My Knight’s Quest
I’ve clearly got too much time on my hands! Time enough to write an auto-biography….
….but not the chronological blow-by-blow description of a life that wasn’t that particularly noteworthy or interesting. Rather I have written about my lived experience of being transgender, from early crossdressing as a child to being a proud transwoman and webmistress of this site. Over 60 years transgender life has changed for the better in so many ways. Those of us who lived through these changes had experiences that shaped the world we live in now; they are experiences that will ultimately be lost unless they are written down.
This sudden literary urge was triggered by the oral history interviews that I, and many TgR members, had with Noah Riseman last year. I will be donating any profits from the sale of the book to support the Australian Queer Archives and the work Noah is doing to capture and preserve our lived experiences.
A link to purchase the book is on the TgR Wall page. The book is for sale through LuLu. If you enjoy the read please leave a review there.