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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU Scientific Questions- Round 2

  • Scientific Questions- Round 2

    Posted by Melissa_Mills on 10/05/2008 at 1:03 pm

    Hello again
    I just thought its time for another round of questions. There is a slant towards the crossdresser side of our team in my questions like last time I guess

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female?

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you?

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode?

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing?

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name?

    7. Can you play any musical instruments?

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt?

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent?

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme?

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly?

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)?

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode?

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do?

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person?

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney?

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community?

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it?

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word)

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female?

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal?

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 5 months ago 7 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/05/2008 at 3:11 am

    1) no body hair
    2) height (among lots else)
    3) no
    4) about 8-9 (whatever stuff mum left lying around), fully dressed about 15
    5) strength
    6) yes
    7) no
    8) always a dress or skirt
    9) yes – NZ and Germany
    10) Stage Beauty, maybe Billy Ellott (not sure if that qualifies though)
    11) an east german athlete? maybe not…one can never be sure just what sex they are
    12) no
    13) just normal stuff around home
    14) i like going out in public
    15) both
    16) yes
    17) yes, definitely
    18) not ever!!!
    19) no…but i’d love to be proved wrong
    20) yes

  • Anonymous

    11/05/2008 at 5:31 am

    Here goes…
    1. Legs
    2. Face
    3. No… Yes… Mainly No
    4. 11
    5. Rhythmic
    6. Yes
    7. No
    8. Dress or Skirt (see 1.)
    9. Yes (UK, Netherlands, UAE)
    10. Not sure
    11. No
    12. No
    13. Usual home things
    14. I go out occasionally (but hoping to expand that)
    15. Both
    16. No plans as yet
    17. Absolutely
    18. No
    19. I hope so
    20. No

  • Anonymous

    11/05/2008 at 7:59 am

    Hi Melissa – my answers for series II.

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? Legs.

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? Height / body size.

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? I speak more softly.

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? First time fully dressed was about age 12.

    5. *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? Yes

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? No.

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Skirts & dresses only unless you include femme jeans.

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? No.

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? Phriscilla – Queen Of The Desert.

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? No.

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? Yes – Face and neck – still ongoing.

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? Whatever I would normally do at that time of day – generally speaking of course!

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do? Being recognised in my city. Yes, I do go out in girl mode!

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? I buy my clothes in dedicated womens stores.

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? I’ve heard too many conflicting stories about Seahorse! Maybe!

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? Yes, most definately!

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? No – I can experience a more diverse lifestyle as a TG!

    19. Do aliens exist? Yes.

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? Without a doubt – yes!

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal? To live fulltime as a female – GRS even!

  • Anonymous

    11/05/2008 at 11:53 am

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? Legs

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? Hands

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? I have a light voice and, on the phone, am often mistaken for a woman.

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? First ‘full’ tryout ie. full kit – age 24 but really started full time with wig and forms at age 52.

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question Give up!

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? Yes

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? No, can’t even whistle in tune

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Always, otherwise, what’s the point?

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? No

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? “Some Like It Hot”

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? My sister – sad, eh?

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? No

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? N/A

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do? N/A

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? In person

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? No, tyranny of distance

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? Yes, in fact I feel that tolerance toward others is one of the positive aspects of cross dressing.

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? No, I find cross dressing fun and enjoyable

    19. Do aliens exist? Yes (but check the dictionary meaning of alien)

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? No

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal? Fun

  • Paula_1

    11/05/2008 at 12:14 pm

    1. Legs

    2. My tummy

    3. Yes

    4. 9

    6. Yes

    7. No

    8. Prefer a dress or skirt otherwise jeans with heels.

    9. No

    10. Cant decide which one

    11. No

    12. Yes

    13. I have gone out, At home I always wear something femminine to bed every night

    14. When I go out as a girl I tend to do this outside the district, the Gong is a bit of a country town

    15. In person

    16. Undecided as yet

    17. Yes

    18. No

    19. Dont know

    20. Yes

    21. To be able to swap easily from boy to girl mode when required

  • June

    12/05/2008 at 2:38 am

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? Legs and body size

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? Face

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? No

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? 9 or 10

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? Yes

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? No

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Pants

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? No

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? –

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? No

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? No

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? I work at home in my business

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do? Fear of being thought of as that man in a frock over there and the attendant derisive cmments

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? Both

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? No

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? Yes

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? No

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word) Perhaps

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? Yes

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal? To be able to dress when where and how I want without negative comment or reaction

  • Anonymous

    12/05/2008 at 6:16 am

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? Legs and Bottom.

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? Height

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? Slightly

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? 12

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? Yes

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? Trumpet, Tuba, Electric organ and Piano.

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Dress or skirt

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? America and Belguim

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? No

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? No

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? Go online

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do? Bumping into friends, Usually only dress when travelling

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? in Person

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? Not Sure

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? Yes

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? Not Sure

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word) No

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? Yes

    21. What is a TG related goal? being more passable

  • Anonymous

    12/05/2008 at 10:24 am

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in your presentation as female?

