Notify me when reply is posted
I’m finding that the “Notify me when a reply is posted” checkbox is getting quite annoying.
I always turn this off because I read the forums often enough to see replies.
Today, I made a little mistake in tidying up a post. I converted a plain smiley ( ) into a “poke out tongue” smiley ( ) but I forgot that, unlike the traditional usenet smileys, this one has to be a capital to work. After submitting the post, I realised that my smiley was broken ( :p ), so I edited my post to fix the broken smiley.
Fixed the smiley, clicked submit then realised that the “Notify me when a reply is posted” checkbox was turned on again in spite my having turned it off. I had to edit again just to turn off the checkbox!
So, two requests.
One, that the “Notify me when a reply is posted” checkbox stay as it was set when editing posts or better still provide the ability to have the user set it to default to off.
Two, make some of the more commonly used variants of smileys synonyms to the ones used for emoticons. For example, :p and :-p to be equivalent to
Pedantic, aren’t I?