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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU Nighties or PJs

  • Paula_1

    10/05/2010 at 2:29 am

    I wear nighties to bed all year round, the length, style and fabric varies depending on the temperature. The only exception is when Im suffering from a cold in the winter and then i will wear femmine pjs

  • Anonymous

    10/05/2010 at 3:20 am

    Give me a decent nightie all the time! Pjs were when a boy but that’s so long ago I’ve forgotten, and besides, with my elevated body temp even a nightie gets too hot to wear much the time!!!!

  • Anonymous

    19/07/2012 at 10:20 pm

    During the warmer months i like wearing nighties, the warmer the shorter and the coldest months the unflattering trackies.

  • Anonymous

    21/07/2012 at 12:23 am

    Summer time short satin nighty, Winter long satin nighty or long satin PJ are my prefered options

  • Sinndy

    21/07/2012 at 1:14 am

    Oh dear– Nighties !! Nighties !! Nighties so much more feminine and just right for the weather in Nth Qld.. Plus growing up from the era of fabulous fifties the swinging sixties and sexy seventies I just adore all the wonderful “vintage nightwear” from those years and even further back mmmmmmmmmmm :D

  • Angela_Morgan

    22/07/2012 at 6:31 am

    If I could I would wear a long flowing nightie. But that option has been strongly vetoed by my wife! (except when I am working away from home)

    As a compromise I wear women’s brushed satin pjs which keep me warm through the Tassie winter. I have one pair in emerald green and another in navy blue with white trim. During summer I wear satin boxers and a cotton singlet.

  • lee

    23/07/2012 at 8:05 am

    Nylon or Satin nighties for me!-I have been collecting vintage nighties since the early nineties and have about twenty so far.The better ones I keep to admire or wear on special ocassions and the “more loved” ones I use for every night wear.Any I find that are too small for me are commandeered by my S/O.
    Nighties are about the dressing I,ve been doing for sometime now.


  • Anonymous

    24/07/2012 at 11:12 pm

    well for as long as i can remember teddies are for me seven nights a week satin cotton you name it

  • Elizabeth

    25/07/2012 at 9:37 pm

    Well, the Canberra climate dictates what one wears in bed. Currently with most nights dropping down into the minus 5 and 6’s, for me it’s a flanelette nightie, short length, and long sleeved. Summer, anything goes, the less restictive the better. Keep warm,


  • Anonymous

    28/07/2012 at 12:05 am

    Hi folks,

    Having tried both “regimes”, (with almost a constant being the dressing gown/negligee had to match), I finally came down on the side of the PJ’s.
    Green satiny/polyester to be precise. I still have them, but cant wear them at night these days, cos of my “situation” with my SO

    I found nighties got me “in a twist” and were not as warm. This was mostly due to the the non centralised air con in the hotel rooms I slept in.

    I have fond memories of waking up and spending my “brekkie time” in my room all femme, then changing to my male clothes for a days work “on the road”


  • Ruth

    01/08/2012 at 10:43 am


    I have a few pairs of well worn qantas PJ’s (Morrisey) they are divine-shame about the grey color though. The top half is long enough to wear as a nightie, and the bottom half is super comfortable as well. Only time I ever felt dressed in public was with a set of these on: on a long haul flight. They felt so good it was a shame to go to sleep!!


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