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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Beauty Microdermabrasion

  • Microdermabrasion

    Posted by Anonymous on 15/05/2014 at 8:50 am

    Today I had the second of four sessions of microdermabrasion at the local beauty salon and I feel great. It is cheaper in the long run to pay for four at a time.
    I have had it done before but stopped after two sessions and only saw a small effect but my skin still felt great. This time I am trying a few chemical peels as well in an effort to refine my pores.

    I recommend it to those who can afford it to try it and improve your skin while you can.

    Anonymous replied 9 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/04/2015 at 9:32 am

    As I cannot afford the ongoing costs of a beautician for MDB , I decided to buy a PMD device but they too are very dear for what they are. In the meantime I sent away for a OLAY Pro X buffer thingy ( $25 from Sydney) and in 2 weeks I have noticed a decent reduction in pore size and finer complexion and yesterday, after watching many Youtube clips I got a DERMA roller thing to try to reduce the acne scars I have had since my youth . I have just done my first treatment and pain was 1.5 out of 10 and I now have a mild sunburn like glow. I will monitor the results but for $40 all up for both, it is worth a try so I recommend you all look at this option for skin improvement.

  • Anonymous

    12/04/2015 at 4:06 am

    Next day and there is a faint tightness on my skin and it is definitely ” plumped up’ as it is scarred by the tiny needles. It does not hurt and I have put on a Jojoba daycream. Reading online it says I need only do this once a month with a 1mm needle roller as the Collagen takes a few weeks to build up production to fill in lines and scars– apparently!

    More later.

  • Anonymous

    14/11/2015 at 7:54 am

    I have not continued with this in recent years really due to the costs but then tried using a spiked wheel which wounds the skin mildly ( like sunburn). This is said to produce extra collagen in order to plump up the skin tissues. It appeared to have an effect but I forget to do it or are too busy so results lag.

    A recent discovery though is the trend to use razors on the areas of the face that we usually don’t shave, the forehead and cheeks and nose area. I am now regularly doing this using a new 3 blade common razor and the result is a much smoother skin and long term reduction of wrinkles and pore size is expected. It is cheap and easy and I recommend that others give it a try. The secret is to use a motion that does not lift the blade but keep it on the skin and uses small strokes. This avoids possible cuts.