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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Going out in public So you’ve decided to go out….Part 1

  • So you’ve decided to go out….Part 1

    Posted by Emma_Thorne on 19/04/2017 at 5:40 am

    Following on from my post regarding getting yourselves out and about and away from the selfie stick, I think it is appropriate, for those who may be interested, to list off the kinds of people who may approach you, and approach you they will, out in the big wide world. They come in many shapes and forms and all or none may be some or no interest to you. No matter how hard you try to dissuade it (and you may not want to dissuade it), this will indeed happen. I wish I’d had this list handy when I was a mere slip of a girl then I may not have ended up uncomfortably in the back seat of so many automobiles:

    1. The Tranny-chaser: This person, generally male, is in prolific (some would say “plague”) numbers and often found in the trans-friendly hostelries in all capital cities. They identify themselves by circling their prey (yes, that is you) in an ever decreasing orbit whilst attempting to look cool and casual. They tend to try and make eye contact in an enigmatic way hoping that it is reciprocated wherein they swoop in for the kill like a wedge-tailed eagle grabbing a stray field mouse (yes, you are the mouse). If you do not respond with eye contact, or appear or pretend not to see them, they will suddenly appear next to you out of nowhere at the bar pressing their thigh against you as if this is in any way alluring.
    Beware the Tranny-chaser!….they have more notches on their ever widening belt than you have sets of unworn lingerie in your dresser and they know which buttons to push. See my comment regarding automobiles above.

    2. The Travelling Businessman: One of these peculiar, yet common, creatures said to me quite recently and unsolicited at a drinking establishment “Oh yes I’m straight at home but bi when I’m interstate for work” (!!!!??????). I immediately felt so sorry for poor Deirdre, or Jessica, or Moira, or whatever her name is sitting back in Victoria watching a Netflix re-run of Picnic At Hanging Rock whilst “Chad” or whatever kooky name he was using that night tried cracking on to me in a bar in Adelaide. Having said all that, The Travelling Businessman IS good for getting lots of free drinks out of provided you don’t lead him too far up the garden path. Having said all that I do, however, know of a number of girls who have had very successful part-time relationships with these guys over the years who never seem to be afraid to take you out to dinner and other fancy places when they are in town …or so I’ve..err…heard.

    3. The Nice Bloke: there are a lot more of these out there than you would think. They are happy to chat, don’t talk rubbish, don’t make a point of your lifestyle choices, and are like ships in the night. They stay for a bit and then they head off to new conversations. I like The Nice Bloke and you would be surprised how often you will bump into them around the traps.

    4. Genetic Girls: In a word, they LOVE us. They feel a real fraternity with the Trans community and will settle in for a good natter, often without being invited, or drag you out on the dance floor as soon as Nutbush City Limits pops onto the turntable. GG’s are good fun and you can have a great night with them and make some long lasting friendships. Always good value so if they come up to you dazzle them with that smile and get ready for action!

    5. The Couple: this package unit can be interesting depending on your inclination(s). Generally they are found grooving on the dance floor and the wife more often than not takes the lead. She will bump and grind with you to some beats whilst hubby nods and winks at you encouragingly. Having established some rapport, they will guide you seamlessly to their booth/table/nook and tell you how fabulous you look and how you “know all the right moves”. Hubby will toddle off to get you all some refreshments (bonus) whilst the wife gently, or pointedly, probes you to see whether or not something can happen or whether you actually think that her husband is far too repulsive in which case she might try and work out something herself regardless. It happens more often than you think.

    6. The Far-too-good-to-be-true Guy: this individual is a former Tranny-chaser who has honed and perfected his patter to avoid the monumental errors he has previously made and makes you think he understands you and when he speaks to you, you think you are the only girl in the world. He will flatter and pamper you which is not all that bad is it? Yes he seems wonderful but don’t forget he has a cunning plan with a happy ending…for him.

    7. The Complete Dickhead: With a face that would scatter a leper colony, this guy has tried to talk to every woman in the place that night and got nowhere with any of them. I mean, honestly girls, if he wouldn’t chat to you at 10pm why on earth would you chat with him at 3am? He uses terms such as “she-male” and tells you bizarrely strange stories of his holidays in Thailand. He wears a Roger David paisley shirt (circa 1979), scuffed shoes, trousers that are now a size or two too small, desperately needs a haircut and a complete grooming with particular attention to the grease stained chipped fingernails, and talks utter crap. Three weeks ago, one of these individuals ambled up to me and without any introduction or preamble asked me where I had got my operation done.

    So there is a sample of some of the types you are likely to encounter out in the real world but it is by no means a comprehensive list. My advice is to keep your mind open and your wits about you and you’ll be fine. The other girls will keep an eye on you, even if they don’t know you, and if they think you’ve got yourself hooked by a dill they will generally step in and spirit you away. At least that’s what we do here and I’ve seen it interstate as well and don’t believe things are any different wherever you are.

