthritis in my right hand. Whether that affects me as a TG person I don’t really know but I don’t feel like it does.
Peta A.
Guest07/05/2010 at 11:09 pmhi Girls , I use both left and right , but the GoodSheperd nuns took it upon themselves too stop me writing with my left hand ..If caught using ones left hand too write a steel edged ruler across knuckles soon stopped you … I seem too recall it was the sign of the devil lol
Guest08/05/2010 at 12:05 ami would be #4 especially since 2008- am ambidextrous… i do almost everything equally well with my right/left hand… which hand i choose to use at a given point in time depends pretty much on convenience of location (eg if the book and pen is on my left side, i use my left hand to write on it)…
i started out in life as right-handed… but as i grew up, i gradually realised i could do things equally well with my left too… as my identity of kirsty starts to consolidate, i began to use my left hand more and more as part of an attempt to construct a seperate identity to my old male self who was perceived by most ppl as being right handed…
Guest08/05/2010 at 5:53 amI am am ambidextrous never placed much thought about it till I read this post, I try not to complex what is simple for myself. Both hands work and I am happy with that.
Guest08/05/2010 at 6:21 amIm left handed, and artistic, I also must admit gay feelings as i grew up, but i repressed them for years.
Like most lefties, i had to get used to those devices that were designed for right handers, so yes I can use a can opener.
Guest08/05/2010 at 6:32 amI’m also ambidextrous; write with left hand and do most other things with my right. Is there really a pattern taking shape here?
Guest08/05/2010 at 11:45 amI’m a fully right handed full-time cross-dresser, although I wish that I was a woman.
Guest08/05/2010 at 8:51 pmI agree with kelly 2, its a load of trash. Plus, I just don’t see why its being discussed at all, full stop! Other topics are far more interesting that this!!