Some of my observations regarding being Transgender.
I have talked about and read about being Trans for many years and though all of what I have observed has been stated before I thought that it may be of some use to those who are only recently embarked on their ownTransgender journey, to put down my thoughts in one place.
So here goes, but before I do I want to make it very clear that these are only my own opinions. Clear?Firstly, your Transgender feelings will not go away. While you may deny them, purge as many times as you want, hate what you are , marry to ” cure” yourself, feel all the guilt and shame that you can muster, it will not go away.
The only long term conclusion is to try and come to terms with yourself and embrace your inner needs.Secondly, there is nothing intrinsically wrong in what you are feeling! Human behaviour is notable for it’s diversity. If humans can do something , they will. We are part of that diversity, a genuine variety of human expression. Any standards of Masculinity and Femininity are merely Social Constructs. Everyone has the right to express their SELVES , as they see fit.
Other people will not always accept you as you would wish!Try as you might to convince others that you are ” genuine”, it will not always work out how you wish. I understand that the young mostly need to be accepted into a peer group. This will change as you get older. While I cannot say I don’t care what other people think of me, I no longer do so to the extent that it will stop me from doing what I want with my life. One exception is my child and her family though, luckily they let me express myself without their censure.
Most people do not give a Damn what you do We can spend a lot of energy worrying what others are thinking about us but can never really KNOW what that is unless they tell us. If in doubt then ask them. They will usually be more accepting about it than you think or be genuinely disinterested. They have their own lives to lead and are usually too busy to be worried about others. If you are accepting of yourself then what they think will matter less to you. ( refer to number one.)
Standards of “male and female” behaviour are bunkum! Every Society has it’s own standards of male and female behaviour. We are lucky to live in one that allows for a wide range of self expression. It all depends on your courage to do what you want. there may be, however , a price to pay! I have lost one or two narrow minded friends as well as a couple of sexual partners who could not accept living with me if I wanted to be myself. I could, however, have lost them for any number of less profound reasons ( eg I fart in bed!) I feel that this is what I must pay for the precious gift of Freedom to be ME!
I have vowed to myself that I will never again ask anyone for permission to be MYSELF! I have also changed how I measure ACCEPTANCE. I used to think that I needed people to LIKE what I did, to see me as I saw myself. They won’t!! Acceptance for me now is that they accept that I am the way I am they don’t have to like me!You do have a CHOICE in all this. While I fully accept that we may not have a choice in how we FEEL, we certainly have a choice in what we do about it. The fact that many TG folk can hide that fact for all their lives is proof of this choice. It all depends on how strong you need to express it. Most of us have been in the closet and we know how lonely and frightening it is to live this way. The fear of discovery, of losing our loved ones,our jobs, social position and friends is real. If you are able to live this way and CHOOSE to do that, then good on you. You are stronger than I am. I could not take the strain and so chose to be more open about myself. It is hard for anyone to do this, not just TG folk. History is full of suitable role-models of those who have chosen the open route in life. Find one and be inspired if you want to proceed this way.
Lastly , you may end up alone in order to be FREE. I suggest that you work at being self sufficient and less needy of others in order to feel happy. This will have a twofold affect. One is that you will be more independent and cope better with negative opinions from others but will also make you a better match for another ( potential) partner. You will be less inclined to depend on others and be more able to support others less strong than you. Leaning on others is not a successful ploy at any time, eventually they will ” move” and you will have to fall!I accept that this may be seen as very preachy and I am not putting myself up as any paragon of trans existence. I do however tend to see the same issues being confronted by others on the same journey as those of us older travelers. I just thought it may be of some assistance to those just now beginning their Trans journeys.