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  • Skin treatments

    Posted by Anonymous on 16/01/2007 at 10:31 pm

    hi all
    for those girls who are not transitioning but want to look better I can suggest the Elos laser for a non surgical face lift. Im going to have it done to look younger when not em femme and this will also improve my face when dressed.I ve priced the treatment at around $300 /session and 2-3 sessions will be needed.
    One thing Ive tried is using using breast enhancement cream – phyto estrogen on my face, where it softened my skin appreciably … Best not to over do it though as too much absorbed via th skin may produce man boobs – but then many girls woukld probbably like this…

    Anonymous replied 15 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Anonymous

    17/01/2007 at 5:04 am

    Hi Suzzanne,
    Thanks for your input

    I am looking at face lift systems myself a little more cost effective than thermage. Suzzanne, can you keep us updated with your Elos progress so a lot of us like myself will get hope. Pictures of part face can help. Also ask into skin exposure to the sun after laser and how it could affect daily life just to be cautious. When doing my hand they told me to keep it out of the sun as much as possible with sun screen and/or gloves during the 5 month treatment period, particularly when driving.

    As far a getting better skin in gereral I go to my favourite site , the worlds most advanced health area.

    We have skin moisturisers off the shelf, that’s ok but you also need to feed the skin internally and topically.
    I know estrogen does a good job in softening the skin but all processes in the body need nourishment to support it and what you want to do. Aware for years, I got very serious with lef 6 months ago and have been on estrogens longer than that. When nourishing the body the estrogen performance in skin and breasts has markedly increased.
    This is what I take as far as the skin nourishment component .[benifits other areas as well] CQ10 product 950, Super EPA DHA 902 [omega 3 fish oil], LEF mix 943 [there is nothing close on the market like it, tastes horrible, Vitamin C 084, Trace elements 717. Mega Green tea 953 and some Whey Powder Dosage taken based on 150Lb person, adjust as required to your normal weight. You must look into all other products you ingest so not to go over daily intakes where it matters.
    But there is also topical Body lotion 448 after shower, Ultra Rejuvenex 675 Face and I also use it for back of hands and knees after shower, Radiance 256 [has a pleasent odour] during the day
    This topical is really good stuff. In six to 8 weeks you can see a good difference. I is not a of the shelf overnite anti-wrinkle cream that creates moe wrinkles the next day
    I believe Elos is skin rejuvenation but not skin tightening from some inquiries I have made. Skin rejuvenation may help, but the place a Rode Rd put me straight with what they had and could do. I was very disappointed though.

    Hope this may be of help
    Jane Anderson

  • Anonymous

    25/01/2007 at 2:37 am

    Hi all !
    Just back onto the topic of Elos and “non surgical facelifts ” I spoke to a rep at one of the places that offers this.She told me that 3 treatmnets are advised , results show after the first treatment ( good results that is ) 3 treatments cost (bought all at once) $870 But the results last around 12 months only .Now doing some simple maths on this to me means that improvement will go for 18 months – 3 months of improvement followed by “bliss ” for 12 months and probably 3 months of decrease to “less than bliss ” Im considering the whole deal .It seems to me that progress is so swift in this field that a yera hence some thing better will have developed
    Im open to sensible suggetsion here — what do others think ?

  • Anonymous

    26/01/2007 at 4:29 am

    I really agree with what youi say – most of all how confusing the descriptions of the various treatmants are !
    Skin tightening is not skin rejuvenation I agee but both are touted as wrinkle reducers …
    a few months back peopel were all talking about laser resurfacing as tho it would get rid of wrinkles, acne scars and give a fresh lot of skin .Now I hardly hear that term – perhaps its called rejuvenation now !
    Luckly here in Balmain there is a reputable lot of female doctors who have cosmetic surgery as a sort of sideline to being GP s . So I think i will go see one of them to get an opinion on whats what …
    Ironically I feel that some of th procedures used in feminisation would make a male look more attractive as a male – like a nose job some lip plumping etc .Not all the procedures tho ! I wouldnt like to end up looking like michael Jackson if i was to stay as a male – which is what I will do
    Ah ! Perhaps its a case of little by little , an dwhat i mean is that perhaps
    some will decide to very gradually transition by doing one procedure after another on the face but will enjoy their male looks along th way

