Mirror mirror on the wall..who is the fairest one of all?
Now to set the scene right from the start: I am fully aware that I am not passable and I make little, or no attempt, to pass – maybe I slightly go out of my way a bit to avoid that in fact it must be said. I cultivate a loud, somewhat mildly-Drag-gy look and, if I am completely honest, I am always trying to match my look with my personality. Those of you who know me will probably attest to that I think.
The Number 1 thing on the Fear Scale when I am talking to newbies is “oh I could never pass”….it is even above that old fallacy “I will get recognised if I go out”. In all the years I have been going out to pubs/clubs/events etc and through all the functions/quiz nights and other stuff I host and I get up to not once NOT ONCE has anyone from the general public ever said anything disparaging to me or even slightly critical. Quite the opposite in fact! I have women and men compliment me on my outfits/heels/hair/legs/behaviour etc and never a negative comment has reached my ears – apart from the negative comments that have on occasion emanated from my own kind.
Last Friday I was told that one of my Trans sisters had said that I look like a “blow up doll”. This remark was unsolicited and came from a dresser I have had very little to do with, or even had a conversation with and, in a baffling twist, she is involved with a local organisation purportedly only in existence to assist and encourage crossdressers. Over my decades long journey I have unfortunately had quite a few instances where other dressers have had a crack at me for how I carry on which has been in stark contrast to everything else I have experienced. On Facebook, I regularly see these same girls who have said the most appalling things about other dressers militantly wave the rainbow flag demanding equal rights (for what?) or beating the drum incessantly over some perceived slight from society of which we were all previously unaware. I have had some conversations online recently with a newbie who, to me anyway, appears and sounds quite genuine – I’ve developed a good nose for sniffing out fakes and wannabe’s over the years. She told me a terrible story about approaching this same organisation where upon at her one and only attendance at one of their meetings (a debut in the public arena for her which as many of you know is a bloody big deal) she felt like the ugly girl at the school dance and wherein not one but a couple of ‘The ladies’ there gave her a full and robust critique of her ’look’….a look she had carefully crafted for her big night out. Disgraceful.
Before going any further I can’t say I’ve had poor experiences with other Tran’s groups around the country. In the main I have found that some are a bit dull and uninspiring but never have I found them at all unsupportive or exclusive. I have had great nights at the Seahorse Ball in Sydney on a couple of occasions and found everyone to be fun and friendly. I’ve been to dinner groups in Queensland and had a terrific time and I even went to a get together in Portland once upon a time which was a wonderful night – and no one passed any sort of judgement on how I or anyone else presented or what anyone was doing. Transformal, of course, is the absolute shining light in Tran’s inclusion and everyone mixes in spectacularly in celebration of our lifestyle and interests. This alternate behaviour, I am sad to say, seems to be a localised issue (I hope) and I used to think it went back to the days when I ran the Steppin’ Out Balls in opposition to their scrabble nights and Op-Shop fashion evenings but I hear far too many of the sorts of things my new friend has told me for it to really, sadly, be just isolated criticism of me.
The only instances I have ever had where I have I think been unfairly, and often cowardly, dealt with have been within our OWN so-called community – never the general public of whom many are so scared of. When I first heard the “blow up doll” thing my first instinct was that I went around to that persons place and confronted them but that doesn’t address their other serious shortcomings where it applies to emerging girls. Therefore, after much deliberation, I have decided on the following courses of action for which I invite comment:
1. I am going to accentuate my look when I go out so that people will suspect that if I accidentally cut myself I will have to use a vulcanising patch instead of a Band-Aid and
2. I am going to start my own local support group for tgirls on Facebook where they can get some advice fairly quickly and from which we can organise local face-to-face get together and outings.
In essence, I’m not really fussed what anyone says about me. I don’t really care what they say and I don’t lose any sleep over their sulky bitchiness. I would never mention of course that in this particular girl’s case she has an arse so big that could conceivably have its own postcode nor would I ever say that because of their actions their own meetings could now be held in an abandoned mini-bar fridge – I will leave that for others to say. What I will say however is that our gig has enough challenges without our own sisters taking pot shots over other people’s choices and preferences and the new girls, and a lot of we older chicks, deserve a lot better if indeed their charters are sincere and that their existence is for everyone in our community. If a girl decides that the look she wishes to aspire to involves a parrot jauntily poised upon her shoulder whilst she flits about in a harlequin inspired outfit with a “Kiss Me Quick” emblazoned straw boater or if two girls suddenly decide between them to start getting around in a My Little Pony comedy horse costume then that is their business.
Viva la Difference girlfriend’s. We are all supposed to be on the same side are we not?