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  • Same sex marriage – What does the Bible have to say?

    Posted by Adrian on 23/08/2017 at 2:50 am

    The ABC News web site has republished an article from The Conversation.

    The author of the original article is Robyn J Whitaker, Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Trinity College and a lecturer at the University of Divinity.

    She argues in the article that Christians who call on the Bible to support their arguments against marriage equality are on shaky ground.

    In a summary of critical biblical scholarship on the issue, she examines all the passages from the Bible that might be relevant to an opinion about homosexuality.

    If like me your blood boils when you hear the pronouncements of Lyle Shelton from the Australian Christian Lobby, then read this article. Then you will be able to shout loudly “Not True” when you hear some of the more ridiculous “religious” pronouncements in advertising about marriage equality.

    At the end of this article Robyn summaries as follows:

    Serious Christians cannot ignore the Bible. They can, however, make sure that they interpret it with all the tools available to them, that they examine their own biases, and stop over-simplifying the issues.

    The Bible offers a wide variety of marriage arrangements, many of which we no longer condone. It never condemns same-sex marriage, partly because it simply does not address the issue directly.

    It does, however, give us an ethic to guide how we treat one another: an ethic based upon God’s generous love and a profound concern for justice.

    Anonymous replied 7 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Emma_Thorne

    23/08/2017 at 5:16 am

    OMG what an amazing and thought affirming article. I completely agree with Adrian – everyone must read this.

    I also lost count of the actual “abominations” I am guilty off.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    23/08/2017 at 7:55 am

    I had read this item myself this afternoon and was going to post it later. Like Emma and Adrian I was alternatively amazed at what I ‘sins’ I had been committing and furious that, ‘so called Christians’ were selecting which bits of the Bible to use as ammunition to support their bigotry. But then again, what is new?

  • Elizabeth

    24/08/2017 at 10:55 pm

    I’m constantly committing abominations, life’s full of abominations. Not sure what the bible says, but I think everyone should have a mother in law.

  • Emma_Thorne

    25/08/2017 at 5:43 am

    I just thought for clarity’s sake I would Yes/No the listed bible abominations so there is no confusion among my sisters here:

    – Egyptians eating with Hebrews; I am neither but I have eaten with both so I may be a carrier. So yes.

    – having an image of another god in your house; I used to have a signed and framed photo of Malcolm Blight taking a “hanger” in my office. Does that count?

    – sacrificing your child to the god Molech; No.

    – having sex with your wife when she is menstruating; I am footloose and fancy free so no..

    – taking your wife’s sister as a second wife; ewwwwww. No.

    – eating pork. I LOVE bacon so yes.

    Banned likewise is wearing mixed-fabric clothing, interbreeding animals of different species, tattoos, mocking the blind by putting obstacles in their way, and trimming your beard: Yes/No/No/Yes/Clarification required on the last one.

    I have also layed with men who I am not married to but I have a reasonable idea that they probably/maybe were not married at the time. I was careful not to ask that question as it was well down my list of criteria.

    Total Ecclesiastical Abomination Score 6/12

    Disappointing I think you would all agree. Perhaps I shall only go to hell for 6 months of the year like grey nomad friends of mine go to Queensland?

  • JaneS

    26/08/2017 at 1:23 am

    I tend to see usage of biblical passages, to justify arguments on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate, as a bit like the way people love to use statistics. They choose the approach that favours their opinion. Unfortunately, such an approach rarely sways those on ‘the other side’ because they too look to their own approach as the correct one.

    “Try this food product, it’s 90% fat-free.” Wow, that sounds good to me, I’ll buy.

    “Don’t buy this food product, it’s 10% fat.” Ewww, not for me.

  • Martina

    26/08/2017 at 4:54 am

    As Jane says, people can be very selective in the source material they use to support their arguments against same-sex marriage. It’s a measure of our civilization and fair-mindedness that homosexuality between consenting adults is no longer a crime and that public attitudes generally seem to favor the idea of same-sex marriage. That our basic moral values were first recorded in the Bible and have been built on through ethical thought and sometimes backed up through secular legislation can only be good; but to use the Bible to back up bigotry and hateful thought is, judging by the learned articles referred to in Adrian’s post, a sin in itself. I thought the related article on Margaret Court’s public outburst was also very interesting; I wonder if she has read it!

    (I hasten to add that I am not religious and only ever look at the Bible for historical or other reference reasons. Albert Einstein deplored any doctrinal groups such as communists, Nazis and religious fanatics, that seek to fetter our freedom to think for ourselves; I’m with him!)

  • Anonymous

    27/08/2017 at 12:34 am

    Thanks Martina- those are very lovely, sensible and life affirming sentiments to add to an important thread. :)