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  • Nasty rash under my bra band

    Posted by Anonymous on 30/03/2018 at 6:35 am

    Hello girls

    After x amount of years as Catherine and wearing bras and breast forms almost the whole time whilst in that “mode” , I developed a nasty skin rash on both sides of my back where the band meets both straps. One was bad enough for my GP to cut it out, it looked so “Sus”, the other one had all sorts of little blisters on it and he got “the nitrogen” to them.

    Have any of you, or any of your other female friends ever had this problem and if you have wot do you think caused it and how was it fixed?. I have lost about 3=4 kilos with the stress of a house move and maybe I don’t have my bra band tight enough??? Still feels comfy on the first set of hooks, tho

    Maybe anyone “living in the tropics” has had this problem as it seemed to be worse in the recent warm weather Left my forms on for longer than mormal lately too. Ended up with irritated skin thereas well , but this was fixed with an ointment

    Look forward to any responses

    Happy Dressing,


    Adrian replied 6 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Martina

    31/03/2018 at 9:25 pm

    Hi Caty,
    I live mainly in Thailand which can be very hot at times. If I get a rash, it is usually from the breast forms and the solution is to wash them with ant-bacterial hand soap, dry with a soft towel and sprinkle with talcum powder. Also wash the affected area on your skin with anti-bacterial hand soap but make sure you buy one with aloe vera in it. The anti-bacterial component kills the bugs while the aloe vera speeds up the healing. Similarly wash your bra with an anti-bacterial soap.
    Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous

    25/04/2018 at 7:18 am

    Hi from the very “recently relocated” back to Melbourne Caty and the end of the saga with the bra band rash.

    It was caused by a change of my laundry liquid detergent to a powder that my skin obviously took a dislike to. I went back to my old liquid and some antic bacterial liquid as well. So there’s a trap for the ubwary!!!

    No problems before or since. Tho after letting my “Smalls” dry out in my (small) shed for a day or 3, “er indoors” commented on how nice it smelled!!

    Little did she know why!!

    Regards to all


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    25/04/2018 at 9:21 am


    I suspect this will go down on the records as THE worst Topic for a forum post for the whole of 2018.

    All I can say is Good Luck with your sanitation regime

    I cant say any more !!!

  • Anonymous

    25/04/2018 at 10:24 am

    Ah me oh my, how as my old man used to say, I have” lost my status” on TGR. From being one of the “leading contributors” to being “roundly chastised” by “leading TGR’ers” for “things beyond my control”. I wont say sorry Caro, cos it was an honest attempt to alert others to what can happen.and if I’ve been a “bad girl”, trust you will equally censure Martina for her advice to me in the first place.

    There are other sites on this planet for folks like us and rest assured they dont harangue their members for when they try to be helpful to our community.

    Goodbye and good luck


  • Anonymous

    27/04/2018 at 2:01 pm

    Caroline just wondering why you felt the need to be so nasty and sarcastic to Caty, I have had a similiar problem with my bra band and was interested to find out if anyone had a solution to the problem. Thats what I thought we did here help each other with problems that we wouldn’t normally have easy access to the answers, but perhaps I am wrong.

  • Adrian

    27/04/2018 at 10:02 pm

    I’ve locked this thread as it has now wandered way off topic. Caty has elected not to be a member any longer after posting an unacceptable update to her profile.

The discussion ‘Nasty rash under my bra band’ is closed to new replies.

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