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  • QLD Transgender Sistergirl & Gender Diverse conference

    Posted by Lisa_W on 23/05/2012 at 2:14 am

    There is the above conference in Cairns on the 24-25th August. The details can be found by typing the conference name into your favourite search engine. The program sounds very interesting to me & I plan to go.

    Is there anyone planning to go to this conference who would like a travelling companion? I intend to fly from Sydney on the 23rd & return on the 26th. I know it is still 3 months away but I was planning to book the flights soon to get the cheapest seats possible.

    You could email me or post a reply here.


    Adrian replied 12 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Adrian

    23/05/2012 at 2:25 am

    Here is the link.. to cut Google out of the loop.

    I’m seriously thinking of going… mindful that with the recent budget cuts in QLD this might be the last time this is so affordable.

    But if I do go it will also be because Megan is looking for some sunshine :-) So I won’t be traveling alone.

    Looking at the program I think any decision of mine will have to wait till the abstract sessions are announced. Quite honestly leaving breakfast for a session on surgical techniques by some guy from Thailand isn’t the way I normally like to start my day :-) If it looks like the conference has a focus on gender diversity and not on medical/surgical/sex options then I will be attracted. hard to tell at the moment.

  • Lisa_W

    23/05/2012 at 4:45 am

    I know you were only joking Amanda, but the other surgeon is Dr Ceber – who does most if not all of Australia’s SRS surgery.

    Other conference topics include, mental health, ageing & trans people, HRT, young trans, exploring sex, where do we want to be etc & workshops on transmen, sistergirls, counselling etc.

    That is only a sample of the varied topics on offer.

    Also Amanda thanks for putting this in the correct place & cleaning it up.


  • Adrian

    23/05/2012 at 6:59 am
    I know you were only joking Amanda, but the other surgeon is Dr Ceber – who does most if not all of Australia’s SRS surgery.

    Yes i was being flippant…I’m sure the subject area is riveting for some.
    But I guess you can understand why for me, where i sit on the gender spectrum, a few hours of practical gynecology after toast and tea isn’t how I usually choose start the day.

  • Adrian

    24/08/2012 at 7:42 am

    Gina McKeon (who many of you may have met filming at TransFormal 2012) has produced a radio interview about the Transgender Sistergirl & Gender Diverse conference this weekend.

    Listen to the interview here:

    As far as I can see there is no transcript available.