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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Inter-gender Issues Some Boys Like Dolls: Deconstructing the TransGender Binary

  • Some Boys Like Dolls: Deconstructing the TransGender Binary

    Posted by Adrian on 10/05/2013 at 12:49 am

    Another interesting article exploring the non-binary gender space.

    Two quotes:

    Now, as transgender identities become more visible, select parents respond to their sons playing with dolls in a different way, assuming that their child’s interest in traditionally feminine toys makes them transgender or qualifies them as a girl trapped in a boy’s body. So-called progressive individuals are jumping on the “transgender bandwagon,” without realizing that their tolerance (and even support) of what they perceive as “transgender” might actually be a destructive reinforcement of an arbitrary gender binary.
    Transgender identities have become more visible but are often accepted only when they comply with cookie-cutter definitions of “male” and “female.” We assume that female-bodied people who want to be male must reject all of their femininity in order to become “authentic men,” and that male-bodied people who want to be female must reject all of their masculinity to become “authentic women.” As pseudo-progressive influence permeates our culture, we project restrictive definitions of transgender onto our children, desperate to make gender-bending children fit inside a neatly constructed box.
    Anonymous replied 11 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Anonymous

    11/05/2013 at 7:12 am

    This was a good article and well worth the read. I scrolled down to the comments made by others and found a link to an article called Genderbread which was very interesting also so I linked both to my FB account.
    Thanks for posting.