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TgR Wall Forums Our Journeys Sex reassignment “Levels” of Transsexuality ??

  • Anonymous

    18/08/2013 at 2:09 am

    I hadn’t heard of primary and secondary Transexuls before. If I had grown up without some of the sexist influences from a young age. Being told it is better to be a boy. When I said I didn’t want to be a boy. At a young age. I knew I hated the restrictions of being a boy but had no idea that anyone else felt that way until I was 14 when I saw silence of the lambs. Defiantly not a good way to find out that others exist who don’t feel male in there male bodies.
    If I wasn’t taught to hide my fem side from a very young age then I would have been me much earlier in life. I think it is like that for most transsexuals.
    Acceptance of being Trans is very different to knowing you a different and wrong with no understanding of why. It would seem that society is better now then 20 or 30 years ago as far as transgender acceptance is concerned.

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