  • Sharon_3

    02/02/2007 at 12:47 am

    i have been using oil of olay for sometime now,although my wife
    doesn’t approve of my crossdressing she bought it for me after i
    tried her’s a few times.there has been some improvement in my
    skin.regards sharon2

  • Anonymous

    01/06/2007 at 7:56 pm

    In a previous post on “Healthy Skin at home”

    I have used the microdermabrasion on my face and back of hands with impressive success. I did the process between 7 to 10 days apart using microdermabrasion and nite cream from Products details in previous replies in this topic. After 3 months into the program I am happy to announce that my skin looseness [ particularly cheeks] on the face have reduced 75%. I am keeping it up for another 3 months at least.
    I am now revising my thoughts on IPL skin tightening and associated expense. A little methodical disipline will save a lot of money. It only thakes 5 minutes to do. I do it in the evening so the creams settle overnite with sun screen during the following 3 days at least. I have done this during the cooler months to avoid summer swetting.
    I will insist that you need creams that have nutrients like Vit C and green teas etc. if you dont go to
    I am 51 and this process was not on young heathtier skin for the record
    Jane Anderson

  • Anonymous

    29/12/2007 at 5:13 am

    For several months now I have been going to BEAUTY by NATURE in Alderley in Brisbane. Yes, they know about me.
    After initialisation I am now on a course. I have a scrub to remove dead skin and skin tightening serum applied in a certain way followed by a strong vitamin E once a day. This is followed up by fortnightly face masks, microderm abrasion and IPL to enhance collagen particularly in the cheeks
    At the time of the face masks I also get a CEYA treatment. In the past I said how microderm abrasion is successful and it is impressive but you need to be on it all the time like a ritual.

    CEYA massage or Tri-active Laser which will tone the skin, tighten facial muscles and inprove skin texture _ For all skins showing signs of aging

    The procedure has improved my skin and health substantially…..


  • Anonymous

    23/05/2009 at 3:46 am

    I have Cynergy on order, Read below

    A hyaluronic acid collagen cream may very well be the best anti-aging product you could possibly use to make your skin more youthful and smooth.  But getting one that’s effective is not as straight-forward as it may sound.

    In fact, a very large percentage of hyaluronic acid and collagen cream products available are useless because they are designed and developed very poorly.  Let me explain what I mean so you can avoid getting one that’s ineffective…
    First of all, do you know why hyaluronic acid and collagen protein are so important?  In comparison to a brick building, collagen proteins are like the bricks the make of the framework of the building.  They provide structure and firmness. 
    But without some type of filler (mortar), the framework has no chance of staying intact.  Hyaluronic acid is a substance that cushions collagen protein and fills in all the gaps between them.  It’s also the skin’s primary means of moisture retention, as it can hold up to 1,000 times it’s weight in water.
    Now back to knowing how to tell the different between a quality hyaluronic acid collagen cream and a poor one…
    If you find skin care products that actually contain these important skin elements as ingredients, then you can be pretty confident that they are not effective.  Why?  Because in molecular form, they are too large to penetrate through the skin.  In fact, they just sit on your skin until you wash them off.
    The only kind of hyaluronic acid collagen cream that actually works is one that contains ingredients that encourage collagen production and preserve the amount of hyaluronic acid that’s in your skin.

    Update : Please note from Georgette, that Cynergy TK also enhances ELASTIN as in elastic band. Collagen is repaired [ie the bricks], hyaluronic acid in enhanced [ ie the motar] and elastin is enhanced [ie the elasticity of the skin] You can increase collagen and hyaluronic acid, but it is the lack of elastin that make your skin hang in older age. Cynergy TK claims to improve elastin as well.

