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TgR Wall Forums Trans Resources on-line Transgender Links Old TG Magazines

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    20/05/2017 at 5:16 am

    What a great collection of golden oldies. Thank you for adding the link, I remember most of them, I was also pleased to see International TransScript represented. JoAnne Roberts had been moderately successful with Lady Like and wanted to spread out into the big wide world. She tried to maintain a truly international glossy magazine but the costs outweighed the benefits sadly. I have to confess to a small amount of pride to my own contribution to that short lived magazine.
    In Vol 2 Issue 1 the list of contributors include myself, under the heading ‘The Land of Oz’, I rather fancied myself as a photojournalist at the time and did have bit of pride that in some small way I helped to share some of our goings on with our overseas sisters.