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Nipple Enlargement
Posted by Anonymous on 23/03/2016 at 6:41 amI hope this isn’t too raunchy but has anyone had experience with nipple enlargement devices or using henna to colour nipples areoleii? I have tried hair dye but it won’t last and wondered about henna. As for enlargement I wondered how permanent it is if done regularly?
Is this giving too much away about me????
Deleted User replied 8 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User24/03/2016 at 7:04 pmWonderful, thank you Christina. In the middle of so much discussion on trans issues in the media, television documentaries, movies and and the hopefully positive impact it will have for us among society, we have a down to earth request regarding nipples. Love it.
Guest25/03/2016 at 2:48 amThanks Claire I have two ya know? Had em for years.
Deleted User
Deleted User25/03/2016 at 7:06 amMe too. Or ‘me two’.
It does occur to me there may be a misunderstanding. I was in no way making fun of Christina’s comment. It was simply as I said, after the seriousness of the comments over the last while about the media and how we are now being portrayed and the safety from bullys in school etc, It was such a, dare I say’ lighter change of topic? -
Guest25/03/2016 at 10:47 pmNo problem Claire, but I was serious in wanting a response. Anyone?
Deleted User
Deleted User26/03/2016 at 5:12 amI was intrigued enough to do a Google search and found there are many plastic surgeons who offer a tattooing service for this. Usually attended after breast surgery, removal when the patient wishes the aureola to match the other one or having a breast enhancement.
Guest08/04/2016 at 1:30 amAs a bit of a follow up I can report that you can buy a kit online that has a suction bulb and includes bands that keep things erect for a while but the upshot is that by damaging the tissue the nipples enlarge somewhat and can stay larger for a time. The cheaper method is to get 3ml and 5 ml syringes and cut off the needle end. By sucking in the nipple for a time it has the same effect. You can move to bigger barrel as things progress.
It does hurt a bit but pain is a woman’s lot, no?
Guest16/06/2016 at 12:53 pmI have used a nipple pump regulary over a few years with good results and seems perm also my nipples were pierced many years ago but have since closed up, which may have helped in them being larger also have been taking phytoestrogens over several years as well. soI guess going from small nipples to where they are now is a combination of all of these, though believe the nipple pump had a lot to do with it
Deleted User
Deleted User19/06/2016 at 12:29 amHi,
I have been using the suggestion of 5ml syringe with the tips cut off for a while. The size doesn’t cover my areola but is big enough to suction most of it into the barrel of the syringe. It has over a little while enlarged my nipples somewhat so they are more noticeable. I am going to look for a better device with a larger opening so I can hope to thicken the tissue on the areola at the same time as increasing the size of the nipple. I have had nice results but it takes a while… -
Guest20/08/2016 at 10:46 amHere are some suggestions regarding physical education for nipples. All these are best used with a little lubricant such as lanolin or aloe vera.
The Avent Niplette is a nipple erector for nursing mothers whose nipples are inverted or insufficiently erect. A pair of them is relatively expensive. They are rigid little plastic cups with a short flexible pipe and valve. A supplied syringe is used to create the vacuum to suck the nipple in. One size only might be too big for nipples beginning their development in an MtF setting. They can be worn under a bra with breast forms, but some padding such as tissues would be needed not to stress the breast forms’ envelopes when pressure is applied.
A DIY alternative with a smaller diameter is to purchase some clear silicone rubber (or potentially brown natural rubber) baby feed bottle teats from a pharmacy, $2 shop or via eBay etc. For instance the Avent Classic+ can be found at Chemist Warehouse: . Seal the little hole or holes at the end with some clear silicone sealant such as Silastic, which will take a day or two to cure.
Then perhaps cut off the outer rim. The remaining pieces and perhaps the
original rim might look like they don’t belong, but they fold up and provide sideways support against falling over for the nipple-enveloping tip of the teat and potentially an onwards-and-outwards impetus to greater length, or at least education of the areola. Squeeze the air out, push it on and let the nipple expand into the space. It is best to go gently with this since at first the vacuum is sufficient to draw fluid and perhaps blood through the skin if used for more than a few minutes. With hours of experience of this in small sessions, the better-educated nipple will naturally fill the space (depending on how much air you squeeze out or leave in the space) with little or no such stress.This can be worn under a bra with perhaps a little padding – it is not so angular or hard and so is less of a threat to breast forms.
Supple Nipps are silicone rubber cups in a variety of styles and sizes. They have been made since 2003 for kinky purposes and are now known as “Supple Nips”: . The one pair I tried some years ago were a little to long, wide and flopsy for my tastes, with sufficient vacuum only arising when the top was collapsed and so no longer round – the two folds creating something like a chisel pointed tip on my . . . . . . not quite what I had in mind.
In a marvel of transition from kink to mainstream, the same company now makes cost-effective nipple erectors for expectant mothers and the like: . These are well regarded by this seller: and of the five sizes, she recommends size 3 (14.5mm) for all women unless there are unusual circumstances. She writes that these are the same diameter as the Avent Niplettes – and that no woman she knows found the latter to be too large or small.
The sizes are 11mm, 12.5mm, 14.5mm, 16.5mm and 19mm. I guess the two smallest sizes might be best for beginners but I wonder if they are too long, and so likely to fold as I mentioned. If so, they could have their base removed with scissors, but that would leave a somewhat sharper edge.
Another DIY approach is to find black rubber eye-dropper bulbs and cut their base off so the desired interior space is exactly what your nipples properly aspire to being in the foreseeable future. These too have no rounded base, but that might be OK if they are supported with some foam or similar so as not to be pushed sideways by the breast form.
A further DIY approach is to create a little model of the desired shape in wax or using some smooth rounded-end cylindrical plastic object, such as a cut-off end of a pen, mounted on a flat surface and coated with a little wax as a release agent. Then, with care, silicone rubber (Silastic, again) can be spread over this to a 2mm or so thickness. When left to cure for a few days (moisture and warmth accelerate this), it can be pulled off to create a customised squeezable nipple erector which is less floppy than the Supple Nips.
I don’t have long-term experience with this, but I suggest that a good place to start is with a few pairs of teats of various designs cut in various ways to create more or less educational tension.