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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Crossdressing Purging your clothes ,,,what not to do!!!!!!!!

  • Purging your clothes ,,,what not to do!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Anonymous on 19/09/2004 at 9:34 am

    Hi girls ,,,i havent put this message out for a while ,,but about time agin …

    Purging of your female gear , i have heard it so many times ,,,and maybe we all have done it a least once.. I understand how many girls do this at some stage in their dressing life ,,,, but it is always 2 weeks later that we discover ,,I WISH I DIDNT DO THAT ,,,those shoes ,,nice wig and that dress ,,all now at a tip ,,sallys shop etc … If any of you girls r thinking to do this i have alwayed offered in the sydney area (but further afield considered) to store your stuff ,,until YOU make up your mind whether it is 2 weeks or 2 months… At present im selling my house and hope to still stay in the local area (springwood west of sydney) in a rented house but the offer is still there ..

    Thanks from judy

    Rosie Rondini replied 1 year, 3 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Anonymous

    20/08/2013 at 1:11 am

    the dreaded purge yes i dont know how many times over my life i have done that like its going to fix the problum but you get to a stage that you just stop throwing out your clothes at this stage i think you have accepted that your transgender and you can start liveing your life with a clear mind

  • fiona

    21/08/2013 at 6:20 am

    ddddooooooooooonnnnnnnnttttttttttt do it

    , i have purged, 4 times,big time, the lot, i cant believe that i did, ,,i will not do purging again ,,it took some much time ,money looking, to get those magic 4 inch black heels. the brilliant lbd that fitted perfectly.near new and a good brand .ie carla zam,, the nice red dress.. we can go on sooo dont do it.. anyway cheers to all. fiona

  • Anonymous

    21/08/2013 at 8:59 am

    I think we all done it. Cleaned house , swore we never ever dress again and bang two three maybe six years later we dress again and all the wonderful outfits we gave up.

    In deep reflection I think in some way my purges had been good as my range of buying new outfits was new hope.

    Now I have wardrobe that most would kill for and I will never purge again.

    I had one sister a month back who was going for operataton and was in fear of dying. I held her stuff in trust for a few weeks. She came back a few weeks later.

    So no never purge!

  • Anonymous

    22/08/2013 at 7:26 am

    HI all. Yep I agree. purging is not a good idea. Have done it many times years ago. It dose not change who you are.

    So if you are questioning your self, then just stow it.


  • Anonymous

    23/08/2013 at 6:46 am

    Over the years I have purged several times and although it temporarily cleared the mind and removed any guilt that caused the purge I have to say that each time I have done it within a week I regretted my actions… Now I live on my own and can be Helen when ever I want I have promised myself never again!!!!

  • Veronica

    23/08/2013 at 8:22 am

    Hello all,

    This is my first post on any forum and it reflects the intensity of my feelings about purging. I have only ever purged once, and it taught me a lesson I’ll never forget: “Don’t”. The reason I purged was because my then girlfriend was moving in. Years later I found out she couldn’t have cared less and the least I should have done was to check (I know some partners are not so indifferent, and some are downright negative). If she had been negative, then I could have stashed my clothes, as others have already suggested and as I did myself years later when I really did have to remove them. The other point that has already been made on this thread is that lurking behind the desire to purge are the twin evils of shame and guilt


  • Anonymous

    23/08/2013 at 2:20 pm

    Unfortunately my purge was as a result of being found out so I did not have much choice in the matter, but while I agree purging does not help with feelings of guilt and shame a good purge should always be followed by a good shopping spree, cause girls there is always a nicer little black dress in the next shop around the corner

  • Jennifer_1

    23/08/2013 at 11:43 pm

    Hi all,

    Yes I’v purged a number of times over the years. It was before I admitted to myself that I was trans something and years before I told any others of my “guilty secret”. All the negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs, (self hatred, disgust, doubts, confusion, etc..) that led me to purge and other things made my life a misery.

    Today I live by myself. My wife has passed away and the children are all grown and have left home. I am now on HRT and transitioning from M2F. About two weeks ago I had a mini purge of my wardrobe but it was more to make room for new clothes. Words like, “Why did I get that, what was I thinking.” were muttered numerous times during this purge. I guess times (and circumstances) change.

    Cheers all


  • Anonymous

    25/08/2013 at 10:31 am

    For me Purging came with trying to identify with who I was.. After a few times I realised it was a great waste of money. I had a slinky pair of mules with kitten heels I wish I never go rid of. Now I consider what I have in my wardrobe carefully and try to dress for my age.. Yes I still have to cull every now and then because I’m a habitual shopper .. But culling means I recycle them to a Salvo or Red Cross shop where I’m sure the clothes, shoes and wigs will be put to good use..

  • Rosie Rondini

    26/10/2023 at 4:21 pm

    I have recently made my debut after 44 years. Yes I have purged about 4 times. It was always preceded with guilt, and that I need to be a proper man. Well, I am a proper man, as I have always been but now after the debut at Transactshon at Katoomba on the 14th of October, my life changed for the better. I have another side, a “Second Life” and I love that. This whole cross dressing, in the past for me, has been something that I was ashamed of. No longer, I am proud of it.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    26/10/2023 at 5:44 pm

    Hello girls, well I’m new here and still finding my way around this site. Well the dreaded purge, for my own mental health I am glade I found this forum and got to read the replies on here. But yes I have purged a few times as as shown in these replies it was due to guilt. After the last time I said to my self this is ridiculous and has to stop. As I have only been with my new wife a few years a thought I have to talk to her and tell her that this is the way I am and I can not change it, to my surprise she has accepted it with conditions. Well the best thing is I have been able to shop without guilt, and oh yes I have shopped yay. Bottom line I have accepted who I am and I am never going to purge again……..

  • Rosie Rondini

    27/10/2023 at 5:02 am

    Hi Shaylee, thanks for sharing your story, especially about telling your new wife. I am about to do that, but it will be a bit easier, as she knows already, however when I told her early in the relationship there were some strict conditions. Now I am going to spin back in time, 12 years ago, and this may be relevant to other readers. My first wife was outraged by my crossdressing. She said things like “I am the sexy one in this relationship, why contest it?”

    Then the other one that really stung, was “I thought I a married a man, not some variation of a man!” ouch, that last comment lay imbedded with me for decades. We still remained married for a year or two after those comments but one day she said, “I thought if you cross dressed in the garage only that would be fine, but no, you need to move out”.

    We had been married for 18 years, had a 14 year old son, and I was sent packing. What did I do? Well I left (first mistake) then moved in a house by myself, (second mistake as I needed people around me) but the house on my own allowed me to cross dress, whenever I wanted too. But her comments about my cross dressing. (I still loved her, even though she asked me to leave.) I still talk to her now and she is still beautiful to me. Her comments haunted me to only recently. It’s funny that the worst emotional stings, come from those you love the deepest.

    Btw, only two years ago, my ex wife said to me. “I made a mistake divorcing you, I have meet many men since, and you are the best”. I did choke up a bit, but it was a final vindication, there is nothing wrong with me.
