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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Beauty reversible facelifts

  • reversible facelifts

    Posted by Anonymous on 04/04/2011 at 11:58 pm

    This message is in the form of a query. I saw a session on Channel 7 Today Tonight some 3 weeks ago about an adhesive ear ring that can create an instant facelift. The ring has the ability to tuck surplus facial skin to tighten the face to create a younger look. The ring is removable and one’s facial tissue returns to its normal position.
    Does anyone know where to buy these facelift rings? I have researched Yahoo7 but there are no threads to the original TV story.
    I believe these devices would be invaluable to us T-girls.
    I would love to hear from you. love to all from Julie :)

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Anonymous

    05/04/2011 at 1:35 am

    I have not heard of this but some time ago I devised the use of clothes pegs to hold excess skin at the jaw line. It does a great job but the main drawback is to hide the pegs….they are a bit obvious!!!!
    I am currently working on a design for a solar clothes drier, watch this space for more details.

    Anyone wanting to invest in this exciting prospect??

  • Anonymous

    05/04/2011 at 4:55 am

    In Katherine Cummings’s book, “Katherine’s Diary” she writes about how in her dressing days in Canberra that some of the other girls would use sticky tape to draw the skin back and create a more youthful look. I’m beginning to think that dressing a male body as a woman is a lot like raising children-if it works, do it!

  • Fay

    05/04/2011 at 10:45 am

    I have saggy eyelids and once read a tip to apply some skin tone medical tape just above the centre of the eyebrow, pull it upward and stick it to the forehead at the hairline. Then apply your foundation over the tape. Works well for me. Have often used this idea and find that it also gives shape to the eyebrow and is easily covered by the fringe on my wigs.
    See you all in Katoomba!



  • Anonymous

    05/04/2011 at 10:46 am

    Very funny Christina !!

    A solar clothes dryer would be big hit, for sure. Maybe also an evaporative air conditioner for cars would be goer also. Hmmm. Back to the drawing board.

    I dont know how it would be possible to pull your facial skin up by your ears, unless your face skin had the elasticity like that of a St. Bernard. Earring or no earring.
    Seriously, I must investigate how I can remove my puffy eyes without it costing a fortune. I’m ok with normal wrinkles, because I believe that one must grow old gracefully, but my eyes are currently my biggest worry towards becoming my former beautiful self. Part of my problem is that its mostly hereditary, and also the result of burning the candle at both ends, for many years.

    If anyone knows of a sure fire treatment for puffy eyes, please, oh please, email me.

    Jannine. XX

  • Sheryl

    06/04/2011 at 2:43 am

    Hi Girls
    I think Dustin Hoffman used a similar method in the movie Tootsie but it may have been closer to Christine’s clothes peg idea (and didn’t Tootsie look good). Grab a copy of the movie and check it out.

  • Lisa_W

    07/04/2011 at 8:12 am

    Hi Jannine

    I have heard that people have used haemorrhoid cream to reduce puffiness around the eyes. Such as Anusol which can be bought at the chemist.
    I do not have any personal experience with its use. Therefore would be interested to hear any feedback if you do use it.


  • Anonymous

    07/04/2011 at 7:57 pm

    Hi Girls,

    I might just try that hemorrhoid cream, you know Lisa. Makes sense to me;
    (piles) need to get pushed back up, so it might just work ! You hear a lot of crazy ideas, but quite often there is a basis of fact behind the funny stuff. When you think about it, that cream sounds like it may really have possibilities. You all know about the cucumber trick (no not THAT one!), which I did try once. there was a very slight improvement.
    I could also apply that cream while standing on my head, to aid gravity, perhaps…! :? :)

    Jannine. XXX

  • Anonymous

    07/04/2011 at 10:34 pm

    God knows what haemorroid cream would do with an eyeball so extreme caution would be sensible!!! You may end up with a point of view that you might regret!!
    I have heard that the cream is used as an eye treatment by some women and is supposed to work.

  • Anonymous

    14/05/2013 at 4:08 pm

    Did this story originally go out on April the First?

  • Anonymous

    14/05/2013 at 9:19 pm

    “Reversible facelift as seen on today tonight”:

    Looks like you need an already abundant surplus of skin for this to work.

    I think the most effective “instant facelift” is called makeup.