    For me, most (you will pay particular attention to the term “most”) of the above examples have no impact on me whatsoever anymore. I consider myself to be a Trans-bien (a term of my own concoction) and am generally attracted to other girls like us in a “romantic” sense but that hasn’t always been the case of course so I can speak with some sort of authority on this subject. The girls that I go out with regularly and I encounter all the above so I’m not talking anything here that isn’t contemporary.

    The other, and most important, thing to remember is that you will ALWAYS be welcomed by others like us wherever you go. We are all excited to meet a new sister and we’ve all been on that “first night out” train. Don’t be shy, come and say hello!

    Emma_Thorne replied 7 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Anonymous

    20/04/2017 at 12:50 pm

    What a great Post Emma, I found myself smiling and nodding as I read your descriptions of each of the people types that we meet. I agree we girls tend to stick together when their is some silly bugger that is NQR and I have seen it myself when I was saved from a tranny chaser that was morphing into a dickhead.
    I also think we could add the chaperone. This one is similiar to the nice guy and is usually seen with a girl who is going along to a night out for the first time. The Chaperone generally has no real attraction to us as girls but is happy to chat because otherwise he is standing around feeling uncomfortable. The chaperone is a nice guy but one that you will probably never see again unless you do some really good work in talking to him so that he can see just what a lovely woman you are

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    20/04/2017 at 1:08 pm

    Outstanding read. Now if only I could gather up the courage….

  • Emma_Thorne

    20/04/2017 at 11:36 pm

    Part 2 is coming Jordan…maybe that will help you gather the resolve to head out x

  • Veronica

    21/04/2017 at 2:35 am

    Hi All,

    First of all, thanks to Emma for posting this topic. It’s something we should all be thankful for. Second, there’s category of male that I have run into a couple of times, and can be real nuisance. It’s hard to find a suitable label, so I’ll describe the behaviour. They are young guys, very needy, who swear undying love after one meeting or interaction, and are completely unable to satisfactorily explain their attraction to older gurls such as myself. The first time it happened I was flattered but cautious, and justifiably so; no physical danger, just remorseless neediness and faux regard. Anyone else had similar experiences?


  • Emma_Thorne

    21/04/2017 at 3:26 am

    Oh Veronica how awful for you :( I do love the term “interaction” though – I might appropriate that if you don’t mind x
    I generally avoid men who were not born prior to Neil Armstrong walking on the moon or who cannot name at least one Col Joye or Billy Thorpe song or, even worse, look at you blankly or as if you have some severe mental retardation at the very mention of their names.

  • Veronica

    21/04/2017 at 6:05 am

    Thanks for the commiserations Emma ;) You are welcome to appropriate ‘interactions’ (it covers a multitude of sins without being explicit about any of the possibilities). On the other hand I would like to appropriate your criteria; Col Joye and Billy Thorpe will indeed sort the veal from the adults.


  • Emma_Thorne

    21/04/2017 at 6:28 am

    Ha ha ha…I am known to enjoy a multitude of sins too sis xx

  • Anonymous

    22/04/2017 at 2:10 pm

    I think we have found our name for these guys Vealers

  • Veronica

    23/04/2017 at 12:52 am

    Thanks Glenda – it certainly makes sense. Especially in so far as ‘vealers’ are immature and dependent.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    25/04/2017 at 2:40 am

    ‘Vealers’ and people too young to know of Neil Armstrong, the moon landing and Col Joye. ‘Interactions’, A fascinating thread indeed. By virtue of my sons I associate with many young people and it can be frustrating when mentioning something immense that happened back in the dark ages and they look blank.

    A group I belong to mentioned referred to a band called the Tornadoes and their one hit wonder, Telstar. Nobody was aware that Telstar was the first publicly available communication satellite. Public as in large companies like news corporation. Satellites were already in use, Sputnik? Anyone? Probably others we knew nothing about.
    The internet was just a fantasy and a computer was the size of a room yet had a relatively small capacity.
    The imagination goes into overdrive If we consider the ‘what-if’s’. If only we had such devices and the net when we were younger, how much it would have changed our lives? Having contact with others like ourselves who relished the feminine existence, some one to share our feelings and needs with on such a scale. What would we have done?
    Moderator: Can we please stick with Emma’s excellent topic and not wander off into a somewhat unrelated speculation. By all means start a new thread to discuss what if the internet was oval….

  • Veronica

    25/04/2017 at 2:47 am

    That’s a really challenging speculation Claire. I’ve had the same thought a few times; “what if the internet had been round ………”. I rationalise my way out of that iftory vortex by thinking; ‘well, what would I have given up at the time in order to have the time to follow my cross dressing dreams to the extent that I now do, at a much older age?’


    Moderator: Can we please stick with Emma’s excellent topic and not wander off into a somewhat unrelated speculation. By all means start a new thread to discuss what if the internet was oval….