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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Improving TgR NSW Transfusion ’09 – the venue search begins here!

  • NSW Transfusion ’09 – the venue search begins here!

    Posted by Adrian on 06/04/2009 at 2:54 am

    After much discussion (and red wine) the “transfusion Team”, armed with copious feedback, has come up with the criteria for an “ideal transgender” venue. Now comes the tricky part – seeing if we can find such a venue in Sydney for Transfusion ’09.
    Can you help us find it?

    Do you know of a venue in, or near Sydney….

    a) that accommodates 50 – 80 people for a cocktail or buffet meal.

    b) that has a reasonable hire cost
    (Cost needs to be consistent with a $50 ticket and not depend on a large number of meals or drinks being purchased.)

    c) that caters for private group functions but also has access to public areas where other facilities are located.
    (This would provide a safe environment for “new” girls whilst allowing the more confident to mingle with the public.)

    d) that can provide a private dance floor

    e) that girls would feel comfortable visiting at any other time.
    (The entire venue needs to be TG friendly)

    f) that has car parking or such facility nearby.
    (It can be pay parking)

    g) that has reasonably priced accommodation available either at the venue or nearby.

    If you have a suggestion – please post here and let us know!

    (Please do not use this forum to discuss the criteria!)

    Anonymous replied 15 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Anonymous

    06/04/2009 at 6:42 am

    Has anyone priced a smaller function room at the Mercure?

    The harbour cruise, as unappealing as it sounds to most of us, seemed to be a surprise success for the Seahorsies xmas party.

    My place isn’t big enough. ;)

    [Feedback from Amanda: A boat a la Seahorses – probably doesn’t meet criteria c) or d) ? And nearby accommodation might not be easy!

    I personally would find it hard to support a me-too TR event held at the Mercure – in a city the size of Sydney there has to be other options!!!!
    Or so one would think! ]

  • Anonymous

    06/04/2009 at 7:29 am

    The impy comes to mind, that’s if its finished by then :)
    I hear some of us have pretty good connections

    [Feedback: Although we haven’t seen the plans (or even an opening date) the Imperial may not have a private area suitable for the numbers. We understand that the main bar areas are large. ]

  • Anonymous

    06/04/2009 at 9:13 am

    [Moderator: deleted off-topic]

  • Anonymous

    08/04/2009 at 1:06 am

    omg amy – what did you do?

    [Moderator: deleted off-topic]

    omg … what did i do???! :)

    impy last published open date was april 2 (or was that april 1 and everyone was meant to get the in joke?). anyway – still closed. trannies and gays still adversely affected and having to go to other venues …

    but seriously,

    courtyard north ryde
    is a part of the marriott chain and probably not gainfully employed at the weekends because of distance from the city and the fact that it is probably mainly used during the week to support the businesses in the business park nearby. i’m sure they would do a good deal and seems to meet most of the point above.

    another one which is probably a little more up market than the mercure at the airport is the stamford plaza sydney airport.

  • Anonymous

    08/04/2009 at 2:24 am

    You have crown plaza at terrigal, gosford rsl which also has accomadation

  • Anonymous

    16/06/2009 at 7:17 am

    Hi girls I was just wondering what is happening with transfusion 2009 I’ve only seen a handful of replies to the question where will it be held, as you all know the year is moving on very quickly so there’s not much time left to get such an event organised.
    So if there’s any ideas no matter how odd write them down and send information in to this forum, and let the people that are trying to set up the event know what’s out there! with the help of the people in our community we can make this years party even better.


  • Adrian

    16/06/2009 at 7:46 am


    Unless I have missed something whilst on holidays – I think the issue with Transfusion may be more identifying ” the people that are trying to set up the event ” than the details. My understanding is that the requirements for the event are pretty well established but that is where things have stopped.

    Our community is very short on people who have a track record of going the whole distance organising events. And that is what it takes – the commitment to be both at the ideas stage and clearing up after the event.
    Their names are familiar to most girls here in NSW.

    Sorry to sound negative, but it seems the potential event will have to get a lot closer before a quorum of girls are motivated/cajoled into actually doing the leg work. Maybe after the Seahorse Ball some momentum may be generated…..maybe….

    Of course I will be there helping….and I know you want to be involved.. but who else is prepared to run the entire course?

  • Anonymous

    08/09/2009 at 5:05 am

    seahorse ball has come and gone.

    so … what is the lowest number to constitute a quorum?

  • Anonymous

    08/09/2009 at 11:07 am
    If you have a suggestion – please post here and let us know!

    Maybe make sure that people who actually purchase tickets will be allowed into the venue on the night hassle free?


    Off topic!
    Quoted out of context….the original request for me was for suggestions of venues….or more recently in the thread offers to actually help.
    This post is neither :(
  • Anonymous

    09/09/2009 at 1:48 pm


    My post directly relates to the choice of venue…meaning, a venue that will actually let people in who bought tickets!!

  • Adrian

    10/09/2009 at 12:35 am
    a venue that will actually let people in who bought tickets!!

    Well here is a suggestion….:idea:

    Why not volunteer to help and be the chick on the door who checks the tickets.
    Two obvious advantages..
    a) you won’t have any problem getting in 8)
    b) you will ensure that all people with tickets do get in :)

    Perhaps it is radical concept – but we need people who chip in and help to make these events happen. :thumright:
    And, …well… I know it’s a dream, perhaps a bit less repeat criticism…..

  • Anonymous

    14/09/2009 at 12:02 pm
    a venue that will actually let people in who bought tickets!!

    Well here is a suggestion….:idea:

    Why not volunteer to help and be the chick on the door who checks the tickets.
    Two obvious advantages..
    a) you won’t have any problem getting in 8)
    b) you will ensure that all people with tickets do get in :)

    Perhaps it is radical concept – but we need people who chip in and help to make these events happen. :thumright:
    And, …well… I know it’s a dream, perhaps a bit less repeat criticism…..

    So purchasing tickets doesn’t help to make these events happen?

    The criticism has been repeated because:

    A) In my opinion it was dealt with unsatisfactorily

    B) I would hate for it to happen to others…