Some online help in using oestrogen gels
There are many different ways to take transgender HRT and many different combinations and dosages. This means that there are many options available, and few comparative medical studies available to make informed choices.
Some studies on menopausal genentic women suggest a lower risk with non-oral therapy (patches, implants or gels). Although gel sometimes has advantages over patches and implants, in practice, many people have difficulty using it . I found anl article on-line written to explain the use of gel (by menopausal women) which has a lot of helpful information if you head down this path.
In summary the article suggests:
[li]We need to follow the application directions in the package insert for our own brand of gel scrupulously;[/li]
[li]We should avoid anything that will wash the gel off within the first few hours after application;[/li]
[li]We may need to be consistent about things that will heavily wet or wash the gel away as much as six hours later;[/li]
[li]Gels may not be suitable for very hot climates/heat exposure;[/li]
[li]Gels and sunscreen or skin moisturizers don’t mix;[/li]
[li]We need to read the instructions for and take precautions to avoid transferring the hormones in our gels to family members and pets;[/li]
[li]We need to think about the implications of washing off so much estrogen into the environment; and[/li]
[li]Our doctors may not have nearly this detailed a background into the complexities of using this kind of hrt.[/li][/ul]