    My Legs, my body and my hair.

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you?

    My chin, my cheek bones, my deep set eyes.

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode?

    No. It’s girly enough most of the time and I’m a full time fem intersexed anyway.

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing?

    Hmm, kinda didn’t. Maybe once or twice for fun with girlfriend but does that count?

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name?

    Several, i also have a credit card, utility bills, photo ID – but then I have both :)

    7. Can you play any musical instruments?

    God no. Although Michael Jackson taught me to play We Are the World on the piano in the 1980s :)

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt?

    I hate pants PERIOD. I am so relieved not to have to wear them, but sometimes it is necessary – rarely.

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent?

    Yes, two countries.

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme?

    Ask me in 4 weeks when my film is released in the USA :)

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly?

    Hmmm. Not sure, I don’t really try and compare myself I’m unique.

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)?

    Not yet. Soon. Men should anyway, why shave for 75 years of your life.

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode?

    I go out – I LOVE going out – I lust to get away from the house which is like my prison. Although on Sunday in the bright sunshine and crwoded car park, as I walked out of the shoe shop sporting two new pairs of shoes for my wifelette and three other bags of shopping in one hand and my daugher in the other – the wind came from underneath and blew my 11 inch pleated skirt up over my waist. It was about ten steps before I realised my pick nickers were enjoying the sunlight and people were smiling – especially the blokes.

    It freakishly happened again ten mins later at a major intersection as I dragged my child across the road in front of about 60 cars.

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do?

    Not relevant to me.

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person?

    I do in person. Although again on Sunday Afternoon I bought my wifelette a new top and skirt and at the checkout in discussion when someone said it was a nice skirt I said “Yes it’s for my wife” and i got a lot of weird looks. But it’s True!! It’s for her work!

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney?


    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community?

    No. I’ve known TS since I was 12. I’ve known TS people I didn’t know were TS for decades. I’ve known Gay, Lesbian, Disabled, Handicapped, intellectually impaired, black, red, green, white, yellow, christian, catholic, muslim, seik, scientologist, adventist, prodestant, gosh I even know dogs, cats, fish and birds.

    There is nothing to “accept”, if you have to accept, then you aren’t accepting but tolerating.

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it?

    Would it also get rid of the girl bits inside me? Or is there a potion that will jut change the XY part into XX :)

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word)


    20. Do you wish that you had been born female?

    Well, I was, so it’s more a case of I wish I had been told I was born female. But I’d not change the best parts of my life, so I had to present as male to end up with my wifelette :)

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal?[/quote]

    What is a Human related goal?

  • Anonymous

    13/05/2008 at 8:10 am

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female?

    Legs and bum

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you?

    Body hair

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode?

    A little

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing?

    3 or 4

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    Getting my makeup right so that I have the confidence to get out in the street. I don’t mind being read but I want to at least look good.

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name?


    7. Can you play any musical instruments?

    Kazoo, comb and tissue paper and guitar (badly). But I sing like an angel.

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt?

    Tight jeans or hot pants maybe but my wardrobe is 90%dresses and skirts.

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent?

    Yes, Antarctica and the US.

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme?

    The Crying Game

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly?

    Maybe there’s a netballer somewhere, although she’d probably be taller.

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)?


    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode?

    Try out new combinations of clothes or practice my makeup.

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do?

    Being sprung by family or workmates and fear of my makeup looking dodgy.

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person?

    Both, prefer in person.

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney?

    Would love to but…

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community?


    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it?

    No &*%$#*&# way!

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word)

    Probably but I don’t think they’ve been here.

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female?

    I was, it’s just I got the wrong body. Well actually I’m not so sure I (we) didn’t get the best deal.

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal?

  • Anonymous

    13/05/2008 at 12:19 pm

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? BUST

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? HEIGHT and WEIGHT reduction [ working on the second one]

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? Yes but holding back on the full fem voice at the moment

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? about 11 yrs old

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? yes x 2

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? YES all very bad, errr NO

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Mostly jeans, longs, shorts and sometimes above the knee skirts, no dresses

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? NO

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? TRANS AMERICA

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? NO

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? YES

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? All the usual things

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do?
    I am waiting for the growth hormone and estrogen to make me younger and more feminine [It is working well ] and longer natural hair and weight reduction. This takes time
    then YES when the previous is complete WATCH OUT WORLD

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? Mostly on line 80% 20% in person

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? NO

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? YES

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? EXTREMELY UNLIKELY, Girls have more fun

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word) NO, They would have walked the earth a billion years ago. No sign yet

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? YES

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal? 24/7


  • Anonymous

    13/05/2008 at 8:29 pm

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female?
    : – My Long Legs

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you?
    :- My Voice

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode?
    :- Yes

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing?
    :- 3yo

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question
    :- ????