    You should look at 5 products listed below for best effects

    Coenzyme Q10
    Coenzyme Q10, is a naturally-occurring compound found within every cell in the body. This vitamin-like substance, is vitally important for cell functioning: it plays a major role in energy production and is a powerful antioxidant helping to neutralize harmful free radicals that cause aging.
    Factors, such as stress, medications, gradual aging can lower the levels of CoQ10 in the body.

    How does it work to combat aging?
    Everyday life, cell metabolism, exposure to sun and other environmental factors, toxins, cigarette smoke – all result in production of free radicals. So topically, CoQ10 is used as a potent free-radical scavenger in skincare preparations. As we age, levels of CoQ10 in the skin are below optimum, resulting in lesser ability to produce collagen, elastin and other important skin molecules. This potent anti-oxidant will provide extra protection for your skin and produce a dramatic anti-wrinkle effect. Research have been reported that long-term use of CoQ10 reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

    Cynergy TK
    Cynergy TK = Keratins
    What is keratin you ask??? Keratin is a protein that can help to stimulate the production of collagen in our skin; a substance that is lost as we age, and the loss of which contributes to sagging skin and wrinkles.
    So what makes Cynergy TK different to others Keratins??? Other keratins currently available have been denatured using harsh processes to make them soluble. These harsh processes effectively destroy the functionality of the proteins.

    Cynergy TK is derived using a special protein extraction technology, supported by a portfolio of patents, utilises innovative technologies to gently solubilise the original proteins. These technologies extract keratin fractions in a soluble and digestible form, leaving the natural amino acid structure intact and fully functional.

    Clinical research has shown a 14% improvement in moisture and a 42% increase in elasticity when Cynergy TK was applied for 18 consecutive days.

    As quoted
    “Tests show that Cynergy TK™ improves the brightness and radiance of the skin, giving the face a more even, creamy complexion. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, promoting proliferation of skin cells by up to 160 percent more than control products. It contains zinc and copper protein complexes that are useful for repair and maintenance, and improving the skin’s ongoing ability to repair.”

    Phytessence Wakame
    A powerful antioxidant derived from Japanese sea algae/weed.

    – Prized by the Japanese for its ability to keep the skin looking youthful
    – Rich in calcium and other important minerals, plus B-group vitamins
    – Antioxidant, moisturing and smoothing
    – Proven to increase skin elasticity
    – Helps to heal irritated and dry skin

    Wakame is rich in sodium, iron, potassium and calcium (15 times more calcium than milk). These minerals are essential to maintain the skin’s moisture balance, and keep it looking firm and healthy. Wakame is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 B12, which help to sooth inflammation of the skin.

    Phytessence Wakame also inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin. Hyaluronic acid, together with elastin and collagen, is essential to maintain the elasticity, smoothness and tone of the skin. Without hyaluronic acid, the elastin and collagen fibers lose their “glue”, which leads to a loss of youthful appearance and dark eye circles.

    If you wonder why most Japanese women have such fantastic skin. Smooth, youthful looking young skin, right into old age. This wonderful ingredient definitely helps.

    Vitamin E
    The next time you do your skin care shopping, have a look at the ingredients and you will notice many skin care products contain vitamin E. Well, Vitamin E is full of antioxidants and has long been considered to be one of the most effective agent to counter the skin’s free radicals and really packs a power anti-aging punch.

    The fatty cell membranes in the body are protected from the free radicals when vitamin E is taken in the proper dosage. When topically applied it helps to improve texture and suppleness of you skin and helps to moisturize dry skin conditions. It forms the basic substance in many beauty lotions and anti wrinkle creams.

    Positive skin effects includes
    Anti aging
    Strengthens skin’s protective barrier
    reduce scars
    improve bad skin conditions
    fight sun damage

    Green Tea & White Tea Extracts
    Green & white tea’s most active ingredients are flavanols, polyphenols and EGCG. EGCG is so potent, that it is said to have between 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and A.

    When topically applied, green tea and white tea may protect against sun damage and provide anti-aging benefits. The active ingredient in green tea (EGCG) can shield against carcinogenesis caused by exposure to UVB rays helping to prevent skin damage. In fact it is much more powerful than vitamin c and vitamin e put together.
