“Men are rom Mars and Women from Venus” agan!
This is an old walnut “Men are from Mars and Women are form Venus” but this study may be of interest as it is based on MRI brain activity scan and attempts to see the whole brain in action so to speak rather then a focus on what might be called male or female traits.
The article is from The Guardian:
The article looks at a study done by Daphne Joel, she concludes:
“We show there are differences, but brains do not come in male and female forms. The differences you see are differences between averages. Each one of us is a unique mosaic,”
“Sex affects the brain but how it affects the brain depends on other factors. The effects of sex can be different and even opposite under different conditions. This is why you can be highly masculine on one feature but highly feminine on another feature,”
and the concluding argument that Joel and the article wishes to make is:
“According to Joel, the study should prompt people, and society at large, to think far beyond a person’s sex. “We have to treat each person according to what he or she is and not according to the form of their genitals,”
“but wait a minute” isn’t this the same conclusion that John Oliver makes in his segment:
I apologies in advance to readers that are aware that John Oliver has been covered in other posts. Just that I like the thought of a comedian got there before a scientist.