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name?
    :- Yes for more than 6 years now

    7. Can you play any musical instruments?
    :- No

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt?
    :- Skirt and Top or Dress

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent?
    :- Yes NZ

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme?
    :- Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly?
    : – No

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)?
    :- Yes

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode?
    :- I go out and blend in when I am away, still work as a boy, just a strange boy lol

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do?
    :-losing my income where I am and restpect to not rub it into my familys face for now (Their frends etc)

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person?
    :- In person

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney?
    :- No (Dont live in Sydney)

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community?
    :- Yes

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it?
    :- mmm hard one … 10 years ago Yes … Now No way.

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word)
    :- There must be life out there, its too big for us to be alone.

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female?
    :- Yes

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal?
    :- to be a normal Girl with SRS

  • Anonymous

    14/05/2008 at 1:40 am

    1/ Face, fair skinned and height.
    2/ Voice and some male mannerisms.
    3/ Try to – but lack confidence/ability to carry it off continuously.
    4/ 6.
    5/ no idea……or maybe rhythmic
    6/ Yes – though it isn’t my main address.
    7/ no.
    8/ never wear pants or jeans en femme.
    9/ yes, UK and Ireland.
    10/ Breakfast on Pluto.
    11/ Yes my mother – though Meg Ryan keeps popping up on that celebrity look alikes thing – but I look nothing like her.
    12/ no.
    13/ N/A
    14/ N/A
    15/ both – love ebay’s prices and love the experience trying on in shops.
    16/ no.
    17/ not really. I’m pretty liberal but still find a lot of stuff weird and, as Dame Edna would say ‘just a little bit spooky’.
    18/ no. love being tg.
    19/ yes.
    20/ my current goal is to live a complete dual gender life

  • Melissa_Mills

    14/05/2008 at 5:01 am

    Some interesting answers that have been posted, seeing people’s different interests, preferences and ways of thinking and doing things.
    I just find it interesting to see how other people think and get a different perspective on things.
    Keep the answers coming

  • Anonymous

    14/05/2008 at 8:53 am

    Hi Girls,

    Here are my answers……

    1. What do you think is the part of your body which helps most in
    your presentation as female? – Legs!

    2. Conversely, what do you think is the main thing that works against you? -Hair!

    3. Do you alter your voice at all when out in girl mode? -Yes

    4. At what age did you start crossdressing? _ Hmmmm…8ish

    5. What is an 8 letter word that only contains one vowel? *Karen answered this correctly, see end of post for the new question – zzzzOzzz? 😳

    6. Do you have an email account under your girl name? -Yes

    7. Can you play any musical instruments? – Guitar..sort of!

    8. When out enfemme, are you just as likely to wear pants or do you
    make it a point of at least trying to wear a dress or skirt? Skirt or Dress..ALWAYS!

    9. Have you ever dressed enfemme in another country or continent? Yes – UK

    10. What is your favourite movie with a TG theme? The crying game

    11. Is there a woman (GG) who you feel that you resemble even slightly? – Not really…there are thousands I’d like to look like!

    12. Have you undergone laser hair removal (or electrolysis)? No..saving up though.

    13. If you dont go out, what do you do when dressed in girl mode? Listen to music and have others girls around for a glass of wine and chat.

    14. What is the biggest thing holding you back from venturing outside in
    girl mode? Is it something that you even want to do? I go out dressed -only at night at the moment

    15. Do you do your girl clothes shopping online or in person? Both

    16. Do you plan on attending the Seahorse ball in August in Sydney? I’d love to depending on time and money!

    17. Do you feel that you are more accepting of other people’s alternative
    lifestyles because of your experience being in the tg community? Yes!

    18. If there was a magic potion which you could consume that would
    completely stop all your cd/tg/ts thoughts and feelings and you would
    be a “normal” guy after that and never entertain the thought or desire
    to do anything TG related again for the rest of your life, would you
    drink it? Never

    19. Do aliens exist?(as in the UFO or ET sense of the word) Of course, most of them live in Tassie! 😈

    20. Do you wish that you had been born female? Yes and Yes

    * here is a new question to replace number 5 which will be 21 I guess

    21. What is a TG related goal? To be accepted and to live in peace without fear of discrimination


  • Alice

    14/05/2008 at 10:33 am

    1. Cleavage, because it draws attention away from my face. :)

    2. Height, face

    3. I try, but it doesn’t work if I don’t practice often enough.

    4. About 5, but didn’t do makeup until mid 20s.

    6. Several.

    7. Used to be able to but haven’t tried in years.

    8. I prefer to wear a skirt or dress but will wear pants when it’s the best way to fit in.

    9. No. Haven’t even been to another country or continent.

    10. Too Wong Foo.

    11. My sister.

    12. No.

    13. Try different combinations of clothing and shoes or experiment with makeup. While dressed, sometimes use the computer.

    14. Having to answer my work mobile during work hours and having customers show up at my home office without appointments during the day.

    15. In person, in either male or femme mode.

    16. No. I’ve been to one of those.

    17. Absolutely.

    18. Urk. No!!!

    19. Who cares? If they do exist, do they crossdress?

    20. No. I was female in my last life, and will be female again in another in the future. I’ll just make do this time around.

    21. To have the time and opportunity to be able to dress when I want to, and to be as passable as I possibly can when I do.


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