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Realistic? Vaginas
Posted by Adrian on 26/07/2005 at 8:25 amHi, I have seen allot of ads for “Realistic Vaginas” and they make
them look great. Has anyone trued them and are they worth the
purchase? DarlaSource: yahoo group
Anonymous replied 19 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
The ones I ordered were not realistic. I think the name was used just to get
people to purchase them. Were they worth the price? No!Love,
Billie SueSource: yahoo group
I used the scissors and cut mine up trying to make something I could use.
Finally, it all went into the trash.Love,
Billie SueSource: yahoo group
I bought a V String a realistic vagina a few years ago..It is well made and
feels great when I wear it..I bought it for one reason and that is when I wear
jeans or a nice pair of slacks it does a great job in hiding
everything..Everything sits out front..Not tucked under…It gives that nice
rounded look…If I wear it with tight jeans I have to watch what kind of under
wear I use because you can see Camel toes…I can’t tuck good enough to wear
with pants it is to painful…If your going to wear it for any length of time I
suggest putting plenty of baby power on it or it will pinch around the top
inside of your leg…Lets face it how real does it have to look..I think it does
look real I took some pictures and if you get the angle just right you would
have to look twice…It was not cheap I spent $165 so if you have the extra
money to throw around then I say go for it but I could think of many other
things to spend my money on…I hope this has helped out..
HUGS RachelSource: yahoo group
Do they look like one real one? Well yes you could say that they do
from the front. They did a good job at designing the vagina because
it functions correctly when tinkering but instead of being made out
of latex, they should of been made out of silicone so they would feel
like the real thing. The bad part of their design is that you have to
tie then on.Do they feel like a real one? Only when getting screwed if you cut
the shaft shorter. You see the shaft for the vagina is designed to
fit up your butt. Now anyone knows that real women don’t take it up
the rear as much as they like it up front. And because of the way its
designed, if anyone ever saw dump coming out of your vagina also,
they would know its not real.Are they worth its price? Considering their price, I should of said
no when I bought mine but being a designer by trade I knew I could
figure out how to solve its short comings (I did too). If they were
made out of silicone I might buy another one but at least I can work
with the silicone one. So it’s up to you if you think that they are
worth the price just for the appearence of having a vigina.When wearing sheer or crotchless panties under a short dress, you
sometimes catch a man glancing under your table more then a gentleman
should. The look on his face is priceless when you catch them at it
and will get the two of you taking to each other. Having someone
waiting on you and you walk out of the bath room in something sheer
or crotchless and cupless that allows them to see your vagina and
breasts will bring a smile to their face and that will bring a smile
to yours.Source: yahoo group
My objection to the so-called “realistic” vaginas are that they are not
realistic. Like Deanna said, they do not feel realistic and you have to tie
them on.If someone is going to make a vagina, they should be made out of material that
looks and feels realistic and the vagina should not be tied on. They make
breasts that glue on — why not a vagina that glues on with hair positioned in a
manner that it would be difficult to determine at a glance that it is not real
— one that a ‘girl’ could take a shower and, if seen, people would see a
female. Of course, the area would have to be shaved or hair removed, but that
is not too much to ask. Also, such a product would look good under pants,
swimsuit, panties, or see-through gowns.The area could be padded slightly around the sides with a compartment in the
center to place the unsightly male organs. That way, there would not be a small
hump showing, but a wider, more efficient ‘mound’.I am surprised that someone with the knowlege and ability (and probably a TS
woman) has not already produced one like that. It is way behind time.Love,
Billie SueSource: yahoo group
Guest22/10/2005 at 4:08 pmD HI All .
Yes I have V-string also . and agree with most of the comments in the previous posts , . once you get it fitting right they work rather well . and I can actually wear mine for an extended time, So don’t give up !!As for the construction , I have tried to improve on it by making my own moulds , and using various different materials , .
Firstly I made it a little larger overall . as well as making the waist much higher , so it sits on your natural waist , Much better, I have also tried a pubic cut out so that your own pubic hair is used , also better ,
I have made them a little lighter in the latex lay ups , to give a softer feel , with some success , , and yes I have tried to glue it on as well with ” Skin Bond ” a product used for prosthetic breast forms , available from chemists or over the net << The next thing I tried was Elastomeric polymers as a filler place in the mould after a super thin latex skin in the mould . The , outer skin, . The difficulty here is the elastomeric polymers while very soft and jelly like at room at room temperature. require substantial heating ,, ( IN a micro wave) to get them to flow into the mouldings , which in tun if you do not get it right will damage the thing latex outer skin , the other thing to watch is that the 2 materials have different stretch factors and separation may occur , I have also done some Research in to cold moulding of body parts , ,,, found a site in the USA , , and tracked down a supplier in Australia . still waiting a reply . ,, The product they have is actually the super-soft CYBER SKIN << which will i hope give much better results . and is a cold moulding process And just for the curious , It does every thing but fall pregnant ,But with a little imagination and a Barbie Doll who knows LOL ( I can’t believe I said that ) ,, LOL
The good news is that the cost per item is around $20 for the materials / per item ,, but It does take a lot of time , to get it right , and is not all that difficult , to do . using readily available products ,IE the basic shape was fashioned out of good old plasticine , the mould itself ,, Fibre Glass , latex with art supplies colouring , and the elastomeric polymers , about $50 per kilo , which would be enough for some 20 or so vaginas or a set of breast forms , which I am also in the process of making .
So give it a go , it is not that hard ,,, just be patient ,