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  • Muscle detoning

    Posted by Anonymous on 25/02/2012 at 3:50 am

    Hi everyone,

    I am growing conscious of my bicep/arm muscle, especially my right arm.
    Does anyone know of a muscle reduction program or regime`(apart from sitting around and doing absolutely nothing !) or some way to’waste’ that bicep muscle??

    I am no Ben Hur, but I wish to look more feminine as I loose weight. (don’t we all), and the size of my upper arms are a bother this time of year when we like to wear strappy dresses etc, especially when I have to raise my arms. When my arms are lowered however, they don’t look too bad. I have done much lifting in the past, but nowadays I try to avoid it. I Have never been muscly, in fact a 9 stone weakling most of my life !

    I am also trying to build up my upper thighs by regular exercise on my ex. bike, to give me a ‘little more hip’, hopefully. I have a 30″waist, have tried hip pads, but would like something more permanent to achieve ‘the shape’.

    Cheers, Jannine.

    Anonymous replied 12 years, 11 months ago 0 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Anonymous

    25/02/2012 at 1:05 pm


    Oestrogens will naturally soften muscle fibre. After 2-3 years, your muscle strength will be on a par with any woman of your age. This will also include muscle bulk, as the muscle tissue softens

    All I can suggest is to be a little patient & allow the good hormones to work their magic. They may not be able to change bone structure, but they do bless us with many other benefits

  • Anonymous

    26/02/2012 at 2:47 am

    Yay !

    Thank you Christina. Please excuse my denseness, but where do I get oestogens and how do I go about it ?

    I have never considered HRT, so my head has been in the sand whenever the subject has been discussed. Had I had acess to TG/CD websites even 10 years ago, I would seriously have considered it, as I have always had a feminine physique.

    Cheers, Jannine.

  • Anonymous

    26/02/2012 at 3:40 am
    Yay !
    …but where do I get oestogens and how do I go about it ?

    Hi Jannine

    Please note I am NOT a medical professional, but here are some options…

    One way to get estrogen is to speak to your GP, who will refer you to see a psychiatrist who will assess from your circumstances whether you can be prescribed (by a qualified GP or endocrinologist) with hormones (estrogen) and testosterone blockers. These can then be purchased from a chemist.

    Another way, possible but not recommended, is to self-medicate and obtain the medication from suppliers, local or overseas, that do not require prescription. (Edit: Let me add that this would be a dangerous path – I am NOT advocating this at all! Doing this way will mean you do NOT have the monitoring and support from medical professionals. This is very RISKY. I merely put here because it is an option – please do not get the incorrect impression that I support it!)

    If it is always what you have felt, then it is never too late. Good luck!

    .maya v

  • Anonymous

    26/02/2012 at 7:31 am

    step 1: Become an Eastern Potentate. ( easy)
    2: Get an armchair ( bigger the better)
    3: Get a toady to wave you with a fan , bring food and pop morsels into your mouth etc
    4: Do nothing ….Then….

    …Large violin…your arms will wither to twigs !!