Male and Female He Created Them
It is very encouraging to hear that what is generally thought of as a “blokey” organisation (Clubs NSW) is moving to become more supportive of transgender people.
In the circumstances I then found it very disturbing to read of the latest commentary from the Catholic Church in Rome in relation to the transgender issue. The document appears to make several seemingly harsh statements including
“blasting modern gender theory, claiming that it seeks to “annihilate the concept of ‘nature.'”,
the idea of people’s gender identities existing along a spectrum “nothing more than a confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants.”,
Labeling the biological differences between men and women “constitutive of human identity,” the office also questions the intentions of those who identify as intersex and transgender.
“Efforts to go beyond the constitutive male-female sexual difference, such as the ideas of ‘intersex’ or ‘transgender,’ lead to a masculinity or femininity that is ambiguous,” states the document.
“This oscillation between male and female becomes, at the end of the day, only a ‘provocative’ display against so-called ‘traditional frameworks,’ ” it continues.
And so on
To me, the document seems pretty devoid of compassion, and I fear, will only create additional rejection of transgender people.
The document is titled “Male and Female He Created Them”.