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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Surveys Proposal for 2015 TgR Survey

  • Anonymous

    05/11/2014 at 12:29 pm

    I think this survey is a gr8 idea. I also agree that maybe another Question should be directed to the girls that r amongst the public or living full time as their preferred gender. As this would gage the current perception of the general publics current acceptance of the transgender community. I 2 am willing to help .
    Regards Nicola

  • Anonymous

    05/11/2014 at 9:23 pm

    I would just like to say to who ever approved my image. Can we keep it please lol.As it makes me unique and individual amongst the crowd. It is not a mistake, Just as I am not a biological mistake. And in the sprit of the WA LGBTI Fest 2014.It makes me proud to stand out as a pre op transsexual woman
    hopefully living in a more tolerant society that embrace’s the glorious flawed and undeniably human individuality of it’s people. As im hopping this new survey will show and from what ive experienced of late in my ventures outdoors.

  • Adrian

    06/11/2014 at 10:26 am

    Glenda & Nicola,
    Thanks for offering to help.
    I’ve added you to the working group forum.
    You should have an invite in your email.

  • Adrian

    07/08/2017 at 12:11 pm

    Well….we didn’t run the survey in 2015.
    I collected a lot of helpful comments about the questions we should ask…but we failed to reach a consensus on why we were running the survey.
    One idea was to see how things have changed since the original 2011, which would mean keeping a lot of the questions the same. Others thought we should improve the survey and fix some of its shortcomings. These two goals were largely incompatible.
    I ran out of time.
    And the survey didn’t happen.
    But thank you to everyone who gave me feedback.

    2 years later there is perhaps another ‘window of opportunity’.

    This time round I propose to just get on and do it – keeping the changes to a minimum – and seeing how much of the analysis from 2011 can be reused (we did put a lot of work into the 2011 survey)

    I’ll start a new forum thread (or two) to seek feedback on any difficult changes in case I’ve got things wrong… but by keeping the work to a minimum I could perhaps get the survey launched in a month or so.

    Let’s see what happens this time!

  • Emma_Thorne

    08/08/2017 at 2:17 am

    I’m happy to answer anything…bring it on sis xx

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