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R.I.P. Jan Muller
Posted by Adrian on 10/09/2018 at 2:53 amI have heard that Jan Muller, a long-time member of TgR, passed away unexpectedly last week. Jan will I am sure be fondly remembered by many girls in Sydney. It was Jan who gave me the inspiration (and courage) to organise events such as Transformal for the community. Her funeral is at Holy Trinity church in Dulwich Hill 3pm Friday 14th September.
Wendy_3 replied 6 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User10/09/2018 at 4:17 amI was her nominated *Big Sister” long ago when we were both members of Seahorse. I soon learned Jan was a personality that didnt need .much mentoring !!
She was good fun to be with at various events and indeed was
instrumental in organising many.
The legendary Transfusion event on the rooftop of the Waldorf hotel in chippendale was all her creation.
I was sad to hear the news and will miss her infectious laughter and the occasions when we shared some nice red wine.
Vale JanI’m sure you will be organising something if there is an afterlife.
How sad to hear of Jan’s passing. I was fortunate enough to have met her about twelve years ago, and participated in some of the events she organised over the following few years. Jan was always good , lively and intelligent company, although sadly I had not seen or heard from her lately. My condolences to her family. Rest in peace Jan.
Jan was a lovely person and an excellent organiser of events. She will be missed.
I met Jan through TGR chatting about all sorts of trans issues and family! I then had the fortune to meet her in person when she was on her way down to Melbourne to see family and she stopped over in seaside village Bermagui! We both had a very enjoyable evening at the local Italian restaurant over looking the fishing boats! The staff commented on how great we both looked and gave us wonderful service! Vale to Jan I found her so kind, warmth, supportive and forthright in her trans endeavours! Blessings to her and the family! Xx
Really sad to hear this news. I met Jan in 2007 when as a very nervous young thing I drove up to Sydney to see if Seahorse thought I could cut the mustard, Jan was the ‘Big Sister’ designated to check me out. We met in boy mode, had a good chat- as others have mentioned, she had a wonderful way of putting people at their ease. Our conversation went well, and she invited me to join her and a few others for a night out in Sydney later that evening, this was the first time I had ever gone out in public dressed (as opposed to a quick and nervous walk around the block long after lights out). Due to nerves I drank rather more Crownies at Jan’s before we headed out, and some parts of the evening are still a blur to this day, but others are not- just an exhilarating leap into a world that I didn’t dream existed before. After that I saw Jan a few times at Seahorse Balls and at that first magnificent Transformal, but sadly life got in the way for both of us and I hadn’t seen her in years. A wonderful human being gone too soon, but very fondly remembered. Vale Jan.
Very sad to hear of Jan’s sudden passing. Like others Jan was the girl I met in 2006 at TGR Newtown Thai meal night. My first outing and I was lucky to sit next to her. She was incredibly kind, funny and relaxing to be around. Bizarrely we had shared a common employer in the 1990 and had worked on the same project. We’re everywhere girls. Needless to say her friendship set me on the right direction though despite some further discussions over the years my unresolved family life precluded as repeating that memorable night for. A lovely lady thank you Jan