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  • soft tearing nails

    Posted by Anonymous on 10/11/2005 at 3:11 pm

    I need help with finger nails. They are so soft they just tear and I can not grow them at all.

    I think it might be a diet problem but I do have a healthy diet and life style.
    Plenty of fruit and vegi with a good omega 3 intake.

    Any ideas


    Anonymous replied 16 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/11/2005 at 9:44 am

    Hi Vicki,

    I use a product called Revitanail, and I have seen a difference in the robustness of my nails.

    It dries clear, with a sheen, but it cannot be used as a base coat. The instructions are apply 1 coat each day for 5 days, remove and start again. Repeat for a month

    Good results for me so far, and I actually got a great positive comment from one of my female co-workers today about them.



  • Anonymous

    22/11/2005 at 9:36 am

    Hi Vicki I agree with Robyn I am using revita nail and it is doing wonders.
    Jessica Deanne

  • Anonymous

    11/03/2006 at 9:54 am

    I have been using Solar Oil on my nails and cuticles now for about two years. I swear by it. Unfortunately I am unsure as to wether it is available at Priceline or at pharmacies, as I purchased my bottle from a Beauty Salon in Newcastle. Another option is for hands and cuticles, Cutex 8 Hour Rescue Hand and Cuticle Emergency Treatment. It costs around $5.00 or so for a 75ml tube from Priceline. It helps to keep moisture in the hands and cuticles, which in turn helps your nails.

    Big Hugs

    “Self acceptance is not the absence of fear… but the conquest of it!”

  • Anonymous

    25/09/2006 at 7:13 am

    Hi to all,I used to have a lot of trouble with my nails also,until another trannyradio member and close freind of mine(raelene)recomended aproduct called sally hansons hard as nails nail hardener which I have been using for about 6 weeks now,and for the first time since I’ve been trying to grow my nails I no longer have the trouble with them that I used to,and they are finally starting to reach a decent length without splitting or chipping like they use to.for best results you apply a coat each day,over the previous days coat,then at the end of the week remove them,and then repeat the proccess,and over a period of time you will find a big improvement in the overall strength and durability of your nails,but please allow at least a month for it to begin to take effect,(it wont happen overnight,but it will happen!)It is available at big W,and most other places that stock quality beauty products,cost is around 8-9$a bottle which lasts for 2-3 months,hope this helps,Cate :P

  • Anonymous

    25/10/2006 at 10:32 pm

    This might sound silly, but whenever I go through a phase of drinking extra milk say with cereal etc, my nails seem to grow stronger and faster. I tend to keep the left ones shorter cos I play guitar and seem to be always cutting them with the extra intake.

  • Anonymous

    28/10/2006 at 1:55 pm

    My ex- wife had real problems with soft nails always breaking and tried drinking a glass of orange juice with one spoon of gelatine powder in it, each day . Down quick, little taste but big results. In a couple of weeks her nails were long and strong. Maybe worth a try?

  • Anonymous

    10/03/2007 at 12:57 pm

    Dear ladies,

    You are not alone…In recent months my nails have become softer than they have ever been. So I try to correct the problem.

    I tried Sally Hanson’s (whose products I thing are usually great): ‘Hard as Nails’, her ‘Triple Strong’. I tried Manicare’s ‘Calcium Nail Builder.’
    I have had success but nothing to shout about.
    So now I am trying Sally Hanson’s ‘Miracle Cure’ (for severe problem nails). I believe it has some vitamins mixed in and so far I have found it the best.

    But, l should add, I also went toa naturopath in a chemist shop and showed her my dodgy nails and she teated me for zinc deficiency. It is a drink you take and tell what taste you have.

    Mine was the bottom of the scale so she suggeswted I take ‘Zinc Maintain’ tablets as well as ‘Caltrate’ calcium and vitamin D supplement.

    Hopefully some of the above might be of use.

    LOL Amberr XXX

  • Anonymous

    08/03/2008 at 3:52 am

    Hi Girls
    Unfortunately my nails grow with ridges and splits from out of the nail bed they are very soft and were always splitting at embarasing moments
    I tried Sally Hanson too but it didn`t seem to do much for me so now I visit a “speedy nail” place in Karingal hub next to woolies and they do gels for me. I keep them short so I have no problems with damaging the ends. I you are not out there yet you could keep them a little shorter and square cut, this resolved all my problems except I have to have them filled every 3 weeks, AH WELL its hard being a girl as we all know we are —High Maintenance—