Nostalgia and Geocities
Hands up all those who remember Geocities? Many an evening I’d be sitting up late with my old IBM PC with 4 mb hard drive, (WOW) surfing the net via a dial up modem.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qWg6cgFnIUThe ‘joys’ of being bumped off and having to redial, many times. I don’t know how often I managed to restrain myself from throwing the modem, if not the whole computer out the window.
But anyway, I was having a browse through a Yahoo group and found a reference to those Geocities pages of ‘WestHollywood’ which were a major site for so many girls in the 90’s. Evidently there are some people who are or were trying to have them restored for public use as it is still in existence.
Here is the url which takes you to the pages they are working on.
You may recognise some of the names.