Reputations being made (and lost)
The reputation system has had to be redesigned (again) to fit within the capabilities of the components on the new website.
The TgR profile reputation provides an indication of how positive a role you take on the web site. The reputation measures not only activity (such as making posts) but also feedback from others. Your reputation can range from 0 to 100. The following bands are reported on your profile.
You can earn reputation point credits in the following ways:
In the forums
1 point when you start a new forum topic (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)
2 points when you post a reply to a topic on the forums (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)
7.5 points if someone else likes one of your posts (no limit, expires after 6 months)In private messaging
1 point when you reply to a private message sent to you through the site (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)
In the chat
1 point when you talk with someone in a private chat (Instant messaging) (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)
1 point when you post a message in the group chat (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)
In the profile photo albums
2.5 points if someone else likes a photo you have put in your album (limit one credit per day, expires after 3 months)Note that all reputation points expire after a time so if you don’t take an active role on the site your reputation will sink over time to zero.
When the site was ported the reputations were maintained by giving everyone three lump-sum credits – each for a third of their reputation points. These credits will expire gradually over the next 6 months – so that in December 2014 everyone’s reputation will be based only on the new credit system.
After 6 months the distribution of reputations will be checked and the credits adjusted retrospectively as necessary