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“None are merely male or female”
Posted by Marian on 22/04/2014 at 8:24 amHi Girls
A very interesting story about gender and a University of NSW study that their are 57 different options.
Regards Marian
Anonymous replied 10 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Interesting indeed but the comments on the article showed that we still have a long way to go to educate the Telegraph’s readers about who we are.
To be frank, some of the comments are positively disturbing.
There remains the total unwillingness by some to even think outside their self-created squares. For most of them biological sex = gender, end of story. One comment even stated “there are only two genders, male or female…” thus showing even greater ignorance of the biological/anatomical existence of intersex. Those of us who don’t fit the “correct” binary concept are still described as “sick” or at least psychologically disturbed.
No wonder, after reading such disturbing commentary, do some people continue to fight with their own gender identity in secret.
‘We’ do indeed have a long way to go.
(Now please excuse me while I duck away to swear at the missus and kick the dog before I go discuss footy and sheilas over a few beers with other real men. I never was any good at that but apparently I just have to get over it and accept “reality”.)
Sorry, I found all the comments absolutely disturbing and sickening. I thought at one time we were actually making some progress in acceptability, however the comments seem to say the absolute opposite.
Are the generic public all like the authors of the comments or only a minority who are distinctly ignorant bigots? Thank God I live in Canberra, not a perfect place by any standard but it seems more accepting than elsewhere in Australia. In Canberra through AGA we work hard both as individuals and collectively in gaining acceptance.
It’s essential that we present and act as normal folk, a little quirky maybe through some eyes, but nevertheless decent, hardworking individuals who contribute to the community.
Perhaps Sydney University with it’s collective brain power? instead of gaining notoriety through this sort of research focus on educating the totally ignorant and bigoted masses.
I apologise for my anger vented on these hallowed pages and probably to the disdain of A/A. I’ll no doubt be demoted to the old and decrepit boot.
Don’t panic girls. It was the Telegraph after all. I spent most of my life reading only the Canberra Times and the Sydney Morning Herald. The climate is much better there. ABC and SBS are comfortable places too. If you hang out in a western Sydney club you won’t get as much acceptance as in an inner city brasserie. Just a fact of life.
Guest24/04/2014 at 11:43 pmMy perception is that the Sydney Uni article was written by the student newspaper contributors, not academic researchers. The “real” research is showing that androgen receptors, determined by genetics and/or in utero hormones, determine our “brain sex”. Androgen receptivity varies considerably, resulting in a continuum of gender identities (i.e. brain morphology that gives rise to an internal gender identity). This applies to both sexes, although (as a result of the way androgens work) the variability is less pronounced in genetic females. Consequently gender variance is a normal, naturally occurring human condition – that had been accepted as such by many societies prior to “modern society”. The Sydney Uni article simply provides labels to the naturally occurring variations.
As for acceptance, I’ve just started university studies again (after a 40 year absence) at Wollongong and so far I’ve been treated very respectfully. However, there has been recent spate of transphobia directed at younger students by their peers, which led to a petition to the University Administration for better protection and support. Consequently there is now a published list of academic and support staff “Allies” who support LGBTI members of the university community and help resolve any problems that arise.
Guest25/04/2014 at 12:13 amIt was unfortunate that “cismale” and “cisfemale” were terms used … they evoke an emotional threatened response in those identifying simply as male or female.
That said, I’m not sure why anyone would have their shackles raised by the article or the comments. Frankly totally predictable … just like in the real world the vast majority of people don’t care or don’t notice leaving just a small minority. Thankfully I haven’t come across those people who don’t recognise and tolerate difference.
David Koch (of Sunrise fame) periodically makes fun of crossdressers displaying his deep seated intolerance and ignorance. I view him as far more concerning to gaining tolerance within society.
Guest25/04/2014 at 9:36 amI think it is a waste of time and energy trying to convince the type of person who commented so stupidly on this Telegraph article.
They must be of little intellect to not be able see that the World is not ALL just like them.
They must also be so self obsessed to refuse to look at evidence when it is presented to them, that is contrary to their own limited life experience. They are hopeless cases and are best ignored , to try and reason with them just gives them oxygen and perpetuates their prejudices IMO.As for the article itself, it doesn’t tell US much more than we already knew.
Quote:It was unfortunate that “cismale” and “cisfemale” were terms used … they evoke an emotional threatened response in those identifying simply as male or female.
I agree, as I think the terms “cismale” and “cisfemale” are offensive and provocative even though I don’t associate personally associate with the labels.
Why do I find them offensive?
Our quest to find labels to describe our gender identities is inevitable, even though probably futile and counter productive.
But our need to define ourselves does NOT give us the right to redefine others.People who are comfortable with the alignment of physical sex and believed gender identity are entitled to describe themselves as “male” and “female”. If we deny this substantial majority their rights to label themselves in the way they see themselves it will make them much less likely to accept our labels.
I’m reluctant to even use the term misguided to describe the the intent of those compiling this survey – I think the appropriate term is counter-productive. As we struggle for acceptance in society we have to accept the views of others.
If we provoke others by denying them their rights, then we can expect the sort of reaction we see in the article comments.
Don’t blame the bigots. We have only ourselves to blame for the way we sometimes choose present ourselves to the world.
Guest26/04/2014 at 12:00 pmQuote:“]If we provoke others by denying them their rights, then we can expect the sort of reaction we see in the article comments.Don’t blame the bigots. We have only ourselves to blame for the way we sometimes choose present ourselves to the world.
I agree with your analysis Amanda apart from the above at least at a personal level. I’m highly accepting of difference whether it be revealed tats, piercings, clothes or hair colour. I may not personally like their ‘difference’ but I both comment favourably and respect their right to their difference.
I would hope to receive the same respect and I’m reasonably confident I do. I’m also happy to regard myself as transgendered be that a label or a community of interest. I think I fit as well as helping me to accept myself and ‘belong’.