Rhinoplasty and Hair Transplants with Dr Saran
Hi …
I am currently researching SRS and FFS in Thailand. I should receive approval for SRS by October this year and a friend of mine is planning on travelling to Thailand for a holiday in April/May 2014. I am hoping to travel with her as I’ve never been overseas before and having some company on a trip like this would be invaluable. So I’m saving every cent I possibly can, which is very difficult on a pension, but I might just be able to have enough saved by this time next year.Out of the surgeons I have researched, Dr Saran is the most likely candidate for SRS at this stage. I’ve based my decision based on his reputation, personal reports and cost.
There are quite a few things I’d like done but my highest priorities are Rhinoplasty and Hair Transplants. I should be able to cope with having these procedures combined with SRS, then start saving again for further procedures in years to come.
But so far I haven’t been able to find out any information or reviews of his FFS work beyond his own website. So I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has had FFS with Dr Saran, or links to further information. If his reputation for FFS is as good as it is for SRS, then my decision will be certain.